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David Lorton's Page
Ancient | Egypt |
I decided to use this Web space as an extension of the print medium. From time to time, I shall add mostly otherwise unpublished material, in some cases for lack of a suitable print venue. Since some of the items are lengthy, you might want to print them out to read at your convenience.
Here are the items presently available:
If you're interested in buying books about ancient Egypt, try the
My Bibliography (for the few who are interested)
An unpublished lecture manuscript called Autofellatio and Ontology
A paper entitled Hatshepsut, the Queen of Sheba, and Immanuel Velikovsky
Another paper, entitled Technical Terms in Ancient Egyptian
An attempt at a literary analysis of the Story of Sinuhe, entitled Reading the Story of Sinuhe
An English translation of Jan Bergman, "BA som gudomlig uppenbarelseform i det gamla Egypten," bearing the title Ba as Form of Divine Manifestation in Ancient Egypt
For those of you who are new to browsing about Ancient Egypt on the Web, Greg Reeder's egyptology.com is a great place to get started. There are lots of links, and the significant sites are mostly linked to one another.
For those who are more academically inclined, try the home page of the International Association of Egyptologists
barnesandnoble.com Home Page
This site is mainly for manuscripts about ancient Egypt. But it's also a personal page of sorts, and since I've been making a lot of friends from Indonesia, I thought I would add some information about their country. Indonesia has a rich and vibrant culture, and with a population of nearly 200 million people and rich reserves of oil and natural gas, it has developed into one of the most important nations in the Pacific Rim, and indeed, in the world. If you've come to this site in your leisure time, I hope you'll visit one or more of the following links for information about this interesting land.
The Indonesian Embassy in Washington, DC has a site where fresh news releases are posted from time to time to keep people informed of important developments.
The Ultimate Indonesian Homepage attempts to maintain a comprehensive list of links to information about Indonesia and Indonesian Web sites.
My friend Budi who lives in Singapore is 15 years old. He's putting together a really nice Home Page and would welcome your visit; and, if you'd like, you can look at a photo of an Angel that he thinks is really amazing.
If you're interested in buying books about Indonesia, try the barnesandnoble.com Home Page
The banner above is a link to the World Huaren Foundation, whose focus is on human rights issues affecting the Chinese Diaspora, in Indonesia and elsewhere. For a different and more upbeat approach, try . . .
If you're interested in business news from a Chinese perspective (actually three of them, those of Beijing, Taipei, and Hong Kong), try Sina.com. This a Chinese-language site, and there's also an English-language page: