MAC users please do not use Stuff It on your Gedcom. It seems the average PC User will be clueless as to how to unstuff! Sorry....
For more Manx Gedcoms visit The Isle of Man Website with many online for you to download or simply peruse. You will find that CLAGUE is such a common surname on the island that it is worth the look!
If you feel you do not know how to construct Gedcoms please leave an inquiry on the webpage designed for that purpose. Many different genealogical softwares will give you that ability. Check out their webpages to see which one suits you.
Can't wait you see your records. Who knows? We may be related !! Be certain to add your suggestions to our IDEAS page. Also see the references to the Manx Genealogy Email List. Your questions can be shared there as well.
Send any and all inquiries to
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