Publicaciones de Hilary Putnam


1.   Libros


(1)   Con Paul Benacerraf (eds.), Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Readings, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


(2)   Philosophy of Logic, New York: Harper and Row. Comp. en (3), 323-357.


(3)   Mathematics, Matter and Method. Philosophical Papers, Volume 1, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

(4)   Mind, Language and Reality. Philosophical Papers, Volume 2, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


(5)   Meaning and the Moral Sciences, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Traducción al castellano: El significado y las ciencias morales, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1991.


(6)   Reason, Truth and History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Traducción al castellano: Razón, verdad e historia, Madrid: Tecnos, 1988.


(7)   Realism and Reason. Philosophical Papers, Volume 3, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.

(8)   Con C. G. Hempel y W. K. Essler (eds.), Methodology, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. Essays in Honor of Wolfgang Stegmüller on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, Dordrecht: D. Reidel.


(9)   Con W. K. Essler y W. Stegmüller (eds.), Epistemology, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Essays in Honor of Carl G. Hempel on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday, Dordrecht: Reidel.


(10)   The Many Faces of Realism (The Paul Carus Lectures, Washington, 1985), La Salle, Ill.: Open Court. Traducción al castellano: Las mil caras del realismo, Barcelona: Paidós, 1994 (MCR).


(11)   Representation and Reality, Cambridge, Mass.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press. Traducción al castellano: Representación y realidad, Barcelona: Gedisa, 1990.


(12)   Realism with a Human Face (ed. por J. Conant), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

(13)   The Meaning of the Concept of Probability in Application to Finite Sequences, Tesis de doctorado, Universidad de California, Los Ángeles, 1951 (con "Introduction Some Years Later"), New York: Garland.


(14)   Renewing Philosophy (The Gifford Lectures, St. Andrews, 1990), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Traducción al castellano: Cómo renovar la filosofía, Madrid: Cátedra, 1994.

(15)   Il Pragmatismo: Una Questione Aperta, Roma-Bari: Gius. Laterza & Figli Spa. Traducción al inglés: Pragmatism. An Open Question, Oxford: Blackwell, 1995.


(16)   Con T. Cohen y P. Guyer (eds.), Pursuit of Reason: Essays in Honor of Stanley Cavell, Lubbock, Texas: Texas Tech University Press.


(17)   Words and Life (ed. por J. Conant), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Primera y tercera partes traducidas al castellano con el título La herencia del pragmatismo, Barcelona: Paidós, 1997 (HP).



2.   Artículos


1   "Synonymity and the Analysis of Belief Sentences", Analysis 14, 114-122. Traducción al castellano: "La sinonimia y el análisis de las oraciones de creencia", en Th. M. Simpson (ed.), Semántica filosófica: problemas y discusiones, Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI, 1973, 163-170 y 327-330.


2   "A Definition of Degree of Confirmation for Very Rich Languages", Philosophy of Science 23, 58-62.

3   "Mathematics and the Existence of Abstract Entities", Philosophical Studies 7, 81-88.

4   "Reds, Greens and Logical Analysis", Philosophical Review 65, 206-217.


5   "Arithmetic Models for Consistent Formulae of Quantification Theory", Journal of Symbolic Logic 22, 110ss.

6   "Decidability and Essential Undecidability", Journal of Symbolic Logic 22, 39-54.

7   "Psychological Concepts, Explication and Ordinary Language", Journal of Philosophy 54, 94-99.

8   "Red, Green all Over Again: A Rejoinder to Arthur Pap", Philosophical Review, 66, 100-103.

9   "Three-Valued Logic", Philosophical Studies 8, 73-80. Comp. en (3), 166-173.

10   Con M. Davis, "Reductions of Hilbert’s Tenth Problem", Journal of Symbolic Logic 23, 183-187.

11   Con P. Oppenheim, "Unity of Science as a Working Hypothesis", en H. Feigl, M. Scriven y G. Maxwell (eds.), Concepts, Memories and the Mind-Body Problem, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 2, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 3-36.

12   "Memo on ‘Conventionalism’", Minneapolis: Minnesota Center for the Philosophy of Science, University of Minnesota Press. Comp. en (3), 206-214.

13   "An Unsolvable Problem in Number Theory", Journal of Symbolic Logic 25, 220-232.

14   Con M. Davis, "A Computing Procedure for Quantification Theory", Journal of the Association for Computing Machines 7, 201-215.

15   Con R. Smullyan, "Exact Separation of Recursively Enumerable Sets Within Theories", Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 11, 575-577.


