Poetry 2

A Christmas Wish

Snowball fights and crippled snowmen,
Icicles vying for the ground below,
She throws another one, I duck again,
Mine connects, me being a snowball pro.

Trees bend with extra load,
The snow turned everything white,
No grass, sidewalk or even road
With her, they are in delight.

Evening, light the tree and fireplace
Gifts crowd, moments take a turn,
Her shoulders are that which I embrace,
Of giving, that which I learn.

Outside carols are being sung,
Inside stockings stuffed with joy,
A kiss as the ornaments are hung,
It's late, then a romantic decoy.

Goodnight Santa, elves and all
To bed goes her guitar,
Of things I take, things I haul,
A Merry Christmas, seeing her peignoir.

The Lighthouse
(Part II)

She's older and wiser now,
Intelligent, beautiful and in command,
Things before she no longer allow,
Personal obedience, a constant demand.

She trampled the pain, sorry and doubt
To achieve every woman's best
As in sorry, there's never a drought
For now, success be her only guest.

She's confident, refreshing and eloquent
One not to be played a fool,
Yet gentle, understanding and benevolent
She's nobody's footstool.

Men come from many towns
To make her their own
Hormones deliver not the crown
Of men, she prefers to be alone.

Sometimes at night, sleep is short
The past wants a front seat,
With abuse comes distort
Some mistakes, she'll never repeat.

Alone, she thinks about a lighthouse
And a voice from the night,
It can't be found with science or nous,
The lost still use their eyesight.

A Friend

Pain can take any shape or form
For happiness, comes endless doors
The heart strengthens or conforms,
Careful of that which bores.

Is someone else taking this road?
Of whom may I talk to?
Too many failures, dreams that corrode
Of what I feel, not even a clue.

So I surrender my emotional growth
Naked to the world, comes a friend
No longer speak of one, but both
Longer the conversation, less the pretend.

Now the hummingbirds pose
As we bend the rainbow
Together, we create and compose
True friendship, noone owes.

The Diaskeuast of Sweetness

Voices taken shelter in mind
Someone has clothed my soul
A long journey, time to unwind
An old happiness to be resole.

She invites the words of deep
The addiction has set the stage
An empty man, a long weep
Love has turned another page.

I see a mirror and picture frame
And a rose kissing the rain
A heavenly wealth least the fame
Only her heart could explain.

This day she's under my eyelids
Prayer of sweetness, music box of hope
A blind butterfly upon a pyramid
By thy name "Raven," a dream elopes!

The Exhausted Candle
(Diary of My Valentine)

Time put on vacation, she just arrived
Once a year, once this day
To judge my love, all which is shrived
Of my sacrifice, she holds au fait.

Incriminating moments, a heart beats fast
Simply hearing her voice
Men entertain fools to make it last
Even to a point of considering foist.

Pinching, slapping before a hug
We wrestle away the secrecy
The battle continued then a nice snug
The sweat matched the intensity.

Nothing but laughter outdoing smiles
Pleasure took a back seat to ecstasy
No outside world, we were enisled
An unvisited happiness is a certainty.

Pearl necklace, earrings on the sink
Submissive perfume and tauting negligee
Finally, I get the "infamous" wink
Under the bed I hid the bouquet.

A lone candle still burns
I now understand the ephemeron
My eyes open and the fantasy adjourns
To this day, I search on!

A Timeless Fragrance

Chilled stars and simmering wine
A poet breaks his pen
A sentimental truce for which outshines
Stacked glasses and a loss of when.

Dim the breeze, a window speaks
An old oil lamp, my lap full
Passion turns into hide-and-seek
A game of push and pull.

A mature magic and wiggling toes
Someone sprinkled honey on the seashore
Funny things arrive, all simpatico
Anything less was turned into more.

I borrowed a corner of a rainbow
It was placed upon her lips
And though this be a short cameo
"Shirlene," I beg for one sip.

Moonlight Over an Arrogant Bridge

As usual she's there alone
Contemplating of what may
To speak and set a cornerstone
A hunger that I must disobey.

Her eyes have counted the stars
The moon cleared the sky
I have planted an objet d'art
To wonder is to untie.

I burn the sails with regret
The bridge hides what's below
Chance should never have etiquette
I of me, no other foe.

Reflected Light

Look at me and I see you
A living soul set adrift
One to wish, the other to make two
But who really has the gift?

I come naked with a shallow hand
Perfection never crossed my mind
No property, jealousy or demand
A simple person who's color-blind.

If the reflection makes a different tone
And you haven't turned your back
Then replace your heart, your throne
I'm here to listen, not to cover tracks.

A Broken Wing In A Sandstorm

Did they remember my name?
Society had a clench
What I wished, what I became
Fabrication was the quench.

I see with too many things
The path, so few signs
My vision put in a sling
A past with countless fines.

Closed eyes, one raised wing
Violent tears, uncontrollable cough
Of the world hung by a string
A compass of God, I take off.

---PB Jones

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