-------------------------My Trip to Disney World-------------------------
Our trip to Disney World was the best! Our grandparents came because it was going to be a family trip. I also missed a week of school.
The night before we left was very chaotic. Everyone was running around looking for clean clothes and things they wanted to bring along. We all had at least one suitcase that was jam packed and a little carryon bag (or backpack).
The morning we left we had to get up at 4:30 in the morning. We had to take turns showering because there is only so much hot water. Our grandparents came over at about 5:30 a.m. with all their stuff. A van came to pick us up around 6:00 to take us to the airport.
We stayed in a Fort Wilderness Home in Fort Wilderness. It is kind of like a mobile home. After we got settled we went to the bus stop. We go on the bus and went to The Magic Kingdom. We spent the rest of the day there. The rest of the week was pretty good. One day we went swimming in the rain, in a pool and in the lake. Another day I went to the Disney Institute and took a class. It was called Show Biz Magic. We went to see some of the shows that were going on and we got to go underneath Disney’s Magic Kingdom! I also got to go on the new ride Alien Invasion and we got to see the puppet show the of The Lion King and go backstage.
The last day we were there we got on the monorail and went out for breakfast after we got all packed. We checked out of the campground and took a van to the airport. We had a cool trip!
So that is why my trip to Walt Disney World was so great. It was the best trip I have had in a long time!
-------------------------My Trip to Greece-------------------------
In the summer of 1997, my mom, my sister, and me took a trip to Greece. I had a lot of fun.
In June, a couple days after school was over, we were ready to leave. We took with us two big suitcases and two handbags. Our airline was "Alitalia Airlines", an Italian airline. Our airplane was a Boeing 707.
Our first stop was Rome, Italy. We had to wait at the Da Vinci Airport for about an hour and a half. During that time we toured the airport. It was really nice. When our plane was there, we started boarding it. This time our airline was "Olympic Airlines". It was a Greek airline.
When we arrived in Athens, my Uncle Andrea came and picked us up. He then drove us to Krinides. The drive was 10 hours long. We were going to stay at my grandma’s house so we arrived there at about 1:00 in the morning. My grandma was very excited to see us.
The next day we meet my Uncle Taso and my Aunt Loula. That afternoon they took us to the beach. The sand and water were very clean and clear. We had fun with my cousin, John. He was very playful. When it was time to leave, John didn’t want to leave! He was screaming that he wanted to stay!
During the rest of our vacation, I met all my relatives that I hadn’t seen for a very long time. Most of them I didn’t even remember. My vacation was very great. I had a lot of fun in Greece.
-------------------------My Sleepover Party-------------------------
I won’t forget the day my friends slept over at my house and some girls from school slept over at Katie’s house. Katie’s house was across the street from my house. We played basketball and talked about things that are going on.
It all started when me Mikey and Derek asked Katie if Rachel and Liz was spending the night at her house. We all walked over to Katie’s house after school. It was important to me because my friends spent the night.
After we arrived at Katie’s house, Derek, Mikey, Rachel, Katie, Liz and me played basketball. Then Mikey, Derek and I went to my house to eat and do our own thing. At about nine the girls called to ask if we wanted to play night games.
Then about ten Derek, Mikey and I went back to my house. We played video games and watched movies. We stayed up all night and talked.
Therefore, that is why I won’t forget it because we played basketball, talked and mostly of all my friends slept over.
-------------------------My Baby Brother-------------------------
I’ll never forget the day my brother Omar was born. It was special day for me and my family.
My new baby brother was born. I knew it was coming, but not right now. He was a month earlier. He was born on February 2, 1995. It was so cool because I was 10 and he was just born, so small, and cute.
It all started when we just came from school. It was a sunny, bright kind of cold day. I was happy because I had no homework. My brothers Joel, Edgar and I Jorge , went to my grandma’s.
When we got to my grandma’s house, my Uncle Carlos came. He entered and he told us that "your mom had a baby." We didn’t believe him because he always jokes around with us. He said that "why don’t we go and see her." We all said " yeah."
Then when we entered the car, we saw my other grandma. She was kind of sad. We asked her "if our mom was all-right" She said that " I don’t know and that she almost died when the doctors wear taking the baby out. She lost a lot of blood.
She had no color on her face, her skin was all violet. I was crying. Quickly they put about 3 or 4 bags of blood.
Finally we got to Sherman Hospital. We went to the room. I saw no one there but then I saw to my right, and I saw my mom Teresa, my dad Joel and my little brother.
My mom and my little brother were all fine. My brother grew up like a normal kid, and smart. Now he is 3 years-old.
-------------------------My New Puppy-------------------------
I will never forget the day when I got my new puppy. It was important to me because I had always wanted a new dog after my first one died.
It had been a year since my first dog had died. It was a Saturday and my whole family except my brother he was at collage. We went on a Saturday and had to go all the way down to Chicago.
