Una Noche De Amor
Una Noche De Amor
Fulgent didst thy eyes capture me
Fro' beaten knees, I fell to th' floor
Knowing not, my heart, hae you th' key
Una Noche De Amor
Thy great love; left a frivoulous man
A sweet poniard in deep, I yearned for more
Alone, melodious air, lead the silent band.
Una Noche De Amor
Was it possible to negate all that was
To touch thy face, blood came, but none poured
Resurgent tempertures, is this what love does?
Una Noche De Amor
She whispered her name o' elegiac gest
With alar love, didst finally swing th' door
"Pat," I screamed, my soul hath come to rest.
Mommy's Shoes
"God, if I swear and fight as
mommy do,
Then why can't my feet, that have these shoes mock'd
And that were worn before and not that o' new
Continue to fit me not;
Wondering, could it possibly be
I answer only one stress'd voice ahead
And store away the one call'd me;
Tho' my dreams too, need to be fed.
So I'll take these red shoes o' long
And sling them far, with a gentle nod,
Then wear'th only my heart's songs
And sprain'th not my love learning to skip with God."
Of Angels
(Dedicated to Kaye)
That which I remember, sadness from
Kept me awake, tears and in pain
Endless nights, how long should I pray?
I long for sunshine, enough rain.
Someone taken, time has slowed
A recovery, the road has a bend
Rememberance, is what a a tow
As a heart attempts to mend.
Beliefs are tested, thrown at mankind
The sorrow ceases not, just why?
In the search, nothing but time
Words never spoken, never goodbye.
I still skip, draw and read
From memories, that sent me a smile
I'm watched over as I lay in need
Remember, as angels they possess the extra mile.
O Le Chant De La Pluie
(Dedicated To Sherry)
The aroma of the stars slipped into her eyes,
An epic sent from a sensous heart
A thesis delivered from the sky
I dream of her, all this is, all that ties.
An eloguent moment dressed in night
And munificence surrounds her at wake
Words brought before the right
Of not me, is what I take.
It's still raining, her beauty at helm,
I gasp for acceptance, humble and lost
Her charm radiates deep within the realm
For a stopped heart, would that be the cost?
She gazes upon me, I pray for strength
No soul cast the battle unarmed in love
Just to embrace and a road of little length
A desire put to rest by raindrops above!
If I'd but tetrad wishes, one to
grant seeds
Of love, casted in gloaming streaks,
For you to call cherubs and you commanding lead
To mellifluous pastures, paradised all week.
If it's twice, dream you to be mine,
Then I'd plant faith in leaves,
Waving your beauteous eyes, where I dine;
Flowing warmth in recipes of beads.
If a third wish bed thee in a pink
And carry silent sugar with charms
There you waltz fairy tales, where stars know
To knit starts in cerise barns.
If the fourth wish is mine to lend,
Ye Miss, I'd give it all to you,
For making the first three a win;
By thee, they became true.
Buds O' A Lady
Givest me imagination young birth
For thou art more in which I see
Pulchritude, many a heart that dreamest o'
Sweetness vined reflect 'round thee.
Charming eyes dost say to my nestling
Whence did thee bloom'd in a vernal breeze
With th' smile, oh pure voices goeth rest,
Canst a flower want so much a need?
Osculate me tears shepherds run thy
Arms that enfold th' lass onced embraced,
May thee grown high heels in the play;
Thou are splendid clos'ness elegant grace.
And when you're bedecked with
loneliness by flock
With the world and th' stereotype drought,
Then God shall 'neath that spiked block
For thro' him, you shall lift and walketh out.
Bright Eyes, Bubble Gum and Curls
Dear silent lady o' a dovecot's
Come forth, th' garret know't not
Thyself nor thy sunshine o' crowns
And where they beauty hadst docked.
Thy repertoire shouldst be free to
For you're a floret and th' rain hold dreams
O' thee to faith, hidden by a small dome,
Love peeps with a measured gleam.
Shouldst embarrassment flee or final
a e'ver stay,
You'll be in my eyes, a statuesque o' loveliness and pearl,
Thro' which feelings host and pleaseth to say,
"May'st God shade thee, Bright Eyes, Bubble Gum and Curls."
Portrait it, Wordless
A smiling orb, thy coiffeur had
Left memories blown soft there,
Bards season you, lips as new born sugar canes
Through the nights, winged the mare.
Up in their minds, I seared a nest,
Which stems you as others,
Sailed and sailed went the starry guest
Of candle toes, read this mother.
Through cyrstal autumn eyes, creeped
a voice,
Unto thee, God shown to few
And I am as empty, shame the dirty noice,
Perforated my soul, felt of you.
That which I picture, is not to be
As beautiful, a laughing tulip rays
On this which, ink-spotted butterflies agree,
You are, as no words can say.
Naked Moments Part 2
Young one, o' many tears,
Forsake not life at growth
Even weeds have appointments
Being dredg'd by each face,
For the hands o' the wind
May'st take thee,
To another place.
