John Kalb's Last Will and Testament....June 25, 1829

I John Kalb, of the County of Loudoun and State of Virginia do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following to wit:

I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Susannah two feather beds, bedsteads and bedding, one desk and bookcase, one table, one dozen chairs, and such kitchen furniture as she may desire.

I give and bequeath to the publishing fund of the Bible Tract and Sunday School Socieities of the Methodist Episcopal Church three shares of the Lewisburg Turnpide Road Company with the dividends (if any) shall be transferred by my executors to the Treasurer of said fun or to such other person as may be directed to receive the same by those having control of said fund.

The whole of the balance of my estate I direct to be divided into eight equal shares, one of which I give and bequeath to my son Absalom Kalb, one other I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Biggs, one other I give and bequeath to the children of my daughter Susannah Everheart after the decease of the said Susannah who is to receive the interest of said share during her life (deducting the interest hereinafter mentioned to be paid to my wife Susannah); one other share I give and bequeath to my daughter Anna Barbara Derry; one other share I give and bequeath to my to my son Elijah kalb; one other share I give and bequeath to my daughter Matilda Near; and one other share I give and bequeath to my daughter Amanda Kalb; each of which shares (with the exception of that devised to the children of my daughter Susannah Everheart) shall be paid to the respective legatees entitled to recieve the same as soon as a division of my estate can be made on the express condition however, that each legatee before receiving his or her share shall enter into bond with approved security, payable to my Executors, to pay to my wife Susannah an interest of three percent per annum (commencing at my decease) during the natural life of said Susannah on the whole amount of his or her legacy; and on the failure or neglect of any one of the legatees to give bond and security as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of my Executors to loan the same (taking ample security) and pay to my wife Susannah the three percent per annum thereon before mentioned, the balanace of the interest after deducting the said three percent to be paid by my executors to the Legatee entitled to recieve the same. And should the said Susannah Everheart give bond with such security as may be approved by my Executors for teh payment of the three percent per annum on the share devised to her children and to my wife Susannah during her life as well as security for the payment of the pronicipal sum to the children of the said Susannah Everhart on the decease of the said Susannah Everheart then and in that case my Executors are authorized upon the receipt of such bond to pay over to the said Susannah Everheart the whole amount of the share of my estate devised to her children.

And it shall be the duty of my Executors to collect from each of the Legatees before mentioned the said three percent per annum and to pay the same over annually to my wife Susannah and until a division of my estate shall be made my Executors shall pay to her three percent per annum on the net amount of my and the amount so paid shall be by them deducted from my estate previous to a division being made

And in the event of the death of any one of the Legatees before mentioned taking place before my decease, then that portion of my estate allotted to him or her shall descend to and be divided equally amongst the children of such Legatee.

I hearby give and bqueath to my Executors hereafter named the sum of one hundred dollars each in lieu of any commissions which might be allowed for settling my estate.

And lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my sons Absalom Kalb and Samuel Kalb executors of this my last wil and testament hereby revoking all others by me heretofore made.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 25th day of June one thousand eighthundred and twentynine.

John Kalb (SEAL)
Signed, sealed and acknowledged by the said John Kalb as his last will and testament in the presence of:
Noble L. Braden
Thomas Phillips
Benj. Grubb