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Origin and Possible Meaning of the CLAGUE Surname

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In This Format We Speculate on the CLAGUE Name...Please Add Yours !

Many are the suppositions on the origin of the CLAGUE surname. It is known that originally CLAGUE was either Mac or Mc something. In the 1400s a law was passed which made useage of all Celtic surnames illegal.

CLAGUE is the anglicized version of that name. One such speculation includes MacClewage. Another comes from Personal names of the Isle of Man.

The surname CLAGUE is shown from 1511. in Gaelic it is Mac Lauthog, literally Son of Lauthog , which could be read as Son of swift.

Other possible meanings for the name CLAGUE have been attributed as meaning Healer, because of the connection to the word leach. This comes from the name Mac Leoch, another speculation. We know that in those times of course, in addition to herbs, leaches were used by doctors. Hence we can conclude that they were probably Medical Doctors. Some speculate about the ancient Celtic ways and how the role of the healer there, plays into the heritage as well. It all remains speculation at this point. What is your view?

Known occupations include many educators, doctors, musicians and an interest in languages. One of the most significant persons in our recent heritage includes Dr John CLAGUE, to whom a plaque is located in Arbory Parish. There it is written that John was not only a practicing medical doctor, but a fine violinist as well.

Legend has it that because many of the elders on the western side of the Island spoke only Manx Gaelic when he began his practice as a young man. Dr CLAGUE still used Manx in his practice. As he and others saw Manx Gaelic dying, he hastened to document as much of the language before it died with the last native speaker. Among his collections were songs, proverbs, and sayings we are told. Hopefully those with more clarity will tell us more?

Please tell us more about either this individual or other CLAGUE origin possibilities upon which you have stumbled.

Other speculations abound. And as they are sent our way we will add them to this collection. When possible please cite specific books, give titles and/or authors.

Gura Mie Eu [gurr-a-MY-yow]

      Manx Gaelic

        Thank You !

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