ADDRESS: 701 Lake Clay Drive, South, Lake Placid, FL 33852

PHONE: Home 941-465-0414

POSITION OBJECTIVE: To Secure a Position in the Counseling Field, preferably treating sex offenders or addicted individuals leading to a supervisory position and eventually program directorship.  Over 25 years in Addictions and Counseling fields

 Experienced Teacher

 Seasoned program developer and administrator

 Award winning speaker

 Presented at Local, State, and National Level

 Published author


1997-1999.: EMSA Correctional Care: Okeechobee Correctional Institution, Psychological Specialist. Conduct individual and group therapy. Do psychological assessments. Developed and implemented the sex offender treatment program at Okeechobee CI to meet and exceed the State of Florida, Department of Corrections requirements for sex offender treatment. Co-developed the Stress and Anger Management Treatment Program at Okeechobee CI. Teach the in-service and continuing education Mental Health Basics class.

1994-Pres.: South Florida Community College, Adjunct Instructor of Psychology and Sociology. Selected as AOutstanding Part-Time Instructor@ for 1996-7 School year.

Reason for Leaving: Seek full time position in Higher Education 1988 to Present: Private Practice; Family Therapist and Addictions counselor. Individual and group therapy for chemical dependence, sex offenders, MICA, Sexual Abuse, male issues, marriage and family issues, marital therapy, divorce therapy, adolescent therapy, lead regular workshops and retreats at GreenTree Retreat Center. Designed and implemented the Singer Institute Continuing Education program, and taught Continuing Education courses qualifying for Missouri Substance Abuse Counselor Certification CEU's. Under contract with State of Missouri as Program Survey Specialist surveying program compliance and competence for State Program Certification. Reason for Leaving: Managed Care has greatly reduced income potential.

1993 to 1993: Hertz Rent-A-Car: Customer Service Representative. Provide customer counter service. Rent automobiles, check-in automobiles, sell accessory and convience packages in addition to automobiles.

1987 to 1988: Missouri Department of Corrections: Associate Psychologist. Conducted individual and group therapy, did psychological evaluations for SCPRC and Death Row inmates, taught in the Pre-Release Program, filled in as Substance Abuse Counselor when that individual resigned. Left to attend St. Louis University Graduate School.

1986 to 1987: Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program: Inpatient Counselor. Individual and group therapy with chemically dependent individuals. Didactic groups, Family therapy. Left due to close down of program upon loss of funding source.

1985 to 1986: Intercept Program: Substance Abuse Counselor/Assistant Psychologist. Individual and group therapy with chemically dependent individuals, interventions, Psychological assessments, Family therapy. Left due to close down of program when parent corporation went bankrupt.

1984 to 1985: St. Mary's College: Instructor/Counselor. Taught Business Math, Typing, Computer Applications, Business English, and counseled special Job Training Partnership Act students. Left for better paying position and to complete Internship for MS in Counseling Psychology.

1982 to 1984: U.S. International University: Graduate Student and Research Assistant.

1980 to 1982: Breckenridge R-4 Schools: Teach General Business, Economics, Typing, Biological Science, Physical Science.

1980 and Prior: Experience in Municipal Purchasing, Taxation, Accounting, and Alcoholism Counseling. Taught part-time in Extension Classes in fields of Accounting, Typing, and Psychology.


University of Sarasota, Sarasota, FL, EdD candidate in Counseling Psychology

Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO: MS in Counseling Psychology 1985

National University, San Diego, CA: MBA in Administration, 1976

Missouri Western State College, St. Joseph, MO: BS in Psychology and Business, 1971

HONORS: Numerous Publications and Presentations; Outstanding Young American in 1976;. Outstanding Part-Time Teacher, SFCC, 1996-1997 MEMBERSHIPS:

Associate Member: American Psychological Association

Member: Association for Treatment of Sexual Abusers

Member: Florida Association for Professional Hypnosis

Member: American Counseling Association


Available on Request


701 Lake Clay Drive, South

Lake Placid, FL 33852

? 941-465-0414 (Home) 941-462-5506 (Work)


Counseling Psychology M.S. (1985)
Research Topic: Incest, Sexual Abuse, Sprituality, Hypnosis

Management, M.B.A. (1976)

Marriage, Family & Child Therapy, M.A. (1984)

Business & Psychology, B.S. (1971)


PhD in Addictions Psychology, 15 hrs plus Focused and Extended Seminars

Ed.D. candidate in Counseling Psychology, 30 hrs. (Transfered to Capella University)

