Welcome on this page!

What is it all about?

On the first of March a new project has been launched. This project is all about the creation of new web pages. Some of this new created web page will appear public and some of them will be secret.

Where are we looking for?

To get started we are looking for some people who can create web page by them self or can put their share in sending the materials needed.

What are the new pages about?

The new pages will be about:

- The Games Exchange Group

(Games will be exchanged by e-mail, this page will be secret and only available for the people who put efford in this page)
Classic games such as Railroad Tycoon, Sim City and Pirates will be available for download on a secret page for members only. You become member by sending two games that are not on the list that will be send to you. After you sent two games (and we find it worthy to put them on the page) you will recieve the adress for the downloading page.

The Project starts Monday 15 March

Send me a mail when you want to recieve the list. mrvodka@mailcity.com

- The Playmate Archive (The pictures of all playmate will be available here, will be secret as well only available for a select group)

- The Swimsuit Paradise (The best swimsuit pictures available, this will be a public page)

All pages will be available for the people who join The Page Building Project ofcourse.

When you are interested in joining this group send me a mail and I will tell you what the conditions are.

Mail to mrvodka@mailcity.com.
Tell me in which page you are interested to work on and tell me what you can do. For suggestions and new ideas for pages also use this e-mail.

Thanks for reading.

March 1998 The Future World Group