16   "Minds and Machines", en S. Hook (ed.), Dimensions of Mind, Albany, N. Y.: State University of New York Press. Comp. en (4), 362-385.


17   "Comments of the Paper of David Sharp, ‘The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox Re-Examined’", Philosophy of Science 28, 234-239.

18   "Some Issues in the Theory of Grammar", en The American Mathematical Society, Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics 12, 25-42. Comp. en (4), 85-106. Traducción al castellano: "Algunos problemas de la teoría de la gramática", en G. Harman, Sobre Noam Chomsky: ensayos críticos, Madrid: Alianza, 1981.

19   "Uniqueness Ordinals in Higher Constructive Number Classes", en Y. Bar-Hillel (ed.), Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics Dedicated to A. A. Fraenkel on his 70th Anniversary, Jerusalem: Magnes, 190-206.

20   Con M. Davis y J. Robertson, "The Decision Problem for Exponential Diophantine Equations", Annals of Mathematics 74, 425-436.


21   "Dreaming and ‘Depth Grammar’", en R. J. Butler (ed.), Analytical Philosophy. First Series, Oxford: Blackwell. Comp. en (4), 304-324.

22   "It Ain’t Necessarily So", Journal of Philosophy 59, 658-670. Comp. en (3), 237-249.

23   "The Analytic and the Synthetic", en H. Feigl y G. Maxwell (eds.), Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 3, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Comp. en (4), 33-69. Traducción al castellano: Lo analítico y lo sintético, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1983.

24   "What Theories Are Not", en E. Nagel, P. Suppes y A. Tarsky (eds.), Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Stanford: Stanford University Press. Comp. en (3), 215-227. Traducción al castellano: Lo que las teorías no son, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1986.


25   "A Note on Constructible Sets of Integers", Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 4, 270-273.

26   "An Examination of Grünbaum’s Philosophy of Space and Time", en B. Baumrin (ed.), Philosophy of Science: The Delaware Seminar 2, 1962-1963, New York: Interscience. Comp. en (3), 93-129, con el título "An Examination of Grümbaum’s Philosophy of Geometry".

27   "Brains and Behavior", in R. J. Butler (ed.), Analytical Philosophy. Second Series, Oxford: Blackwell. Comp. en (4), 325-341. Traducción al castellano: Cerebro y conducta, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1983.

28   "‘Degree of Confirmation’ and Inductive Logic", en P. A. Schilpp (ed.), The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap (The Library of Living Philosophers), La Salle, Ill.: Open Court. Comp. en (3), 270-292.

29   "Probability and Confirmation", en The Voice of America Forum Philosophy of Science 10, US Information Agency. Comp. en (3), 292-304.

30   Con M. Davis, "Diophantine Sets Over Polynomial Rings", Illinois Journal of Mathematics 7, 251-256.


31   "Discussion: Comments on Comments on Comments: a Reply to Margenau and Wigners", Philosophy of Science 31/1, 1-6. Comp. en (3), 159-165.

32   "On Families of Sets of Represented in Theories", Archiv für mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung 6, 66-77.

33   "On Hierarchies and Systems of Notations", Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 15, 44-50.

34   "Robots: Machines or Artificially Created Life?", Journal of Philosophy 61, 688-691. Comp. en (4), 386-407.

35   Con P. Benacerraf, "Introduction", en (1), 1-27.


36   "A Philosopher Looks at Quantum Mechanics", en R. Colodny (ed.), Beyond the Edge of Certainty: Essays in Contemporary Science and Philosophy, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1965. Comp. en (3), 130-158.

37   "Craig’s Theorem", Journal of Philosophy 62, 251-259. Comp. en (3), 228-236. Traducción al castellano: El teorema de Craig, Iztapalapa (México): Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Departamento de Filosofía.

38   "How Not to Talk about Meaning. Comments on J. J. C. Smart", en R. Cohen y M. Wartofski (eds.), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 2 (In Honor of Philipp Frank), New York: Humanities Press. Comp. en (4), 117-131.

39   "Philosophy of Physics", en F. Donnell (ed.), Aspects of Contemporary American Philosophy, Würzburg: Physica Verlag. Comp. en (3), 79-92.

40   "Trial and Error Predicates and the Solution to a Problem of Mostowski", Journal of Symbolic Logic 30, 49-57.

41   Con G. Hensel, "On the Notational Independence of Various Hierarchies of Degrees of Unsolvability", Journal of Symbolic Logic 30, 69-86.

42   Con D. Luckham, "On Minimal and Almost Minimal Systems on Notations", Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 119, 86-100.

