The Kalb Family Genealogy
and other Ancestors of Linda Kalb Flesch
From Germany, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and on to Illinois
From 1693 to the present
The main genealogy starts with Martin Kalb, also known as George Martin Kalb who came to Philadelphia on the ship "Albany" Sept 4, 1728. Plus my other family surnames
Family Sheets for my Direct Kalb Ancestors:
Picture of Absalom and Susannah Kalb (taken in 1863), and More Ancestors pictures..
Picture of Albert C and Amanda Kalb (50th Anniversary 1927)
Kalb information and other surnames
Direct Ancestors
Martin's descendant tree
33 grandparent's photos(New!)
Martin Kalb Last Will & Testament 1770 PA
John Kalb Last Will & Testament 1829 VA
Kalb Church Records in PA
Kalb Census Records
Ship Albany Passenger List
The Kalb Twins(New!)
6 Sets of Twins KindergartenNew!/i>
Kalb Obituaries
Kalb Biographies
Surnames Only
Names/Dates for other ancestors
DG Kalb Biography (with photo!)
Ahnentafel Numbered Tree
Some of Linda's Paintings
Some more of Linda's Paintings
My favorite Genealogy Sites to Visit
USA GenWeb for states and counties
Internet Family Finder Index
Gen Forum for surname queries
Other Genealogy Links
Roots Surname List Name Finder
Rootsweb Surname Search
Mandy's Links to Good Searchable Genealogy Sites
Cindy has links to many Genealogy Sites on the Internet
Helm's Genealogy Toolbox
GenWeb Database Index
Internet Sources of German Genealogy
Genealogy Research in Illinois
Many Links to Genealogy sites through Family Tree
If you have any Kalb links or information, please write to me at