On the way to the pet shop my sister(Jennifer) and I Where trying to decide on a name. Everyone was so excited we just couldn’t calm down. When we pulled in front of the pet shop my dad ran over the curb. Right away when we walked in you could tell it was a pet shop just by smelling. My sister Jennifer and I had a big smile on the whole time we were there. We started to look at the dogs everyone went off on there own. After a half an hour of looking we finally found the dog we wanted.
She was a German shepherd collie with white feet. When we got her in the car she was so excited. When we started driving we started to think of what to name her. Then my mom saw that we were on Ashland street. After that we all agreed to name her Ashland. When we got home almost everyone we knew came over to see her.
That is why I will never forget that day. Because I got my new puppy.
-------------------------My Birthday Party-------------------------
I’ll never forget the day when I had my birthday party. It was my birthday, August.6,1997. My party was going to be at my uncle’s house. We were going to have a swimming party. It was so much fun.
My mom and I went to go grocery shopping. We had to get all the food for the party. It was already 11:00, and my party started at 1:00. We came home and started packing the things into the car.
When we left the houses it was already 12:00. We got their and nobody was home. They were on their way from a camping trip with my aunt and his 2 kids. Two of my friends were their, Rachel and Katie.
Everyone got their and we started to swim. Finally my uncle got their. My mom started cooking the hot dogs. Everyone got out of the pool. We all ate and then went back to swimming. We played football with a little ball. It was so much fun! Then we got out to eat cake and open presents. My cake was a smilly face and cup cakes around it. We opened presents , I got allot of money and cool things. We went back to swimming .
Then later on every parent started to come. When everyone left we started to clean up. I had so much fun. I got great things and had a very excited day. I told my mom that I would like to have a party next year.
-------------------------The Worst Day of my Life-------------------------
My worst day of my life was when I had a accident with my bike and a chain linked fence. Because I lost a lot of blood, and my nose was broken, and I couldn’t move my jaw.
I was bleeding for along time. I was taken to the emergency room. I was there for about three hours. The doctor said I might get stitches.
My nose was wasn’t bleeding as much as my mouth was. At first I didn’t think my nose was broken the doctor even said it wasn’t. So the next day I went to a oral surgeon and said if we could of got to him sooner we could have stitched him.
I couldn’t move my jaw for a week or so I couldn’t eat. I didn’t get to eat for a week. When I could eat I ate through a straw. I lost about five pounds.
So you could see how it was a bad experience. My mom and dad hate when I ride my bike.
-------------------------The Worst Day of my Life-------------------------
One day it was me and my friend . His name is Toron . That day we were bored so we tried to think of a game.
Then we saw a man putting big pile of dirt in his yard . So we sat behind a tree until he left.
Than after we jump into the pal of dart then we got out and went home to change into some closes and went back then we start making rules. The was to jump in front of a car and sack are bootie. Then go behind the dirt so they couldn’t see us.
Then it was getting dark so we were ready to go. So we said we do a few more before we leave so while were in the street. The man dirt we were playing in was home so while my friend got his shoes and that man tried to run me over so I got me shoes and ran where my friend was. I was breathing hard while my friend was laughing at me and that was the worst day of my life.
--------------------------My Trip to Europe-------------------------
I’ll never forget the summer of 1996, when my family went to Europe. This was very important to me because we got to see practically all my friends and family.
It was kind of boring on the plane ride to Holland. This event took place in about three different places. Chicago, Amsterdam, and Scopia. The plane ride took seven hours from Chicago to Amsterdam, and from Amsterdam to Scopia it took three hours.
Then we finally got to Scopia we had to ride another four hours in a big van. When we got there my time was all mixed-up.
It took me a long while after I got used to it all. Seven hours ahead of our Central Time Zone. There were lots of people to meet and lots more fun things to do.
Finally getting used to all the weird stuff that was going on those seven weeks seemed like they lasted for a long time. Since the time was going by so slowly it was like there was so much time to do whatever we wanted.
Then the time came for us to say good-bye to everyone and we left at four in the morning. We were all so sad because we were so sad, and sleepy. When we got back to Chicago my dad was right there waiting for us.
That was the best time I have ever had in my whole life. I will never forget it.
-------------------------My Dog Max-----------------------
One day I will never forget is when I got my dog Max. He had golden hair , with brown eyes. After we had him for awhile we started calling him Mut Mut.
We got Max because my old dog had to be put to sleep because she had cancer. Her name was Brandy. She was an Irish Setter. She had this big lump under neath her and she chewed a hole in herself. When my dad woke up he said it looked like there had been a massacre in our kitchen. I didn’t see it because I was at my mom’s house. When I came the next time me and my dad went looking for a new dog.