43   Con M. Boykan Pour-El, "Recursively Enumerable Classes and their Application to Recursive Sequences of Formal Theories", Archiv für mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung 8, 104-121.

44   Con J. S. Ullian, "More About ‘About’", Journal of Philosophy 62, 305-310.


45   "Mathematics without Foundations", Journal of Philosophy 44, 5-22. Comp. en (3), 43-59.

46   "Psychological Predicates", en W. H. Captain y D. D. Merrill (eds.), Art, Mind and Religion. Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy, Pittsburg: University of Pittsburgh Press. Comp. en (4), 429-440, con el título "The Nature of Mental States". Traducción al castellano: La naturaleza de los estados mentales, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1981.

47   "The ‘Innateness Hypothesis’ and Explanatory Models in Linguistics", Synthese 17, 12-22. Comp. en (4), 107-116.

48   "The Mental Life of Some Machines", en H. Castañeda (ed.), Intentionality, Minds and Perception, Detroit, Mich.: Wayne State University Press. Traducción al castellano: La vida mental de algunas máquinas, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1981.

49   "The Thesis that Mathematics Is Logic", en R. Schoerman (ed.), Bertrand Russell. Philosopher of the Century, London: Allen & Unwin. Comp. en (3), 12-42. Traducción al castellano: "La tesis de que las matemáticas son lógica", en R. Schoerman (ed.), Homenaje a Bertrand Russell, Barcelona: Tau, 1968, 385-428.

50   "Time and Physical Geometry", Journal of Philosophy 64, 240-247. Comp. en (3), 198-205.

51   Con B. Dreben, "The Craig Interpolation Lemma", Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 8, 229-233.


52   "Is Logic Empirical?", en R. Cohen y M. Wartofsky (eds.), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 5, Dordrecht: Reidel. Comp. en (3), 174-197 con el título "The Logic of Quantum Mechanics".

53   Con G. Boolos, "Degree of Unsolvability of Constructible Sets of Integers", Journal of Symbolic Logic 33, 479-513.


54   "Logical Positivism and the Philosophy of Mind", en P. Achinstein y S. Barker (eds.), The Legacy of Logical Positivism, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. Comp. en (4), 441-451.

55   Con G. Hensel, "Normal Models and the Field Sigma-star", Fundamenta Mathematicae 64, 231-240.

56   Con G. Hensel y R. Boyd, "A Recursion-Theoretic Characterization of the Ramified Analytical Hierarchy", Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 141, 37-62.


57   "Is Semantics Possible?", Metaphilosophy 1, 187-201. También en H. E. Kiefer y M. K. Munitz (Eds), Languages, Belief and Metaphysics (Contemporary Philosophical Thought: The International Philosophy Year Conferences at Brockport 1), Albany, N. Y.: State University of New York Press. Comp. en (4), 139-152. Traducción al castellano: ¿Es posible la semántica?, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1983.

58   "Liberalism, Radicalism and Contemporary ‘Unrest’", Metaphilosophy 1, 71-74.

59   "On Properties", en N. Rescher et al. (eds.), Essays in Honor of Carl G. Hempel, Dordrecht: Reidel. Comp. en (3), 305-322. Traducción al castellano: De las propiedades, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1983.

60   Con H. B. Enderton, "A Note on the Hyperarithmetical Hierarchy", Journal of Symbolic Logic 35, 429ss.


61   Con S. Leeds, "An Intrinsic Characterization of the Hierarchy of Constructible Sets of Integers", en R. O. Grandy y C. E. M. Yates (Eds), Logic Colloquium ‘69, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 311-350.


62   "Explanation and Reference", en G. Pearce y P. Maynard (eds.), Conceptual Change, Dordrecht: Reidel. Comp. en (4), 166-214.

63   "Meaning and Reference", Journal of Philosophy 70, 699-711 (posteriormente, parte de "The Meaning of ‘Meaning’").

64   "Recursive Functions and Hierarchies", American Mathematical Monthly 80/6, 68-86.

65   "Reductionism and the Nature of Psychology", Cognition 2, 131-146. Comp. en (17), 428-440.

66   Con S. Leeds, "Solution to a Problem of Grandy’s", Fundamenta Mathematicae 81, 99-106.


67   "Comment on Wilfrid Sellars", Synthese 27, 445-455.

68   "Discussion", en F. Suppes (ed.), The Structure of Scientific Theories, Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press 434-458.

69   "How to Think Quantum-Mechanics Logically" Synthese 29, 55-61.

