On Satanism

The Book of Satan

Hail to all Satanists! You are to be congratulated mainly for having the curiosity in the ultimate belief as far as I'm concerned to come here and not just breeze through the site, look at pictures, and breeze right out. I mean I did take the time to write all this so it stands to reason that pictures of me, my family, and friends aren't the only reason I decided to bring the Black Order online. First, though, I feel the need to tell anyone who approaches Satanism with a cynical and skeptical point of view that you are wasting your time. This section is not here to ease your doubts, or provide you with the opportunity to check what you THINK you know about Satanism with what a devoted Satanist tells you about it. People that do that have a habit of only spreading more and more confusion, not to mention be an overall nuisance because they read half or all of The Satanic Bible, maybe a few other works, and then go out and discuss Satanism trying to teach people about what it is. People like this merely do nothing but disgust me, because they have a knack for spreading lies and half-truths under the guise of what they call an "educated opinion" on The Church of Satan. They feel they are doing others a service by trying to inform people of what they've discovered despite the fact that they know they barely understand it themselves. What's worse is that if they're left to ponder on their misguided conception of Satanism long enough they become arrogant even in the precence of a true Satanist, trying to come at the Satanist with an aggressive, "I know what you're all about, I've read your books, and I think it's all (place half-assed, useless opinion here)" sort of attitude. In addition, they also tend to feel obligated to inform everyone who asks about Satanism with their distorted point of view especially when a true Satanist is present(often trying to "shout over" the Satanist), in a weak effort to appear competent on the subject(as if anyone cares whether or not they're competent on it to begin with) like a child starved for attention. Which leads me to a simple piece of advice, if any of the above description applies to you, take heed and either join Satanism, or at the very least hold back your own opinions in favor of basic facts when discussing it at all. Your opinion on it will always be distorted because you do not apply Satanism to your everyday life, you do not know Satanism, you only know of it.

Sorry those the above irritation does not apply to, but everyday dealing with people has taught me to get people who will only waste my time away from me. Now, without waiting any longer, let's get down to business. This section is created by Satanists, and primarily directed at a like-minded audience, so if you are not one yourself feel free to stay as long as you recognize your lack of a complete understanding on the subject. As far as true Satanists, however... welcome, once again! I'm pleased to tell you what you probably already know, which is that we are living in the "Age of Satan"!! HAIL! For those Satanists who were unaware, consider the mood and times we are currently living in. This is the age of rebellion. People are rebelling at every opportunity. As a well-known Satanic author stated:

"...all is chaos, and anything goes, however irrational, that is against established policy. Causes are a dime a dozen. Rebellion for rebellion's sake often takes precedence for a genuine need for change. The opposite has become desireable, hence this becomes the Age of Satan."

Yes, we are living in the Age of Satan, rejoice!! What better time could you imagine to be alive than an era where Satanists all over the world can witness all of LaVey's hard work not only continuing to prosper, but growing exponentially as far as how much we, his students, accomplish every day? I personally feel overwhelmed with excitement. For me this is not the only reason, because a week or so before this site was created, I reached the age of 18 which meant that my family would finally allow me to become a full card-carrying member of the Church of Satan! In addition to this, my work with the Black Order has not gone unrewarded either, as we've educated many people who were intrested in Satanism to the point where an alarming number plan on joining the CoS when they reach 18 too. I've already started looking for property to lease to establish a place where I can start my own church, and one day a grotto, of my own, so I am of course very excited about everything that's going on. I've been training and studying the doctrine ever since I could read and now it's all finally paying off! Of course there is more good news, since my boyfriend of over 7 years Narkov(aka "Shmee") officially joined the CoS himself a week ago. All of these things make me sit back and take a look at how far it's all come, and how glad I am to see Christianity, Catholicism, and similar obsolete religions decaying before our eyes at an alarming rate. Wether or not they die out completely is inconsequential to me, so long as they're swept out of site along with their sickening values and lies. People are running around frantically looking for spiritual guidance, running to Wicca, Buddism, Hinduism, even making up wierd combinations like "Christian-witch", "Catholic-buddist", "Zen-Christian", and most alarmingly "Satanic-Christian". Oh how the mighty have fallen, eh? But all of this commotion can help to serve us, the Satanists in so many ways, the most important of which is that it will help us tell those who really want to become Satanist and seek true knowledge, from those who are nothing more than lost and a waste of precious time. I don't know about some people, but I personally can't stand having my time wasted by people who "just want to be knowledgable on the subject" for no reason other than to speak to the "spooky" Satanist and try to ease their fears and concerns. Looking back over time, from when Catherine Deshayes, known as Lavoisin helped bring about the creation of the first true Messe Noir, and Catholics were so adept at using "Satan" as a scapegoat for everything wrong with the world. Satan, to the white light religions that would have people believe that it is synonymous with "evil", was so powerful and so devoid of goodness, and yet "He" could always be defeated by even the weakest moron who was literate enough to quote a barrage of bible scripture. How convinient an enemy, which does make sense considering anyone who believes that an outside force is to blame for their own putrid weakness and lack of self-empowerment. This will go on until the end of time, and that's fine by me, however it is not fine that these people are currently in control of the planet. It makes me sick to see how much these diseased beliefs are holding back humanity, hence my rejoicing in the coming of the Age of Satan!!