Marriage and Family Therapy, 90 Semester Hours

Counseling Psychology , 15 Semester Hours

Teacher Certification, 13 Semester hours

Business and Psychology Major C 45 Semester Hours

Business and Psychology Major C 30 Semester Hours

Basic Hospital Corps School, 800 Clock hours


May 1997-April 1999

Psychological Specialist, EMSA Correctional Care, OKECI, Okeechobee, FL

Individual therapy, group therapy, and evaluation of inmates, primarily housed in the maximum security and confinement dorms at the prison. Developed the local sex offender treatment program. Co-developed the local stress and anger management program. Evaluate and refer, when necessary, inmates to the psychiatrist, crisis stabilization unit, suicidal observation status, or to the transitional care units. Some intellectual testing (primarily WAIS), and personality testing and interpretation (primarily MMPI II). August 1995 - July 1996 Addictions Counselor, Tri-County Addictions, Sebring, FL
Marriage and family therapy, chemical dependency problems, and sexual offender counseling from a family systems and therapy approach for referrals from the Florida Dept. of Corrections, Board of Probation and Parole, Florida DUI and DWI Programs, Florida Pre-Trial Release Program. Do evalutaions at Highlands County Jail for Probation and Parole, lead group therapy, and assess need for treatment of referrrals. Teach In-Service programs.
January 1995-Present Adjunct Instructor, Psychology, Sociology, Human Development. South Florida Community College September 1994-Present Co-owner, operator of parttime computer business, RonMar Enterprises.

Instruct clients in use of computers, software (including but not limited to WordPerfect, Perfect Office, Quattro Pro, databases, Quicken, graphics programs, Windows programs). Trouble shoot software configuration, install upgrades, replace/install hard drives, modems, CD-ROMS, memory.

August 1988-July 1994 Private Practice

Family Therapist and Addictions Counselor, Saint Louis, MO

Marriage and family therapy, chemical dependency problems, and sexual offender counseling from a family systems and therapy approach for referrals from the Missouri Dept. of Corrections, Board of Probation and Parole. Had contract with the Mo. Division of Mental Health as family therapist and treat a variety of problems from a family therapy approach including dual diagnosis clients, and other mental illnesses. Do monthly recovery retreats at GreenTree Lodge, Sullivan, MO. Develop Continuing Education program for Addiction Counselors for Greentree, and present these programs. February 1987-August 1988: Missouri Department of Corrections Associate Psychologist I, State Correctional Pre-Release Center, Tipton, MO.

Individual and Group Therapy, Psychological Evaluations, assist with Pre-Release Substance Abuse Program.

September 1986 - June 1987: Park College, Parkville, MO.

Adjunct Instructor, Psychology Department

Instruct undergraduate psychology courses in Social Psychology Degree program .January 1986 - February 1987: Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program, Higginsville, MO

Residential Substance Abuse Counselor

Individual, Marriage, Family, and Group Therapy. In-house evaluations for admission, educational groups and seminars for public, conduct in-service training, substance abuse counseling. August 1985 - December 1986: KELLING HOSPITAL, Waverly, MO

Counselor/Psychological Assistant

Manage case load of patients, conduct individual therapy, group therapy, do psychological interviews, do psychological testing, prepare treatment plans for presentation to treatment team, develop aftercare plans, prepare and gather psychosocial histories, do family therapy, teach didactic groups, do face-to-face interventions, do counseling on substance abuse, conduct research. August 1984 - August 1985: SAINT MARY COLLEGE, Leavenworth, KS


Teach word-processing and counsel students in the Job Training Partnership Act Program. Responsible for total program development in the areas of life-skills, testing, and interpretation of psychological and placement programs. September 1982 - June 1984: UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, San Diego,CA Research Assistant Did research in family related issues, work on USIU self-study for APA and AAMFT Accreditation, write first draft of AAMFT Self-Study and wrote materials and first drafts for Dr. Edna Jo Hunter=s publications. August 1981 - June 1982: BRECKENRIDGE R-I SCHOOL DISTRICT, Breckenridge, MO


Taught Business, Typing, Physical and Biological Science, Psychology, Junior Class sponsor September 1980 - June 1982: SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ST. JOSEPH, St. Joseph, MO Substitute Teacher/ Community Education Instructor

Teach a variety of subjects at Junior and Senior high school level, including Business and sciences. Spent one full semester at Lafayette High School as General Business, Consumer Education instructor when regular teacher died. Taught Typing, and Self-improvement courses in the evening Community Education program.