70   "Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Science", en R. S. Cohen (ed.), Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 32, 603-610.

71   "Reply to Lugg’s ‘Putnam on Reductionism’", Cognition 3, 295-298.

72   "Scientific Explanation", en F. Suppes (ed.), The Structure of Scientific Theories, Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 428-433.

73   "The ‘Corroboration’ of Theories", en A. Schilpp (ed.), The Philosophy of Karl Popper, 2, La Salle, Ill.: Open Court. Comp. en (3), 250-269.

74   "The Refutation of Conventionalism", Noûs 8, 25-40. Comp. en (4), 153-191.

75   Con J. Lukas, "Systems of Notations and the Ramified Analytical Hierarchy", Journal of Symbolic Logic 39, 243-253.


76   "Do True Assertions Correspond to Reality?", en (4), 70-84.

77   "Introduction: Science as Approximation to Truth", en (3), vii-xiv.

78   "Introduction: Philosophy of Language and the Rest of Philosophy", en (4), vii-xvii.

79   "Language and Philosophy", en (4), 1-32. Traducción al castellano: El lenguaje y la filosofía, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1984.

80   "Language and Reality", en (4), 272-290.

81   "Literature, Science and Reflection", en New Literary History 7 (1975-76). Comp. en (5), 83-94.

82   "Other Minds", en (4), 342-361. Traducción al castellano: Otras mentes, México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1984.

83   "Philosophy and Our Mental Life" (presentado en el Simposio Foerster sobre "Los computadores y la mente", en la Universidad de California, Berkeley, en octubre de 1973). Comp. en (4), 291-303.

84   "Reply to Gerald Massey", en (4), 192-195.

85   "Review of Alfred Ayer: The Concept of a Person", en (4), 132-138.

86   "The Meaning of ‘Meaning’", en K. Gunderson (ed.), Language, Mind and Knowledge. Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 7, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Comp. en (4), 215-271. Traducción al castellano: El significado de "significado", México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1984.

87   "Truth and Necessity in Mathematics", en (3), 1-11.

88   "What Is Mathematical Truth?", Historia Mathematica 2, 529-545. Comp. en (3), 60-78.

89   "What Is ‘Realism’?", en Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 76, 1975-76, 177-194. Ampliado en (5), 18-38.


90   "‘Two Dogmas’ Revisited", en G. Ryle (ed.), Contemporary Aspects of Philosophy, London: Oriel Press, 202-213. Comp. en (7), 87-97.


91   "A Note on ‘Progress’", Erkenntnis 11, 1-4.

92   "Realism and Reason", Proceedings of the American Philosophical Association 50, 483-498. Comp. en (5), 123-138.


93   "Meaning and Knowledge" (The John Locke Lectures, Oxford 1976), en (5), 7-80.

94   "Meaning, Reference and Stereotypes", en F. Guenthner y M. Guenthner-Reutter (eds.), Meaning and Translation. Philosophical and Linguistics Approaches, London: Duckworth.

95   "Reference and Understanding", en (5), 97-119.

96   "The Philosophy of Science. An Interview", en B. Magee (ed.), Men of Ideas. Some Creators of Contemporary Philosophy, London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 222-239.

97   "There Is at Least One ‘A Priori’ Truth", Erkenntnis 13, 153-170. Comp. en (7), 98-114.

98   Con M. Friedman, "Quantum Logic, Conditional probability and Interference", Dialectica 32, 305-315.


99   "Analycity and Apriority: Beyond Wittgenstein and Quine", en P. French (ed.), Midwest Studies in Philosophy 4, 423-411. Comp. en (7), 115-138.

100   "Comment on: ‘Empirical Realism and Other Minds’", Philosophical Investigations 2, 71ss.

101   "Philosophy of Mathematics: A Report", en P. D. Asquith and H. E. Kyburg (eds.), Current Research in Philosophy of Science, Ann Arbor, Mich.: Edwards, 368-398. Comp. en (17), 499-512, con el título "Philosophy of Mathematics: Why Nothing Works".

102   "Reflections on Goodman’s Ways of Worldmaking", Journal of Philosophy 76, 603-618. Comp. en (7), 155-169.

103   "Reply to Dummett’s Comments", en A. Margalit (ed.), Meaning and Use, Dordrecht: Reidel, 226-228.

104   "The Place of Facts in a World of Values", en D. Hoff y O. Prewett (eds.), The Nature of the Physical Universe: 1976 Nobel Conference, New York: John Wiley and Sons. Comp. en (12), 141-162


105   "Comments on Chomsky’s and Fodor’s Replies", en M. Piatelli-Palmarini (ed.), Language and Learning. The Debate Between Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky, London: Methuen, 335-340.

