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Life of Sukumar
Selected Works
The Other Sukumar
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What's New / Coming Up
Some time back I realized that the net did not exactly provide satisfactory content when it came to Sukumar Ray the poet, author, illustrator, scientist, humorist, editor, photographer, reformer, etc. I did find some good stuff; but what ever I came across was inadequate. So, in August 1999, I decided to put in my two bits of effort and start a website to:
  • introduce Sukumar Ray to the uninitiated
  • to make available the at least some of his works on the net
  • promote a forum for discussions on Sukumar
  • to provide information on the "other" Sukumar
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Currently available are the following categories: Life of Sukumar, Selected Works, The Other Sukumar, Links, Downloads and Interact. I hope to eventually put up the complete works. But as long as I am not being able to do so I will be putting up my favourites - in Bengali script, with sympathy for those do not speak the language of Bankim, Tagore, Saratchandra and Sukumar. "The Other Sukumar" will discuss the non-humorist facets of the personality named Sukumar. I have a beta version of the Abol Tabol in an e-book format that I am offering in the "Downloads" category.
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Get Involved
Please let us know that you were here. Sign the Guest Book. If you have liked the site why not share it with your friends? Recommend the site to those who might be interested. If you have some time on your hand Take a Survey. Believe me, I know how busy schedules can be. But doesn't it feel good to listen to what others have to say on your subject of liking? And put forward your own views also from time to time? How about subscribing to the Sukumar Ray mailing list?
Also, I don't want to be the only person on this project. I invite contributions - features or translations, not merely mean feedback and suggestions - from every one. Let me know whether you would like to retain copyrights.
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What's New / Coming Up
The pages have been moved to this new site to start with. Four stories from Pagla Dashu have been inluded. This welcome page has been rewritten, as you've already noticed. You do not have the banners on each page slowing down your access. A Guestbook has been introduced. The Sukumar Ray Mailing list has been created.

June 07, 1999: The "Selected Works" category has been updated. The "Other Stories" section has been started off with three stories.
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