Amazon Women


Hail, Amazon women!! Yes I know this section was long in coming but I'm happy to say that I've finally gotten time to get it done. I've gotten numerous e-mails asking me about when this page would be up, if people could send in their own pics, stuff like that, and I have to say that I'm flatered, and at first I wasn't going to do anything like a "friends gallery" page, but I've kind of changed my mind on that. So, here's how I'll do it, I'll make a page that has pics of all the people who send in pics in gallery form, but for me to have enough room to do that, I'm afraid this geocities acct isnt gonna be nearly enough memory wise, so you guys have gotta help me out by sending e-mails, signing the guestbook, and so forth to show how much you want it, deal? Do that, and I'll bust my can and throw up a kickass female photo gallery! On a different note, I guess you're wondering what this section is all about aside from the obvious, and I will say that when started programming it it was just going to be a page with a few pics, and some pro-woman stuff to read up on. The problem with that to be completely honest is that I couldn't sit still unless the page was the best I could make it for the limited web skills that I have, which means just throwing up a tame pro-chik page just wasn't gonna do anything for me. So, I decided to hold off on it until I came up with something worthwhile to put here, and the answer is this...This page will obviously contain my thoughts on what women can be, and what our roles are as I see them. I don't plan to start calling all females "womyn" anytime soon, which brings me to another point. All "womyn", who are of a mind that they are better, superior, or in any way something more important than men simply because their not men, you have no place anywhere near me. The only thing a sexist person of either gender can do for me is to piss me off so I have an excuse to knock them sensless. I am a Satanist, and as such I don't practice gender and racial prejudices. This kind of thinking makes you overestimate yourself, and underestimate those you are against. That's why any man who underestimates women too often ends up eventually getting his ass whooped by one. I don't harbor a hate for men in the least, and I don't feel that anyone should merely based on gender alone.

Shiva Tells a Story

Here is one of my favorite stories from when I started really getting into researching mythology about Ereshkigal, the Sumerian and Babylonian Death Goddess. As it states in the myth, Ereshkigal was unlike many "goddesses of the dead" in that she ruled the Kingdom of the Dead on her own, and without a male partner or "King". This is important, because as the legend goes she later ended up co-ruling the underworld after she was raped by Nergal. Anyway, here is the story of her meeting with the Goddess of Life, Inanna:

Ereshkigal, the Sumerian and Babylonian Death Goddess, seems more archaic than Persephone. Unlike Persephone, She was the Queen of the Dead underground long before She was joined by a male god. Nergal managed to become co-ruler of the Underworld only by raping Her. So terrifying was She that the Sumerians never described Her in any detail, though the Babylonians said that when She was enraged, Her lips were black and Her face livid blue. When Inanna descended to the Underworld, Ereshkigal dealt with Her as She dealt with all newcomers to the Land of the Dead: At each of the gates of the Underworld, Inanna was ordered to remove a piece of jewelry or clothing until She stood before Ereshkigal naked. Ereshkigal spoke a single word that slew Inanna instantly, then hung Her nude corpse on a stake. The Goddess of Death had swallowed up the Goddess of Life. But having done so, She began to suffer the pains of childbirth. Yet the Goddess of Death could not give birth, so She lingered in misery. At last one of the gods, growing anxious over Inanna's failure to return, created two special beings to go to the Underworld and rescue Her. Being made as sexless neuters, the creatures did not violate the laws of the land of Death. They found Ereshkigal in Her fruitless labor. They sympathized with Her pain, echoing Her cries and complaints. Grateful for their attentions, Ereshkigal offered them any gift they wanted. They asked for no gift but Inanna's body, still hanging from its stake. The Goddess of Death gave it to them. Only then was Inanna restored to life.

Cool gal, eh? I always thought so. This page will be updated as soon as I get all the code done for it, gimmie a day or so ok?

Head back to the main page.