106   "What Is Innate and Why", en M. Piatelli-Palmarini (ed.), Language and Learning. The Debate Between Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky, London: Methuen, 387-409.

107   "Equivalenza", en Enciclopedia Einaudi, Vol. 5, Turin: Giulio Einaudi, 547-564. Comp. en (7), 26-45, con el título "Equivalence".

108   "How to Be an Internal Realist and a Trascendental Idealist (at the Same Time), en R. Haller y W. Grassl (Eds), Sprache, Logik und Philosophie. Akten des 4 Internationalen Wittgenstein-Symposiums 1979, Viena: Holder-Pichler-Tempski, 100-108.

109   "Models and Reality" (discurso presidencial leído en la reunión de invierno de la Asociación de Lógica Simbólica, Washington, 29 de diciembre de 1977), Journal of Symbolic Logic 45, 464-482. Comp. en (7), 1-25.

110   "Possibilità/Necessità", en Enciclopedia Einaudi, Vol. 10, Turin: Giulio Einaudi, 976-995. Comp. en (7), 46-68, con el título "Possibility and Necessity".

111   "Referenza/Verità", en Enciclopedia Einaudi, Vol. 11, Turin: Giulio Einaudi, 725-742. Comp. en (7), 69-86, con el título "Reference and Truth".

112   "‘Si Dieu est mort, alors tout est permis’... (réflexions sur la philosophie du langage)", en Critique 36, 791-801.


113   "Answer to a Question From Nancy Cartwright", Erkenntnis 16, 407-410.

114   "Convention: A Theme in Philosophy", New Literary History 13/1. Comp. en (7), 170-183.

115   "Philosophers and Human Understanding", en A. F. Heath (ed.), Scientific Explanation. Papers Based on Herbert Spencer Lectures Given in the University of Oxford, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Comp. en (7), 184-204.

116   "Quantum Mechanics an the Observer", Erkenntnis 16, 193-219. Comp. en (7), 248-270.

117   "The Impact of Science on Modern Conceptions of Rationality", Synthese 46, 359-382.


118   "Beyond the Fact/Value Dichotomy", Crítica 14 , 3-12. Comp. en (12), 135-141.

119   "Comment on J. A. Fodor’s ‘Cognitive Science and the Twin Earth Problem’", Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 23, 98-118.

120   "Peirce the Logician", Historia Mathematica 9, 290-301. Comp. en (12), 252-260.

121   "Reply to Two Realists", Journal of Philosophy 79 (A Symposium on Reason, Truth and History), 575-577.

122   "Semantical Rules and Misinterpretations: A Reply to R. M. Martin’s ‘A Memo on Method’", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42, 604-609.

123   "Three Kinds of Scientific Realism", Philosophical Quaterly 32, 195-200. Comp. en (17), 492-498.

124   "Why Reason Can’t Be Naturalized" (Segunda Howison Lecture dictada en la Universidad de California, Berkeley, el 30 de abril de 1981), Synthese 52, 3-24. Comp. en (7), 229-247.

125   "Why There Isn’t a Ready-Made World" (Primera Howinson Lecture dictada en la Universidad de California, Berkeley, el 27 de abril de 1981), Synthese 51, 141-168. Comp. en (7), 205-228.


126   "Introduction: An Overview of the Problem", en (7), vii-xvii.

127   "Beyond Historicism", en (7), 287-303.

128   "Computational Psychology and Interpretation Theory", en (7), 139-154.

129   "Explanation and Reduction", Iyyun 32, 123-137.

130   "Is There a Fact of the Matter about Fiction?", Poetics Today, 4, 77-81. Comp. en (12), 209-213.

131   "Nelson Goodman’s Fact Fiction and Forecast", en N. Goodman, Fact, Fiction and Forecast, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, vii-xvi. Comp en (12), 303-308.

132   "On Truth", en L. S. Cauman et al. (eds.), How Many Questions? Essays in Honor of Sidney Morgenbesser, Indianapolis: Hackett, 35-36. Comp. en (17), 315-329.

133   "Probability and the Mental", D. P. Chattopadhyaya (ed.), Human Meanings and Existence. Jadavpur Studies in Philosophy 5, New Delhi: Macmillan India, 1983. Comp. en (17), 376-388.

134   "Taking Rules Seriously", New Literary History 15, 77-81. Comp. en (12), 193-200.

