
To the Internet home of the

Hagerstown Chapter of The Embroiderers' Guild of America, Inc.

General Information

The Hagerstown Chapter of the EGA meets at the Hagerstown Seventh-Day Adventist Church (11507 Robinwood Drive, on the outskirts of Hagerstown, Maryland), opposite the wooded section of the Hagerstown Community College campus (directions). We meet the last Tuesday of each month (September through November, and January through April), have a special holiday gathering in December, our annual banquet in May or early June, and a day-long, mid-summer meeting in July. Our evening meetings begin at 7:00 p.m., local time.

Each month at our meetings, we present a special project or program. These are interesting and educational - a good way to try out a new or different stitching technique. It's up to each individual if she or he wants to participate; many members bring their own "works-in-progress" instead of doing the special project. There's also a show-and-tell at the beginning of each meeting.

Guests are invited to attend up to three meetings before they are asked to join. Our annual dues are $48, which includes subscription to the National publication, Needlearts magazine, along with all chapter, regional and national organizational priviledges. Upon joining, each member is given an information packet and asked to make a name tag for themselves.



From Pennsylvania and points north of Hagerstown, take I-81south to the I-70 exit east for Frederick, Md. Take Exit 32 (the exit for Route 40 W) going toward Hagerstown.

**Go to the first stoplight and turn right onto Edgewood Drive. Go about two miles to the third stoplight. Go through the light and turn right onto the first road (Kings Crest Drive). Take the first left onto Selema Drive and the first left, again, into the lower parking lot of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. The fellowship hall is just off this lower parking lot.

From West Virginia and points south of Hagerstown, take I-81north to the I-70 exit east for Frederick, Md. Take Exit 32 (the exit for Route 40 W) going toward Hagerstown. Follow the directions from the ** above.

From Hancock, MD and points west of Hagerstown, take I-70 east toward Hagerstown, MD. Take Exit 32 (the exit for Route 40 W) going toward Hagerstown. Follow the directions from the ** above.

From Frederick and points east of Hagerstown, take I-70 west toward Hagerstown, MD. Take Exit 32 (exit for Route 40 W) going toward Hagerstown. Follow the directions from the ** above.


To received a sample newsletter or for additional information or questions about our chapter, email our Publicity Chairman.
To learn more about The Embroiderers' Guild of America, Inc., visit EGA on the web.
Information about the Mid-Atlantic Region (and other chapters in our region) is available on their website

EGA's Logo is a registered trademark.
It may only be used by EGA at a national level or when accompanied by an EGA chapter logo.
Its use by others is strictly forbidden.

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May your needles never rust and your threads never tangle.

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