Spring Garden Waldorf School
2001 - 2002 Calendar
June & July, 2001August, 2001
Work Days (To Be Announced)
14 - Faculty Meeting
20 - Board Meeting (7:00pm)
20-22 - Faculty Inservice
28 Faculty Meeting
12 - Faculty Meeting
18 - Board Meeting (7:00 pm)
26 - Faculty Meeting
9 - Faculty Meeting
15 - Board Meeting
23 - Faculty Meeting
23- New Parent Orientation 6:30 pm
28 - School Starts
September, 2001November, 2001
3 - Labor Day - No school
6 - Parent Meeting (7:00)
8 - Work Day
18 - Class Pictures
19 - Class Pictures
19 - Board Meeting (7:00)
20 - Class Pictures
28 - Michaelmas Program (7:00)
1 - Parent Meeting 7 pm
2 - Parent-Teacher Conferences
- No school for students

3 - Work Day (8:00 - 1:00)
- Open House (9:30-11:30)
5 - Post Conference Day - No School
9 - 11 Border Benefit Days
10 - Faculty/Board Retreat (8:30 - 12:00)
14 -Walk through the Grades (9:00)
14 - Board Meeting (7:00)
18 - Austin Eurythmy Group Performances (7:00p)
19 - Austin Eurythmy Group Performances (10:15)
21 - Assembly (9:15)
21 - Early Dismissal (2:15pm)

22 - 23 -Thanksgiving Break - No School
October, 2001December, 2001
4 - Parent Meeting (7:00)
6 - Work Day
7 - Contra Dance (5:00 - 7:00)
9 - Class Meetings Pk/k, 2,4,6,8
10 - Walk through the Grades (9:00)
12- Speaker: Martin Novom (7:00)
13 - AWSNA Conference @ Spring Garden (10 - 4)
16 - Class Meetings 1,3,5,7
17 - Board Meeting (7:00)
26 - Assembly
26 - Halloween Festival (6:00)
3 - Advent Spiral
6 - St. Nicholas
8 - Children's Festival (10 - 4)
12 - Walk through the Grades (9:00)
19 - Board Meeting (7:00)
20 - Holiday Program (7:00)
22 - Begin Holiday Break