Welcome to Starsong's Ekele.
With wonderful deathless ditties
We build up the world's great cities,
And out of fabulous story
We fashion an empire's glory:
One man with a dream, at pleasure,
Shall go forth and conquer a crown;
And three with a new song's measure
Can trample an empire down.
We in the ages lying >You enter into a very green,
leafy place that looks like an extention of Firesong's Vale. You wonder
if you could truly be in Valdemar, but you decide that since it is
a fictional place that you must be dreaming. Off in the right-hand corner,
you see a HUGE tree with a staircase leading up. You carefully climb the
staircase up. There is a door directly in front of you so you knock and
enter the next room. You see a girl sitting on a cushion, reading, in the
far corner. She has long red curly hair streaked with silver. She is so
engrossed in what she is reading that she doesn't notice you at first,
so you manage to get a good look at her. Her hair is braided back from
her face in the Tayledras manner, and she is dressed like a Hawkbrother.
In the buried past of the earth,
Built Ninevah with our sighing,
And Babel itself with our mirth;
And o'erthrew them with prophesying
To the old of a new world's worth;
For Each age is a dream that is dying,
Or one that is coming to birth.
-Arthur O'Shaughnessy
Suddenly, she glances up, staring off into space...she still doesn't seem to notice your prescence. You notice that she has silver eyes! You are puzzled, because you have never heard of any of the Tayledras with red hair and silver eyes! You figure that she must be some kind of a mage; you have heard of magic bleaching hair and eyes. Suddenly she looks straight at you and smiles. She begins to speak.
"Zha'hai'allav'a! Heyla, I'm sorry I didn't see you before! I apologize. I see you have finally reached my ekele! :) Please feel free to make yourself at home here. Watch out for the edge! I know that being up this high makes some people nervous! I am called Starsong . However, I am also known by many other names in worlds other than this one. In case you're wondering, this is Valdemar. If you have visited my other page, BrightFeather's Fuuny Farm , you can probably see the similarities. :) (Please visit my other page! It's very unique and entertaining) :zzz: Aw, come on Kyre, it's isn't that bad. :?: Okay, I guess I'd better introduce ya'll. This is Kyre, my bondbird, she's a vorcelhawk, like Vree. :And what about me? Are you going to leave me out? fine then, be that way!: *sigh* C'mon horseface, you know better than that! *mutters to herself* why me? Why did I have to come here and immediately get Chosen by that idiot horse :I am not a horse!: I wasn't talking to you!!!! *she continues* when all I wanted to do was visit my brother!! *sigh* This is Lyssa, my Companion. I bet you're curious about me now hmm? You're wondering how such a creature as I came into being eh? :getting a bit full of yourself now aren't you?:Shut up horse. Yes, yes, I know, you are not a horse!: *Kyre chuckles*
Did you know that you are the
person to come here since January 12, 1998?
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You can see a doorway in the left-hand corner of the room that has a curtain pulled over it. Shall you pull it?
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