135   "Vagueness and Alternative Logic" (Owen Lecture, Harvard University, 1980; título original: "Negation and the Origin of Logic"), en (7), 271-286.


136   "After Ayer, After Empiricism" (A Discussion of Ayer’s Philosophy in the Twentieth Century), en Partisan Review 5, 265-275. Comp. en (12), 43-53, con el título "After Empiricism".

137   "Is the Causal Structure of the Physical itself Something Physical?", en P. A. French, T. E. Uehling y H. K. Wettstein (eds.), Midwest Studies in Philosophy 9 (Causation and Causal Theories), 3-16. Comp. en (12), 80-95.

138   "Models and Modules", Cognition 17, 253-264. Comp. en (17), 403-415, con el título "Models and Modules: Fodor’s The Modularity of Mind".

139   "Necessità (A. Ayer)", en M. Piatelli-Palmarini (ed.), Livelli da realtà, Mailand: Fretinelli.

140   "Proof of Experience", Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 128, 31-54.

141   "The Craving for Objectivity", New Literary History 15 (1984), 229-240. Comp. en (12), 120-131.


142   "A Comparison of Something with Something Else", New Literary History 17 (1985-86), 61-79. Comp. en (17), 330-350.

143   "A Quick Read Is a Wrong Wright", Analysis 45, 203.

144   "After Empiricism", en J. Rajchman y C. West (eds.), Post-Analytic Philosophy, New York: Columbia University Press, 20-30. Comp. en (12), 42-53.

145   "Reflexive Reflections", en Erkenntnis 1, 2, 3, 143-154. Comp. en (17), 416-427.


146   "Discussion with Paul Churchland about Meaning", en Z. Pylyshyn y W. Demopoulos (eds.), Meaning and Cognitive Structure. Issues in the Computational Theory of Mind, Norwood, N. J.: Ablex.

147   "How Old Is the Mind?", en R. M. Caplan, Exploring the Concept of Mind, Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1986. Comp. en (17), 3-21. Traducción al castellano: "¿Qué edad tiene la mente?", en HP, 19-46.

148   "Information and the Mental", en E. Lepore y J. Leplin (eds.), Truth and Interpretation. Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson, Oxford: Blackwell.

149   "Meaning and Our Mental Life", en E. Ullman-Margalit (eds.), The Kaleidoscope of Science, Dordrecht: Reidel, 17-32.

150   "Meaning Holism", en L. Hahn y P. A. Schilpp (eds.), The Philosophy of W. V. O. Quine (Library of Living Philosophers), La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 405-431.

151   Con J. Riche, "Pourquoi les Philosophes?", en A. Jacob (ed.), L’Encyclopédie Philosophique Universelle, París: Presses Universitaires de France. Trad. al inglés en (12), 105-119, con el título "Why Is a Philosopher?".

152   "Rationality in Decision Theory and in Ethics", Crítica 18, 3-16. Traducción al castellano: "Racionalidad en la teoría de la decisión y en la ética", en L. Olivé (Comp.), Racionalidad: ensayos sobre la racionalidad en ética y política, ciencia y tecnología, México: Siglo XXI, 1988.

153   "The Diversity of Sciences: Global versus Local Methodological Approaches", en P. Petit, R. Sylvan y J. Norman (eds.), Metaphysics and Morality. Essays in Honor of J. C. C. Smart, Oxford: Blackwell, 137-153. Comp. en (17), 463-480, con el título "The Diversity of Sciences".

154   "The Realist Picture and the Idealist Picture", en V. Cauchy (ed.), Philosophie et Culture. Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie, 12 de agosto de 1983, Montréal: Edition Montmorency, Vol. 1, 205-211.


155   "Meaning Holism and Epistemic Holism", en K. Cramer, H. F. Fulda y R. P. Horstmann (eds.), Theorie der Subjektivität, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 251-277.

156   "Scientific Liberty and Scientific License", Grazer Philosophische Studien 13, 43-51. Comp. en (12), 201-208.

157   "Truth and Convention: On Davidson’s Refutation of Conceptual Relativism", Dialectica 41, 69-77. Comp. en (12), 96-104, con el título "Truth and Convention".


158   "After Metaphysics, What?", en D. Henrich y R. P. Horstmann (eds.), Metaphysik nach Kant? (Stuttgater Hegel-Kongress 1987, Veröffentlichungen der Internationalen Hegel Vereinigung, Vol. 17), Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 457-466.

159   "Foreword", en N. Daniels, Thomas Reid’s "Inquiry": The Geometry of Visibles and the Case for Realism, New York: Burt Franklin.

160   "La objetividad y la distinción ciencia/ética", Diánoia 34, 7-25. Traducido al inglés en (12), 163-178, con el título "Objectivity and the Science/Ethics Distinction".

161   "Much Ado about Not Very Much (Artificial Intelligence)", Daedalus 117, 269-282. Comp. en (17), 391-402.

162   "Misling", reseña de W. V. Quine, Quiddities y C. Hookway, Quine, en The London Review of Books 10/8, 11-13. Comp. en (12), 268-277, con el título "The Greatest Logical Positivist".


163   "An Interview with Professor Hilary Putnam", Cogito 3, 85-91.

164   "Model Theory and the ‘Factuality’ of Semantics", en A. George (ed.), Reflections on Chomsky, Oxford: Blackwell, 213-232.

165   Con R. A. Putnam, "William James’s Ideas", Raritan 8, 27-44. Comp. en (12), 217-231.

166   "A Defense of Internal Realism" (presentado en el simposio sobre Reason, Truth and History, en la reunión de la División Este de la Asociación Filosófica Americana de 1982), en (12), 30-42.

167   "A Reconsideration of Deweyan Democracy" (con "Afterword"), Southern California Law Review 63, 1671-1697.

168   "Afterthoughts on my Carus Lectures: Philosophy as Anthropology", Lyceum ½, 40-42.

169   "Preface: Introducing Cavell", en (16), vii-xii.

170   "How Not to Solve Ethical Problems" (Lindley Lecture, Kansas University, marzo de 1983), en (12), 179-192.

171   "Introduction some Years Later", en (13), i-xii.

172   "Is Water Necessarily H2O?", en (12), 54-79.

173   "James’s Theory of Perception", en (12), 54-79.

174   "Preface", en H. J. Busztajn et al., Medical Choices, Medical Chances, New York: Routledge, viii-xix.

175   "Realism with a Human Face" (Kant Lectures, Stanford University, otoño de 1987), en (12), 1-29.

176   "The Idea of Science", Midwest Studies in Philosophy 15 (The Philosophy of the Human Sciences), 57-64. Comp. en (17), 481-492.

177   "The Way the World Is" (presentado como charla introductoria en el simposio "The Way the World Is", Emerson Hall, 5 de septiembre de 1986, celebración del 350 aniversario de la Universidad de Harvard), en (12), 261-267.

178   Con R. A. Putnam, "Dewey’s Logic: Epistemology as Hypothesis", Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 26, 407-434. Comp. en (17), 198-220. Traducción al castellano: "La Lógica de Dewey: epistemología como hipótesis", en HP, 215-250.


179   "Does the Disquotational Theory Really Solve All Philosophical Problems?", Metaphilosophy 22, 1-13. Comp. en (17), 264-278, con el título "Does the Disquotational Theory of Truth Solve All Philosophical Problems?".

180   "Introduction", en H. Reichenbach, The Direction of Time, (ed. por M. Reichenbach), Lubbock, Texas: Texas Tech University Press.

181   "Logical Positivism and Intentionality", en A. Philipps Griffiths (ed.), A. J. Ayer Memorial Essays, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Suplemento de Philosophy 30), 105-116. Comp. en (17), 85-98.

182   "Philosophical Reminiscences with Reflections on Firth’s Work", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 51, 143-147.

183   "Riechenbach and the Limists of Vindication", en Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, August 7-14, 1991, Amsterdam: Elsevier. Comp. en (17), 131-148.

184   "Replies and Comments", Erkenntnis 34 (número especial sobre la filosofía de Putnam), 401-424.

185   "Reichenbach’s Metaphysical Picture", en Erkenntnis 35, 61-76. Comp. en (17), 99-114.

186   "Wittgenstein on Religious Belief", en L. Rouner (ed.), On Community, Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.


187   "Atando Cabos", Diánoia, 1-15. Traducido en (17), 295-312 con el título "Realism without Absolutes".

188   "Can Ethics Be Ahistorical? The French Revolution and the Holocaust", en E. Deutsch (ed.), Culture and Modernity: The Authority of the Past. East-West Philosophical Perspectives (Proceedings of the Sixth East-West Philosopher’s Conference), Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Comp. en (17), 182-197, con el título "Pragmatism and Relativism: Universal Values and Traditional Ways of Life". Traducción al castellano: "Pragmatismo y relativismo: valores universales y formas de vida tradicionales", en HP, 191-214.