August 1978 - August 1980: CITY OF ST. JOSEPH, St. Joseph, MO

Purchasing Agent

Direct purchasing activities for city of 78,000, design bid specifications on a variety of commodities from light bulbs to heavy equipment, including electronics. Evaluate same for all city needs, supervised 6 employees and coordinated needs for all city departments. Wrote purchasing procedures for city and developed bid procedures. August 1974 - August 1977: US INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, San Diego, CA

Taxpayer Service Representative

Provide public information about Federal tax laws, answer phones, do public relations work, headed the San Diego Office Quality Control Program, including supervision of 8 employees during tax season. Represent IRS on Radio and TV as information source. August 1972 - August 1974: US VETERANS ADMINISTRATION HOSPITAL, San Diego, CA

Psychiatric Nursing Assistant

Substance Abuse Unit Individual and group therapy on Substance Abuse Unit, administer group tests, intake evaluations, Psychiatric Emergency Team member. January 1969 - June 1971: ST. JOSEPH STATE HOSPITAL, St. Joseph, MO

Psychiatric Hospital Attendant

Patient care, primarily on night-shift. Rotated wards, but spent majority of time on Alcoholic and Youth Units. Part of Psychiatric Emergency Team on night shift. June 1963- June 1966: US NAVY, San Diego, CA Hospital Corpsman (Neuropsychiatric Technician) Led group therapy, pass medications, do one-on-one counseling with military personnel and combat returnees, and dependents. PROFESSIONAL VOLUNTEER WORK

1983-1984: CHILDREN=S HOSPITAL, San Diego, CA

Parent Aid

Parent Aid in Child Abuse Prevention program, counseled parents identified as potential abusers

1982-1984: PARENTS UNITED, San Diego


Conduct group therapy in a variety of settings and activities for perpetrators and couples of incestuous families EXTRACURRICULAR

HIGH SCHOOL: Sports, Drama, Science Club

COLLEGE: Drama, Alpha Phi Omega National Fraternity, Sports, Psychology Club, KDLX Campus Radio GRADUATE SCHOOL: PsyChi, Parents United Counselor, Parent Aid


American Psychological Association

Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency

Florida Association of Community Colleges

Florida Association for Professional Hypnosis


Outstanding Adjunct Instructor, South Florida Community College (1997)

Listed in several Who's Who's

Alternate appointment to U.S. Naval and Merchant Marine Academies (1961)

Selected as an Outstanding Young American, (1981).

Hestand, R. E. 1994-1998) various guest columns in the Sebring News Sun and the Highlands Today.
Hestand, R. E. (1998) The Sexually Abused Male. The Counselor In Press
Hestand, R. E. (1995) Safe-houses. Sebring Sun Times, October 24
Hestand, R. E. (1994) Why do they stay. Sebring Sun-Times, March 23
Hestand, R. E. (1987) Reactions to Childhood Sexuality Article. Journal of Sex Education & Therapy (13)2:7
Hestand, R. (1984, June) Help for molested child. Compuserve 1984, Human Sexuality: Answering your Questions: HSX- 3012-3021
Hestand, R. (1982) Counselor interventions in school discipline: Three approaches. Proceedings of the Missouri Academy of Science
Hestand, R. (1972-1974) Humanist=s Speak. San Diego Union Weekly column
Hestand, R. (1972-1974) Humanist=s viewpoint. El Cajon Daily Californian. (Weekly Column)
Hestand, R. (1975-1976) Tax Tips, KSDO Radio, San Diego, CA. (Daily radio program during tax season).
Hestand, R. (1974) Humanist view of sex. in Paul, S.V. & Tonne, H.A. (eds). Humanists Speak!. Burnsville, NC: Cello Press
Hestand, R. (1974) Humanist view of alcoholism. in Paul, S.V. & Tonne, H.A. (eds). Humanists Speak!. Burnsville, NC: CelloPress
Hestand, R. (1970-1972) Abstractor for Psychological Abstracts
Hunter, E.J. & Hestand, R.E. (1984) Thought control -- from parenting, to behavior mod, to cults, to brainwashing .Proceedings: Psychology in the Department of Defense. USAFA-TR-84-2, 20-24
Hestand, R.E., Howard, D. & Gregory, R.(1971) AThe Willoughby Schedule: A replication.@ Journal of Behavioral Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. V2(111-112)

