Name: Stacy Theresa Schumacher
Birthdate: December 19, 1978 ( Sagittarius )
Hometown: Saukville, WI - a little town of no consequence, about 30 miles north of Milwaukee, WI. and Jacksonport, WI, in Door County, where my family is from and I *really* grew up...
Current Residence: July 2004 - Yay! I have a (somewhat crap) job in Edinburgh. No more bum status for me and... wait a minute, I kinda liked being a bum....
Sept 2002 - present day Edinburgh Scotland
Yup - I'm back and doing my master's degree in Environmental Sustainability - It's going pretty well. For regular updates, see my livejournal at
March 2002-Sept 2002 Wisconsin
What I'm doing there: Well, I'm back in the states for a time. Helping my mom move house and eventually moving up to Door County for the summer. I'll be doing a lot of landscaping work up there, both on my mom's new house, as well as possibly a summer job with a company up there. I'll also be enjoying the sun and having a place on the lake. I haven't spent a summer in Door County for a while, so this will be a lot of fun. It'll also be nice to see everyone there and spend some time with the family before I leave for Edinburgh again in September, this time for my Master's degree!
And before that... Sept. 2001 - March 2002 Edinburgh Scotland.
Ok, so I'm currently on a 6-month work abroad program that will be ending in March. I knew I wanted to return to the UK, but thought I should try a different place than London (again) And things are working out wonderfully! I am truly enjoying Edinburgh, it's a lovely city, there's lots for me to do and I've managed to make some interesting friends. I started work at a pub, but quickly moved on to cafe work so I could have evenings free. The fencing here is not the best, the city's main club is awful cliqueish and somewhat lacking in sabre fencers and coaches! I'm doing some role-play and active with the SCA, in addition to further revisions of the thesis (think I got it this time!) I have travelled quite a bit around Scotland (ask me about renting a car.....;) and find the scenery to be stunning! The forests, well, not as nice as home of course, but then what could be! I miss Madison -- My friends there, and of course I miss Door County, but am hoping to return to Edinburgh next year to work on my Masters degree (An MSc in Environmental Sustainability -- one year program)
And before that....: Sept 2000-May 2001
I'm currently a Senior at the University of Wisconsin . At the present, I am studying International Relations - with an emphasis on environmental policy. I am writing my senior thesis on the World Trade Organization and Multilateral Environmental Agreements, a topic that has always held a great deal of interest for me. I'm the President of the UW Fencing Club , a group I truly enjoy. I started fencing sabre about three years ago, it's a blast,....I am now thinking of moving into epee, but sabre will always be closest to my heart. I also play the trumpet in the University Concert Band as I have since my first year here. In addition I play in a local renaissance music consort. There are too many other things to mention, but those are the most important.
I am currently planning on graduating in May 2001. This is bittersweet as I truly love the Madison campus and have had some really great times here. However, I am somewhat tired of being a student, with the stress of grades, tests, classes, as well as the poverty that comes with only working about 15 hrs a week.
So what comes next? That is the eternal question. I am thinking of returning to the UK (yet again!) to work abroad for six months. Basically, I only have one set plan, and that is to thru-hike the Appalacian Trail starting April 2002. So I need something to do for the 6-8 months prior to that. Edinburgh perhaps? I've been in London, loved it, but would like to experience a different area of the UK (if they can get that whole hoof-and-mouth thing under control) Eventually I plan on going on to graduate school and getting a Master's of International Affairs degree. Then, who knows, I might even get a "real" job....
In the meantime, the important thing about life is to live it...too many people rush through, find a job, settle down, and WORK WORK WORK, until 20 - 30 years later they look back and sigh, "why didn't I go there, do that..."
I think Thoreau said it best "I didn't want to reach the end of my life, and find I had not lived"
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Two - Green
Favorite Book: See my library..
Favorite TV show: God, TV is getting so banal. Even the nightly news makes me sick. There are a few shows I still enjoy: The X-Files.. I have to say The Blackadder, The Simpsons, and Seinfeld are close runners up...they just don't have David Duchovny...although now that it looks like he's leaving the X-Files, I'll be watching that show a lot less.
Favorite Music Groups/Individuals: Depeche Mode! Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, Marta Sebastyn,
Wolfsheim, R.E.M., Depeche Mode, U2, Moby, Radiohead, David Bowie, Bjork, Sarah McLachlan
Stellamara, Kila, lots of classical and world music (fav. symphony: Rachmaninov's Symph. #2, closely followed by Mahler #5)
Top Ten Movies:
Siblings: Lisa and Carol - my two younger sisters
Pets: the one true love of my life....Lucky! (my orange-tiger cat)
- This boy has been with me for seven years now, whether it be in Saukville, Door County
or now with me in Madison. (the one exception being my travels to the UK).
I'll put a real picture in one of these days...
Hobbies: Listening to Music, Hiking, Reading, Canoeing, Watching old movies, Wandering through the woods (much different than hiking!), Fencing, Arguing about Politics, Sketching and Painting, Archery, Playing the Trumpet, Kendo - especially the Naginata!!, Backpacking, Dance (ballroom, club, folk), Gardening, RPG's.
Some random pics: Sorry, I'm still not a pro with all this "digital camera" stuff, so some of the pictures are a bit large. I'll try to cut them down to size when I have more time to experiment with the computer.
EMail me at: