Can you smell what the Franchise is cooking?

Hi, I'm Mike Enright.

I just moved in! This page is destined for great things! Stay tuned for details!
Do you like Descartes? My roommate came up with this tongue-in-cheek philosophical construct based on "I think, I am"
Do affirmative action proponents think? If they don't, do they exist? If they don't exist, what makes me think they exist? Is some evil demon involved? If some evil demon does exist, it must suggest that affirmative action exists. Is Bill Clinton that evil demon? The fundamental truth and logic within suggests so.

Who is this person??

I am a student at The University of Michigan with an undeclared major.

I have been involved in politics for several years. In 1996 I joined the The Buchanan Brigade. Last fall I ran for Ann Arbor City council in the Libertarian Party.
Currently I am running for student government under the banner of the New Frontier Party.
One interesting political theory that I have been interested in recently is Distributivism. This concept was popularized by noted writers G.K. Chesterton and Hilare Belloc. The ideal of distributivism is that people should own their own means of production or work in a guild. A guild is NOT a union as a guild actually owns the means of production as a group. For more info on distributivism


Why should we risk American lives to defend nations so far from home? All we are doing is breeding terrorism. Read about the war effort! Americans Against World Empire
The committe Against U.S. Intervention
The Buchanan Brigade 2000

Escalating war does not prevent its spread. It encourages it. It brings about more property destruction, suffering, and death. It inflames tempers,entrenches positions, sows indelible hatreds, and draws others into long-lasting conflicts.
-Lew Rockwell

Andy Kaufman, one of the great comedians to grace television
Andy Kaufman is one of the most interesting and ecentric comedians of this time. While he is best known to my generation as the cab mechanic, Latka Gravas, on Taxi, Andy is known for many other things, including a being banned for life from Saturday Night Live and a controversal appearance on the show Fridays. Andy also spent several years wrestling, most famously as the "intergender wrestling champion" and in is feud with Jerry Lawler. For more information on Andy Kaufman, including video and audio clips, visit: The Andy Kaufman home page

Can you sing like Louis Farrakhan??

Many people think that Louis Farrakhan is simply a hatemonger. They don't know that he was also a calypso singer named "The Charmer". Find out all about it, and hear is music (maybe even sing along). Also, follow this link and you can get a new African name. Mine is Zuwadza! Click here for the Louis Farrakhan sing along

Visit my friend, Ryan Lang

I know what your thinking. "Gee whiz this is a great page, but I have already read all that great political stuff, laughed at Andy Kaufman, and heard Calypso Louie sing 'Is She Is, or Is She Ain't' and 'Don't Touch Me Nylon'. What do I do now?" The answer is easy, visit my friend, Ryan Lang at his website. He has lots of great things for you to read. Ryan Lang's Home Page

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