The birth o' a memory
Without decorat'd footprints,
Shall guest thy honesty
And she kiss'd my eyes,
Then selfishness fled empty
Something fell in th' middle o' the aisle,
But I draineth not
For she still loves ice cream
And flowers.
Naked Moments Part 3
Unto shy love dress'd in a robe,
Require th' host o' listening
And stepp'd upon not a single
Answeres oft flee questions
That hadst jump'd th' fence,
But search'th without weapons
And carry verses o' a
Shallow opponent.
Our ship did sail'th,
Creap th' light,
While the wind danc'd
Swaying back and forth
Now I've summon'd
All the mask's height,
Thy feelings
Conquer'd only the north.
Upon and then
My mind leaves to roam,
And icicles drip
Tho' mine at pour
For your route
Which liv'd alone,
Leaves you to be,
Th' only one aboard.
Babe hand-ridden in lust might,
Story 'bout to unfold,
God corners dreams at night,
Tho' thee may be e'er bold.
Thy Secret Admirer
Thy beauty hadst done its job well
From crimson wine lips o' bliss
To lave hands about softness dost well,
A young man's dream close enough to kiss.
And where're thee came in sweet,
Hadst brought sweetness to it's name,
Earthly tenderness hadst not found defeat
With thee carries inside me for thy lane.
Thoughts travel, as they shall travel
Thinketh thee lovely and lay loneliness down,
So speaketh the results, shyness not bound,
Silent voices inside dost make its sound.
The secret isn't secret at all,
Just center'd fact signaled to soar,
For beauty does window calls
When it's hard to knock at th' door!
The Bard's Invitation
(starring the love letter)
Dear Father,
I want her so, for the waves know'st
my humble
destination; yet the words cometh forth with injustice to
my true dreams. Ne'er have I fought myself so, and quite
foolishly, for she exist at only the eyesight. She's beautiful
and tho' the jardiniere may'st be stained, she pleaseth me
dearly. And Father what shouldst I say next that still leaves
her loveliness in first standings, none like the others. A
man dost thinketh with honest posts, many times, but if th'
road hadst decayed he embowels the feelings; remaining is th'
bombardment of worded satisfaction. Again and again Father, I
say'st that I want her so. In reality growth hath not
defeated birth, she's quite blessed, thus my words stumble and
trip due to inadequate truth deserved at the throne.
the things you e're need
required no search to find
fro' inside of thee,
they've been all this time.
Close Thy Eyes
Close thy eyes little one and dream
Of dreams for yours to be
And in what direction shall you lean?
To live as broken wheels see.
Come forth and teach thy heart well,
Topped with a sweet sight
So man might find the right rail
To you, capaturing all his light.
Never rest you faith in fields of
But live ever through time
As love lives through you on its way;
Hoping shall you ever find.
Becky, dream and dream my beautiful
Past hatred and things of blind,
Because God doesn't always come due
But he's always on time.
The Pulchritudinous Poetess
Fountain beaches meditate to isolated crowds,
Necklace feelings beckon toward films of opera elves,
Exploring my attic, cherish your impalpable selves,
She diamonds verity painting auric clouds.
Harnessed fame decreed to class language absurd,
Sapphire loughs slept you evermore a princess bless,
Lollipop cays positioned in gardens at rest,
Young chapters picture lines on animated birds.
Drifting bottles souled in candles of family hearts,
Cabin fires invade our seasons in due roles,
Fluttering cardinals to blind undercover moles,
Spring Irish valleys along with old yellow carts.
Of me, I know of no good word to give,
A silly marionette, sunset on ribbon fashions,
Respect none does he care leads dark passions,
Too beautiful for the winds which do live.
Intimate table talks forward to third sacrifices,
Aphrodite thou art, following my dull serenade,
Your philter do make males dwindle as young slaves,
Screened responsibilities joined together by tender vices.
Humming birds assist the crown with magical spice,
Picnic infatuation on summer clovers under willows,
Treasured by a bridge to ponds for us to row,
This to her be given of an unselfish paradise.
I Wished A Four-Leaf Clover
I wished a four-leaf clover:
to put peace on sale
and put the rich sewage in its human place
onward to a poor narrow lane, that's home base
with a blessing on every heart;
so Beelzebub won't wall us apart.
That God didn't have an assembly line,
but breathed individuality, and shall we all find
at being the thought of you,
for the physical aspects can never do.
that we all shall be somebody in time,
for God doesn't like scars on his body
by me, none will he find;
death take not thy name with it,
as love grows, where love fits.
The world won't destroy
something deep down in our souls, a swing
where Immanuel and us laughed, sung
and played with play-doh on the side,
for we will always be a child inside, despite
the color of our hair may tell a lie.
That all children brought the Die Hards
of the world to their knees,
for the color of the seeds creates no better
that the other when we look at the leaves.
You've per chance had one of these
four-leaf clover wishes to come,
then beautiful, for two heads bowed
are better than one.
---PB Jones