St. Therese... The Little Flower

("Saint Theresa")

Therese of the Child Jesus - Feastday: October 1st


Miraculous Invocation to Saint Thérèse
    O glorious Saint Thérèse, whom Almighty God
    has raised up to aid and counsel mankind, I
    implore your Miraculous Intercession. So
    powerful are you in obtaining every need of
    body and soul our Holy Mother Church
    proclaims you a "Prodigy of Miracles ... the
    Greatest Saint of Modern Times." Now I
    fervently beseech you to answer my petition
    (mention here) and to carry out your promises
    of spending Heaven doing good upon earth ...
    of letting fall from Heaven a Shower of Roses. Henceforth, dear Little Flower, I will fulfil
    your plea "to be made known everywhere"
    and I will never cease to lead others to Jesus
    through you. Amen.
    St. Therese had a great devotion to the Mother of God,
    and our mother, heaven's Queen. The great love that
    Therese had for Mary is seen in a poem she wrote
    shortly before her death.
    O thou who cam'st to smile on me At the dawn of life's beginning, Come once again to smile on me...
    Mother! The night is nigh. I fear no more thy majesty,
    So far removed above me, For I have suffered sore with
    thee; Now hear me, Mother mild! O let me tell thee,
    face to face, Dear Mary, how I love thee; And say to
    thee forevermore: I am thy little child.

Origin of the Novena
    Father Putigan, a Jesuit, began the Novena to Saint Therese
    of the Child Jesus on December 3, 1925, asking the glorious
    Saint for one great favor. For nine days he recited the "Glory
    be to the Father" twenty-four times thanking the Holy Trinity
    for the favors and Graces showered on Saint Therese during
    the twenty-four years of her life on earth. The priest asked
    Saint Therese, that as a sign that his novena was heard he
    would receive from someone a freshly plucked rose. On the
    third day of the novena, an unknown person sought out Father
    Putigan and presented him with a beautiful rose.
    Father Putigan began the second novena on December 24 of
    the same year, and as a sign, asked for a white rose. On the
    fourth day of this novena one of the Sister-nurses brought him
    a white rose saying: "Saint Therese sent you this." Amazed,
    the priest asked "Where did you get this?" "I was in the
    chapel," said the Sister, "and as I was leaving I passed the
    altar above which hangs the beautiful picture of Saint
    Therese. This rose fell at my feet. I wanted to put it back
    into the bouquet, but a thought came to me that I should
    bring it to you."
    Father Putigan received the favors he had petitioned of the
    Little Flower of Jesus, and promised to spread the novena to
    increase devotion to, and bring her more honor. In this fashion,
    from the ninth to the seventeenth of each month, those who
    want to participate in the Twenty four "Glory, be to the Father's" novena, should add to those of their own, the intentions of all
    who are at that time making the novena, thus forming one great
    prayer in common.


    The First Novena
    The Twenty-four "Glory be to the Father's" novena can be said
    at any time. However, the ninth to the seventeenth of the month
    is particularly recommended for on those days the petitioner
    joins in prayer with all those making the novena. Between the
    Glory Be's, say: "Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for us"
    The Second Novena
    St. Therese, the Little Flower, please pick me a rose from the
    Heavenly garden and send it to me with a message of love.
    Ask God to grant me the favor I thee implore and tell Him I
    will love Him each day more and more.
    The above prayer, plus 5 Our Father's, 5 Hail Mary's, 5 Glory Be's,
    must be said on 5 successive days, before 11 a.m. On the 5th day, the
    5th set of prayers having been completed, offer one more set - 5 Our
    Father's 5 Hail Mary's, 5 Glory Be's. Try it - It always works!


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