Welcome to the 
HORSEHEADS HIGH SCHOOL Class of 1961 Web Page!

Horseheads logo from the 1961 yearbook


Our 50th anniversary is now less than 5 years off, and we're planning for the weekend of July 15-17, 2011 in Horseheads. We're already thinking about that weekend, and we'd love to hear your ideas. At the 45th, we asked for, and received many suggestions about what you'd want for that BIG celebration. Send us a note at rlshafer at concentric dot net and tell us your views.





Here's the list of our names as we graduated. We've taken the list from the senior pictures in the yearbook and the graduation program, so we think it is complete. When we have any information, we've linked it to the person's last name. We've included a few of our classmates who didn't actually graduate with us.

We have not found all of our classmates. You can help. Here's the list of our classmates about whom we know nothing yet. We'd be pleased to learn anything about them.

Our 45th reunion happened on July 21 to 23, 2006 in Horseheads.

  • Friday evening, we gathered at 7:00 pm at the Hickory House (anyone remember our Senior Banquet there?!!) for an informal evening of conversation and reacquainting. The cash bar was open, and hors d’oeuvres were provided. . “utch treat.”
  • For Saturday evening, we met at The Hill Top Inn off Route 17/I-86 in Elmira for cocktails (cash bar at 6:00 pm) and dinner (7:00 pm). The cost of Saturday evening’s dinner was $35.00 per person, $70.00 per couple.
  • Sunday morning, at the Hickory House, we had a Memorial Service at 9:00 am (coffee provided) to remember our classmates, which was followed by a breakfast buffet. The breakfast cost $10.00 per person, $20.00 per couple.
  • See some pictures!

We posted your pictures of our 40th Class Reunion (weekend of July 21, 2001) in Horseheads.

  • Included are a couple of pictures of the 75 or so classmates who attended the Saturday night function.  Because they're fairly large files, they'll take a little time to download, depending on your modem or DSL speed.  Take a look at the group from the left end first, and then more toward the right.  Many of us are in both photos.
  • Take a look at Ron Mills' gallery of reunion pictures! 
  • Thanks to all those who helped make this event a most wonderful reunion!!  Read Ric's report to his Mother about the 40th class reunion events.  Share your own - we'll post it here.

Remember the dedication in the 1961 EQUESTRIAN?

Questions?  Comments?  Information?  Tell us!  rlshafer at concentric dot net

WAY in advance: Hold the weekend of July 15-17, 2011 for our 50th class reunion!

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This page updated November 2, 2007
Copyright Richard L. Shafer 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006. All Rights Reserved