Help on Satanism

The Satanic Community, both online, and in the real world, takes care of it's own. There are many out there who feel the call of the left-hand path, but aren't sure about certain things, or have an extrodinarily hard time shaking off those years of programming by Xtian and similar religions and faiths, who have preached for so long about what they believe things like "Satan" are or are not.

First things first, get a copy of the Satanic Bible, by Anton LaVey, or some other works by EDUCATED members of the Satanic community(LaVey's book just happens to be my personal favorite as far as modern Satanism goes outside of my family literature). This step is just to get you aquainted with the basics. Take note however that the Satanic Bible(TSB) is a book that you don't just breeze through. You have to read it both critically and with an open mind. Don't just go following along blindly, that will screw you up right from the start. It is very important that you read what the book is saying, along with the things it implies. Satanism offers straight answers on some things, and leaves other things to be decided by the individual where necessary. Satanism is a very fluid religion, but does have specific goals and intrests in mind. Think of it like having a selection of different cars to go to the same place. Some people have color or speed preferences, some want luxury and leg room, some want economy, some want off-road, and so on, yet everyone is trying to get to the same place. However, due to the responsibility and hard work Satanism demands from those that really want to develop themselves through it, it can be tough. Never take on more than your personal limits will allow at one time. Build and grow naturally. You have your whole life ahead of you, no matter how old you are, to enjoy the freedoms and joys that a Satanic lifestyle built on strong personal foundations can provide. Don't stress about who is grasping concepts better than you at different points in time, the dedicated Satanists of the world will know potential when they see it, and while they won't hold your hand or babysit you, when you are truly in need of help, they'll appear as they see fit. If you're feeling overwhelmed, slow down some. If you think you can handle it, and are willing to settle for nothing less than getting out what you put in, take a few risks, see what you can do. The Satanic Community is for the most part in the shadows, not nearly as loud as your garden variety street-corner-preaching Xtian types, but they appear when they need to, or want to. Most of the time you'll end up finding them on your own, if you really are on the right path. For those who KNOW they want to be strong, dedicated life-loving Satanists, usually the most fun comes from figuring things out for yourself, facing the challenges you come across on your own, and defeating them the same way. The fact is, they know that while they are alone physically, they are not alone with regards to what they stand for. Their beliefs are founded in the hard work of people like Anton LaVey and all those he based what he knows on, and other people like the Reverends and Magistras, and Priests and Priestesses of the Church of Satan, and the countless Satanists world-wide. All of that knowledge circulates as it is necessary. For example, you had no idea the Dark Cypher existed before coming here, yet somehow you ended up at this web site, or meeting a member of it in person. The Satanists strength comes from within, and is collective within like-minded individuals.

There are many common questions asked within and about the Satanic Community and perspective, and other issues as well that arise from those that seek the knowledge, but are just a bit timid about making that first step. Admittedly, I(Shiva) personally take a bit more of a helpful attitude than many Satanists I know, of course only with people that are already somewhat interested in Satanism, as for the rest I don't quite tell them to blow off, but I don't devote nearly as much time and energy. However, some within the Church of Satan and beyond have gone out of their way to provide online connections to the Satanic Community with a lot of hard work, and it just wouldn't do to not mention them, since they gave me a lot of influence and helped me shape this site into something I rather liked and did what I wanted to do. Check out the links below!!

Here's your starting point for some basic helpful info and some cool things to read. For those that are already die-hard members belief-wise or actual registered members of the Church of Satan(CoS), the CoS link below gives some different perspectives here and there that you might find interesting.

This link is one of my personal favorites, it was the first "real" Satanic site I ever saw on the internet. The Satanic Network website is a shining example of a Satanic Site, mainly due to the fact that it's goal isn't to validate Satanism for the world and beg for acceptance, but rather to proudly say that we, the Satanists, are HERE and more importantly PROUD to be what we are, and all the bitching and whining and crying by those who can't handle that fact isn't worth a squirt of piss. It also gives lots of cool info, sources for merchandise , articles, poetry, and so on, check it out!!