"Love-A keyless sanctuary protected by a pious wind and an intrepid heart."

"If dreams come from childhood wishes, then as I grow and look up, may you never let go of my hand." 

"If it's not of the small things I give thee, then lift me from my knees, so I may chase other colors in the rainbow."

"Judge me not by the Knight that you requested, but by the apprentice who separated the loneliness from reality."

"And now that you've blossomed, should I pick thee or put my heart back into my pocket; for no woman should be given a harness, when at birth she had wings."

"No bridge is ever really travelled unless it can hold me and a friend; and the waters below splash upon the ankles of God."

"That which I refuse to know or be, will be delivered in dreams I have not challenged."

"If through my deepest, sincere, and uncontrollable passion and per chance my emotions would catch up with your heartbeats--then I'm still asleep."

"Is the search for love really so difficult, if we simply allow the ones we love make the travel plans and we carry part of the map within our hearts."

"She had searched my words for a Tour Guide, for a carpenter was needed to mend the past--so I cast no judgement and spoke not, but listened in tranquillity."

"For those that forgot to call thy name,
Be it business, school, work or play
Know this cupid, forget not my aim,
She's my Valentine, I kneel this day." 

"Poetry-The enslavement of thoughts, words dance at an open gate, hence, an understanding is born."

"'Twas in the twilight of a teardrop that I followed her where her heart lives, as the journey concluded we see her heart just beyond a fork in the road and above her heart, a sign sits that simply states: Under New Management!"

"Would you still love me if I could bite the success, chew the fame, swallow the loneliness and in the eyes of God still be considered as Nobody?"

"The misinterpretation of simplicity carries no toll charge for even an angel's wing stirs the atmosphere"

"Hold my hand little one as step into your eyes. I may carry the voyage but the journey is upon God's back"

"It is an undefined marriage between a rainstorm and a lost seed filled with humility that causes me to look up while others run for shelter."

---PB Jones
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