Debt Addiction
Gambling Addiction
Internet Addiction
Narcotics Addiction@
Sexual Addiction
Smoking Addiction
Support Groups
Twelve Step Approach
16 Steps of Personal Empowerment
- self-supporting groups that offer support for addiction, codependency and abuse.
Benefits of Zen Meditation in Addiction and Recovery
Harm Reduction
- paper on addiction treatment method.
Healing Club
- dedicated to those of us who are experiencing or have experienced abuse of any type: verbal, physical, emotional, sexual and any other.
I'm Not OK, When You're Not
- guide for adult children of dysfunctional families.
Recovery Anonymous
- how to find out what our childhood was really like and why it is so important to know.
Research Institute on Addictions
- a non-profit institute dedicated to research into alcoholism and substance abuse.
Scientific American: Closing in on Addiction
- explores the possibility of common a biochemical basis for substance addictions.
Stanton Peele Addiction Web Site
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