As you can clearly see, I have no need, as many personal home page authors feel they do, to "validate" Satanism or ease the minds of non-Satanists who might happen to venture here. I will not be listing out all of the Satanic Statements and other such doctrine for those people, mainly because I don't believe it's worth the time. It makes me angry when I go to a page on the internet created by a Satanist, and all I see is our doctrine thrown up immediately, telling those who are ignorant of our belief about how we are not devil worshippers, and all that. I go in looking to hear the voices of Satanists ringing out in pride, and all I find are angry diatribes making it obvious the web page was meant for non-Satanists to come and be set at ease. True, I love hearing the beautiful sound of an avid Satanist standing tall, and crying out in defiance against our enemies, but we should also, despite our rebellion, remember that we are here to help advance society, not just scream and complain at it. I'm no stranger to what many Satanists go through by any means, I know how hard it is to constantly have ignorance thrown in your face with pride by those who would rather dwell in the mud of lies and nonsense. I know what it feels like to be asked for the millionth time(usually by the same people), wether or not me and my family sacrifice animals and children, or have idiotic so-called intellectuals read our bible and then start "quizzing" me to see if I qualify as a "real" Satanist and not someone looking for attention as if a)they know what a real Satanist is to begin with and b)it was me and not they that came looking for my attention to begin with. My family has members killed for their beliefs on many occaisions in the past, and I sincerely doubt this will ever end. I know what we all go through, and how hard it can be at times, but we must remember that although we must crush these imbeciles and the dogma that spawned their ignorance right along with them, that we don't forget that there are others of us out there who want to take a break every so often and find fellowship with those of the more "enlightened" belief. I fight when I have to, but until then I like to do what LaVey taught us to do and get the most out of life! So, let the ignorant walk around trying to catch us to try and shed some "light" on our dark religion, let them futily try and understand what we are without walking in our shoes...trying to walk outdoors without having the sun shine on them. We are SATANISTS!! We can't be put into neat little boxes and labelled, to be examined and studied like mice, so they can ease their fears and concerns. We sure as HELL can't be beaten by people armed with nothing more than programmed bible scripture and weak promises of a better afterlife if we bow down and kiss the hands and feet of the Pope, or some televangelist priest with a wife on one arm and a whore in his closet, or whoever their new fool is that wants to strut around waving crosses and spreading lies. We are not taught to live on our knees, and therefore when we speak of Satanism we should not feel compelled to speak as if we were begging non-Satanists to validate us and treat us with respect. Let them treat me without respect! Let them come at me armed with so much disgusting idiocy, and then let them have the piss beaten out of them when I'm tired of laughing at how much they actually believe what they say. The opinions of fools mean nothing to me unless their in a position to try and control my life somehow, and I guarantee them that having me make them understand that I will not bow down to them isn't something they'll enjoy or succeed at. We are Satanists! Be proud! Know that when you whole-heartedly become a true Satanist you have already broken their bonds of slavery! Know that you are free to live your life as you please as long as you take responsibility for what you do, and make no attempt at holding back anyone else from doing the same. Know that you are a believer of something that really is better, a world that bears productive, life-loving, strong, and determined people. Know that is what we will create. Know these things, and then stand up with your eyes wide open to the world, and shout...HAIL SATAN!!!

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