Hestand, Ronald E. (1997-98) Mental Health Basics. Okeechobee Correctional Institution (OKECI) Education Department, Monthly New Employee Orientation and In Service. OKECI, Okeechobee, FL
Hestand, Ronald E. (1997) The Psychopathic Personality, Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency, Training Meeting. Avon Park Correctional Institution, Avon Park, FL.
Hestand, Ronald E. (1997) The Inner-Child. Unity of Sebring, Sebring, FL
Hestand, Ronald E. (1997) The Inner-Child. Unity of Ft. Meyers. Fort Myers, FL
Hestand, Ronald E. (1995) Brief Therapy for the Addict. Tri-County Addictions, Winter Haven, FL
Hestand, Ronald E. 1990-Present. Various weekend seminars on a monthly basis at GreenTree Recovery Retreat Center, Sullivan, MO.
Hestand, R. E. (1993) Adult Males Sexually Molested As Children C Research Findings. Missouri Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, Kansas City, April.
Hestand, R. E. (1990) Treatment of Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Who Are Offenders. 3RD Annual Conference on Male Survivors. Tucson, AZ
Hestand, R. E. (1990) Treatment of Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse. Missouri Association of Family Therapy.
Hestand, R. E. (1989) Incest Survivors Treatment Issues, Missouri Association of Family Therapy, Kansas  City, MO
Hestand, R. E. (1987) Child Sexual Abuse Seminar, Missouri Association of Family Therapy, Annual Meeting, April, Lake Ozark, MO
Hestand, R. E. (1987) Child Sexual Abuse Seminar. Annual Meeting, Missouri Association for Counseling and Development, Feb., Jefferson City, MO.
Hestand, R.E. (1986) Child Sexual Abuse Seminar. Annual Meeting, Missouri Association for Counseling and Development, Feb., Jefferson City, MO.
Hestand, R.E. (1985) Child Sexual Abuse Seminar. Annual Meeting, Missouri Association for Counseling and Development, Feb. 21-26, Jefferson City, MO.
Hunter, E.J. & Hestand, R.E. (1984) Thought control. Ninth Symposium USAF Dept. of Human Behavior, April
Hestand, R.E.(1982) Counselor Intervention in School Discipline. Annual Meeting, Missouri Academy of  Science. May, Lake Ozark, MO.
1999 Advanced Sex Offender Evaluation, U.S. Dept. of Justice, Teleconference
1999 The Psychopathic Personality, U.S. Dept. of Justice, Teleconference
1999 Sex Offender Evaluation, U.S. Dep. of Justice, Teleconference
1988 Sex Offender Personality Types, Fl. Commisison on Crime and Delinquency, Indian River, FL
1998 HIV Pre- & Post-test Counseling, Fl. Dep. of Corrections, Ft. Lauderdale
1998 Basic Corrections Orientation
1994-Present: Quarterly Meeting and Training. Florida Association for Professional Hypnosis, Orlando, FL
1993: Annual Meeting, Missouri Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Kansas City, MO, April
1990: 3rd National Conference on Male Survivors, November, Tucson AZ
1990: Annual Meeting, Missouri Association of Family Therapy, April, St. Louis, MO
1989: Annual Meeting, Missouri Substance Abuse Counselor  Association, Lake Ozark, MO
1989: Annual Meeting, Missouri Association for Family Therapy, April, Kansas City, MO
1988: Annual Meeting, Missouri Association for Family Therapy, April, Lake Ozark, MO
1987: Annual Meeting, Missouri Association for Family Therapy, April, Lake Ozark, MO
1987: Annual Meeting, Missouri Association for Counseling and Development, February, Columbia, MO.
1986: Family Therapy and Assessment, Menninger Foundation
1986: Annual Meeting, Missouri Association for Counseling and Development, Feb 22-24
1985: Regional Meeting, American Association of Mental Health Counselors, Chicago, IL
1984: Professional Seminar on Child Sexual Exploitation and Molestation, Leavenworth, KS. Oct. 12
1984: Leadership Conference, Missouri Association for Counseling and Development, Jefferson City, MO, September 4-7
1984: Child Sexual Abuse Seminar, June 22-26, St. Joseph, MO
1984: Department of Defense, 9th Annual Symposium, Colorado Springs, CO: April
1983: Annual Meeting, American Psychological Association, Anaheim, CA: August
1982: Annual Meeting, Missouri Academy of Science, Lake Ozark, MO: May
Child Sexual Abuse, Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Assault, Chemical Dependency, Dysfunctional Families, Hypnosis, and Men's Issues
Available on request