Disgusting Goths

There was a time when being what is commonly called "Goth" actually stood for something, and a love for darker things wasn't like trying to join some expensive country club. I'm not talking about the "old days" per se`, I'm talking about the older way of thinking. In this age where so many people feel as though they have no identity, the personas that are percieved as a little "diffent" get overrun with people trying to quickly jump into it first so they can say later on that they've into it forever, long before all the newcommers. People are truly lost at this point. In terms of becoming 'Goth', people used to actually be genuinely deep and interesting, many still are, but nowhere near as many as before. Before the 'Goth' train turned the whole way of life into the last train leaving a city before Armaggedon, with everyone clamoring on somewhere and hanging off the sides and out of windows. Meeting a 'Goth' person, in the original mentality and sense of it, often meant you were meeting someone who might look or act a bit morbid, but really had something to say, and if they didn't they were at least making an effort to figure out just what they wanted to say. But lately, as I look at the sea of black hair dye, make-up, lace gloves and other fashion accessories, it's a small wonder that people think it's such a joke. People claiming to be Satanist and wearing crosses, Ankhs hanging on every neck in clubs like some sort of ID badge, shallow complaining about how people are treated, then breaking off the complaints to laugh at someone's outfit. Being Goth to so many has gone from being something that was interesting and possessing a sense of depth and originality to being a cookie-cutter fashion trend.

Many Goths still contain a deep, burning, genuine love of the scene, but the pseudo-goths have come in, taken over, and sucked it dry and left it to die. I don't know who these people are, these people that float from trend to trend, and from scene to scene, and when things run dry they're history and talking about how they were "never that into it", to avoid looking like trend-whores. I don't know why people can't just be what they are, even if that means putting on wierd make-up or putting on a show for the world to entertain. Some people have made a trend of being boring, plain, and uninteresting. They've tried to make it "cool" to like practically nothing, and do even less than that. If that is who you are, then fine, but if you find yourself making a point of saying how much you like plain and boring things to everyone you meet, chances are you're just as fake as the people you complain about.

Who are these disgusting goths? Who are these people that I speak of? Well to make it simple, there are genuine people, and then there are people who are lost and feeling extremely small, and need something to make the world take notice. Some of these "small" people are just late-bloomers, which is nothing to feel bad about, identity comes with finding out about yourself and taking pride in that, it doesn't need to be rushed and good people are good people with or without identity, and other good people will always be willing to help along the way. On the other hand, we have the small people who want to cheat, and use fashion and emotional trends like drugs, which gives them a quick fix of relief temporarily, but soon after they need more, because they try to appear deep and genuine, but it's all fake and transparent. People who are genuine see right through all of the acts very quickly, and just find it insulting most of the time that fake people really do think no one can tell they're so shallow. The "disgusting" Goths are those that are shallow. Of course, if that's how they want to live, fine, but I will always alienate them, and not let them waste my time. I have no patience with people who insult my intelligence with transparent acts, who try to act as if they're full of emotion and personality, when they're really just full of s--t. I have no patience for lies and pseudo-originality, or people that would try and push that on me. Therefore, these types of so-called "Goths" disgust me, and I shall always call them for what they are..."disgusting".

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