We went to a pet shop and found a dog we liked. I think it was a rottweiler. But they wouldn’t let us have him because we didn’t have a fenced in backyard. But we told them that my grandparents next-door had a fenced in backyard but they still wouldn’t let us have him. So then we went looking for other dogs. We looked in the paper and found a dog that sounded cool. So we went to look at it.
When we got there the owner brought it out and it turned out to be a boy dog. When the owner let go of him he jumped right up to me and knocked me over. That’s when I knew I had to have him. I told my dad I liked him and we bought him right there. We took him home in the maroon Pontiac that my grandma owned.
-------------------------The Football Championship-------------------------
The best day of my life was when I won the football championship. It was important to me because it was my first time ever winning a championship.
First it started off in the morning when my whole team went to a place to eat breakfast. Then we walked to the football field that we were going to play at. We played at St. Edwards football field.
When we got to the field we started warming up and getting ready for the game because the team that we were facing was undefeated and they had already beaten us twice. At about 10:30 we started the game. We started off pretty good but in the middle of the second quarter they scored on a quarterback bootleg. But they missed the extra point.
At the end of the game with about two minutes left we ran a trick play that never worked in practice it was called the statue of liberty. In the game we ran it and it worked! We threw for the extra point but I made a bad throw and are receiver to dive for it! The referees talked about the play a little while and they called the extra point good. They had one last chance to win but they threw a long pass but I intercepted the ball.
Therefore winning the championship was important to me because it was the first time ever winning a championship. That game I had 16 tackles and one interception. The next year we won it again and won back to back championships.
-------------------------The Happiest Day of my Life-------------------------
The happiest day of my life was when my nephew was born. The reason why this day was very important to me is because he was my first nephew.
It all started out in the morning, and it was a school day. Also my older sister was eight-and a half months pregnant. So then I went to school, and it was a boring day. I was getting ready to go home when I got a note, and it said ‘ Justin is to go to his baby-sitters house. So then I went to my baby-sitters, and she told me that my mom had a surprise for me.
So being at the baby-sitters for two hours I was beginning to become impatient. Finally my mom came to pick me up, and she told me that my older sister had a baby boy!
So afterwards we went to go see my new baby nephew at the hospital. Went in my sister was holding the baby, and he was so cute.
So all in the end, my nephew came home two days later. He also weighed five pounds and nineteen ounces, and his name is Joshua Patrick Martin. The date now is the twelfth of March and my sister has had another baby boy! He weighed five pounds and twenty ounces, and is three weeks old. His name is Brandon Michael Martin.
-------------------------My Trip to New Jersey------------------------
The two weeks I went to New Jersey were some of the funniest weeks I ever had. The reason it was so fun was because it was the first time I saw my godmother.
My mother, sister, and I got up early so we would be ready for when my grandma came to pick us up. My grandma was going to drive us and stay with us while we were in New Jersey.
It took us 3 days to get there. On the way we had to go through the Appellation mountains. It was funny because my sister is scared of heights, so the hole time we were in the mountains she had her head in her pillow and wouldn’t look out the window.
After 3 days we finally got there. We got a hotel right by the beach and right by my godmothers house. First we unpacked and then went over to her house.
When we got to her house I met some cousins I had never met before. There names were Danielle and Carrie. Danielle was only a year older than me, and Carrie was the same age as my sister K.D.
We went to the beach every day. One time Danielle and I found Hermit Crabs. I wanted to keep them but my mom said no.
When the 11 days were up, we were on our way home. It was sad because it seemed like I lived there forever, but my mom and my grandma said that we would go back in a few years.
-------------------------My Trip to Alaska-------------------------
The date was August 9,1997-August 16,1997, and it was my visit to Alaska that was one week. It was important because it was my first visit there since we moved.
My mom, my brother Toby, and I got on the airplane at 6:00 in the morning. Toby and I would continue on to Alaska while my mom got off in Seattle. When we got in Seattle, Toby and I stayed for a few hours and visited with my grandparents. My grandma, grandpa, mom, brother and I had dinner. After dinner Toby and I got back on the airplane and continued to Alaska.
Me and my brother got to Alaska at midnight, and my uncle Rick and cousin David greeted us there. Toby and I stayed at my aunt and uncle’s house the week we were in Alaska. I liked staying there because I had a lot of fun with my cousins David and Michael.
I had $55 dollars to spend, and I spent It all at the mall. I did at least one thing with my friends every day. I also saw "My Best Friend’s Wedding" with my aunt. I had so much fun with my friends.
Therefore, the visit was great and it was so good to see my friends again. I can’t wait for my visit this summer. Without my brother.
------------------------My New Dog------------------------
The day that I got my dog would be a day that I will never forget . It was an import day because my dad finally gave and said that we can get a dog .
My dad didn’t wont a dog because he didn’t want to take care of it . He thought that it would be too much trouble when we went to are grandparent’s or family vacation . My dad was afraid that somebody would be allergic to a dog .
