Satanism and Sexism
People often ask members of the Dark Cypher if our coven is all-female out of a need to exclude men for sexist reasons. What an odd question. Since when has it been "sexist" to simply want to hang with a certain crowd of people for reasons of friendship? Is there anything on our website that shows a lack of respect towards men? If there is, and it's PROVABLE, E-Mail me and I'll personally remove such a thing. Sexism is not only un-satanic, its outrageously stupid and evidence of a weak mind. Satanism is about looking for things beyond the superficial, that's part of its backbone....the need to question, to search for the truth. As for why the Cypher is all-female, I can assure you there really isn't anything diabolical behind it. The simple fact is that when we first started out, we(most of the girls here) were just a few girls who hung out a lot and started thinking that creating our own Satanic coven would be a pretty cool idea. So, next thing I knew, I was coming up with cool things to focus on, me and my friends were thinking up Satanic spells and rituals, and it just spawned. Soon after that, me and Sid(Mr. Gone) were just idly talking and played around with the idea of taking the whole idea online, only he wanted to add in non-satanic girls, just for the web site, who were just into things that the Dark Cypher could really agree with image-wise. The rest is history.
It should be obvious I have nothing against men, what with the praise I give my boyfriend on occaision, or the occaisional risque pic members of the Sisterhood put up on the site, even down to the "prizes" we've given out to some cool people. I DESPISE people that don't know how to read between the lines and need everything spelled out for them by me saying things like "we are not (place lifestyle, race, religion, gender, etc here), but we also don't think there's anything wrong with people who are." I HATE even talking to people who have to assume you hate a race or lifestyle just because you say you don't do it. I hate it when conversations are turned into mine-fields where the other person takes offence at every other word. A section showing my irritation with those people is coming soon, but, for now, Mr. Gone and myself thought it would be fun to put all the sexist, bitchy, and all-around stupid people on display, hehe. So, check out the two links below, and let the fun begin!
- Shiva
Shiva's BITCH test [4 tha girlz]
Mr. Gone's WUSS test [4 tha guyz]