189   Con Martha Nussbaum, "Changing Aristotle’s Mind", en M. Nussbaum y A. Rorty (eds.), Essays on Aristotle’s "De Anima", Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. Comp. en (17), 23-61. Traducción al castellano: "Modificando la (concepción de la) mente de Aristóteles", en HP, 47-108.

190   Con K. L. Ketner, "Introduction: The Consequences of Mathematics", en Peirce, C. S., Reasoning and the Logic of Things. The Cambridge Conference Lectures of 1898 (ed. por K. L. Ketner), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1-54.

191   "Comments on the Lectures", en Peirce, C. S., Reasoning and the Logic of Things. The Cambridge Conference Lectures of 1898, (ed. por K. L. Ketner), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 55-102 y 273-280.

192   "Replies", Philosophical Topics 20/1 (The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam), 347-358.

193   "Truth, Activating Vectors and Possession Conditions for Concepts", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52, 431-447.

194   "Why Functionalism Failed", en J. Earman (ed.), Inference, Explanation, and Other Filosophical Frustrations, Berkeley: University of California Press. Comp. en (17), 441-459, con el título "Why Functionalism didn’t Work".


195   "Aristotle after Wittgenstein", en R. W. Shaples (ed.), Modern Thinkers and Ancient Thinkers (The Keeling Colloquia at University College, London), London: UCL Press. Comp. en (17), 62-81. Traducción al castellano: "Aristóteles después de Wittgenstein", en HP, 109-139.

196   Con R. A. Putnam, "Education for Democracy", Educational Theory 43. Comp. en (17), 221-241. Traducción al castellano: "Educación para la democracia", en HP, 251-283.

197   "Pope’s Essay on Man and Those ‘Happy Pieties’", en (16), 13-20. Comp. en (17), 513-522, con el título "The Cultural Impact of Newton: Pope’s Essay on Man and Those ‘Happy Pieties’".


198   "Comments and Replies", en P. Clark and B. Hale, Reading Putnam, Oxford: Blackwell, 242-295.

199   "Pragmatism and Moral Objectivity", en (17), 151-181. Traducción al castellano: "Pragmatismo y objetividad moral", en HP, 143-190.

200   "Prólogo", en MCR, 11-15.

201   "Reichenbach and the Miyth of the Given" (presentado al Reichenbach Centennial Conference, Harvard University, 2 de abril de 1991), en (17), 115-130.

202   "Rethinking Mathematical Necessity", en (17), 245-263. Publicado en P. Leonardi y M. Santanbrogio (Eds), On Quine, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, 267-283, con el título "Mathematical Necessity Reconsidered".

203   "Sense, Nonsense and the Senses. In Inquiry into the Powers of the Human Mind" (The Dewey Lectures 1994), Journal of Philosophy 91, 445-517.

204   "The Best of All Possible Brains?", The New York Times Book Review, 20 de noviembre de 1994, 7.

205   "The Question of Realism" (Auguste Comte Lecture, London School of Economics, 2 de febrero de 1993), en (17), 295-312.

206   "To Functionalism and Back Again", en S. Guttenplan (ed.), A Companion to Philosophy of Mind, Oxford: Blackwell, 507-513.


207   "Pragmatism", Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 95 (1994-95), 291-306.


208   "On Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mathematics", The Aristotelian Society, Vol. Sup. 70.

209   "What the Spilled Beans Can Spell. The Difficult and Deep Realism of William James", Times Literary Supplement, junio de 1996, 14-15.

210   Con R. A. Putnam, "The Quarrel Between Poetry and Philosophy" (leído en la reunión anual de la Santayana Society, New York, 28 de dicimbre de 1996), Bulletin of the Santayana Society 15, 1-14.


211   "A Half Century of Philosophy, Viewed from Within", Daedalus 126 (1997), 175-208.

212   "Acerca de un mal uso del teorema de Gödel en la especulación sobre la mente", Revista de libros 3, 30-32.

213   "La importancia del conocimiento no-científico", Limbo 2 (Supl. de Teorema 16/2), 1-17 (primera Conferencia Santayana, Madrid, marzo de 1996; título original: "The Importance of Nonscientific Knowledge", Pierre Bayle Lecture 1995; versión ampliada de "Pragmatisme et réalisme", conferencia dictada en el Simposio "Cent ans de philosophie americaine", en Cerisy-la-Salle, Francia, el 25 de junio de 1995).

En prensa

214   "James’s Theory of Truth" (1996). Aparecerá en R. A. Putnam (ed.), A Companion to William James, Cambridge University Press.


Compilada por: Moris A. Polanco

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