The kid wanted a dog because every one else had a dog that we knew . We thought that a dog would be a good companion to are family .
We held a family meeting and decided what kind dog we wanted . We got books from the library . We decided a shout hair dog would be the best for are family . Every one liked the beagle . We didn’t want to train it . So we decided to adopt a dog from an animal shelter .
May 24,1996 is the day that I will never forget because that was the day that we finally got a dog . His name is Aladdin . He was two years old. He is a trio colored beagle . Now that his member of the family he likes to sleep on the family room couch .
-------------------------The Carnival of 1992-------------------------
One of my funniest days of my life is when I went to the carnival ,but it had its up and downs. It was fun because I got to do what I wanted to and go on the rides I wanted to go on.
When I woke up on that very fun day the first thing I did was have breakfast, but what I didn’t knowtice was everyone was excited about something. So I asked my mother " why everyone was excited"? and she said " that we are all going to the carnival". I smiled at mom then went and got dressed I put on my new shirt for a new day. Then in a little while we left.
At the carnival it took us a while to find a parking spot but we found one . then we went and bought a lot of tickets. At first we all had to stay together. After a while we split up. My mom ,my older sister and my little brother stayed together. My dad went somewhere else by himself , me ,Courtney and Doug went as a group together. We went on a lot of rides.
Well we were on a bunch of rides Doug wasn’t felling so good and he through up on me. I started to cry , then the ride stopped. I ran to my mom an she took me to the bathroom to clean up and the same w\ Doug. After that my mom gave us all motion sickness pills. Later I was horrified to go by Doug be cause I was afraid that he might have that accident again. But some how he convinced that it was O.K. to come by me and the rest of the day I stayed by him.
That was a buisy but fun day and when I got home I fell asleep right away. Me personally remember it as a memorial and a fun day.
-------------------------The Day I got my New Puppy-------------------------
I will never forget when I got my new puppy because, we were driving by the pet shop and I saw something so little I thought it was a rat! We turned back to see what it was. When we got there we looked , it was a puppy!
My mom asked the lady how much she was. The lady said "A couple already Was going to by her." The couple was supposed to call at 6 P.M. So I waited by the clock until 6:00, I called the store and she said " They didn’t call Her."
We called my mom’s bank and asked how much money she had. They said " She had enough to buy the puppy." We went back to the store and got her! She was so little!
When we got home I had to think of a name. I had lots of names like Sally, Sarah. Then it just hit me to name her Little Bit.
To this day she is still my baby. I will never forget when I got my puppy(Little Bit).
-------------------------The Parade-------------------------
The most important day in my life is when my grandpa was in the parade it was so important to me because I was in it with him.
It was about 1:00. I was 8 years old. I was eating lunch when my dad said grandpa was going to be in the parade this year. I thought, duh, he is in it every year. Then he said "You are going with him." "WOW" I said while I spit out my lunch.
So the next day I put on my cowboy hat and my dad took me over to my grandpa’s house. There was the coolest thing I had ever seen ( you have to understand I was 8 years of age, so give me a break.) it was a white carriage with a white horse and velvet seats. The driver was funny looking. "Where’s Grandpa" I said. Just as I said that the driver turned around and it was my grandpa. I thought that was pretty cool. Then my grandpa said lets go.
So I went through the parade and I threw flowers at my friends and family. The parade must of lasted 2 hours. I ran out of flours rite in the middle of it.
The reason this time was so important to me is because my grandpa died 2 days later. It was my last time with him.
-------------------------The Day I was Born-------------------------
The most important day in my life is when I was born. I almost died but the operation saved my live.
When I was born I almost died. A helicopter took me to a children’s hospital in Rockford. That week was really good for me.
I was supposed to be born on November-23-85 but I was born on September-8-85. It was up to my parents if I should have the operation. I had a 90% chance of living and 10% to die. I had the operation because of my parents and I’m still here today. I’m in sixth-grade today.
I’m very proud of my parents that they have gave me that operation now I have a lot of friends and I go to the best Elementary School, Century Oaks School. My parents used a few thousand dollars for the operation, well it paid off.
Therefor that was the best time of my life. That I was born and almost died but didn’t.
-------------------------The Fifth Grade Picnic-------------------------
I am going to tell you about the fifth grade school picnic . First about were it took place, second who was involved ,and third what happened.
The school picnic took place at Randall Road , in a huge park with swings ,mostly everybody do their picnics their .In that park they have all the supplies for picnics. That’s were it took place.
This paragraph is going to tell you who was involved. It was Kristina, her mom, her dad, and me.Thats who was involved.
This is going to be about what happened. We first went to the store, then we went to the picnic. When we went over their , their was a lot of people. They all were dancing and playing. That was everything that happened.
That is why I liked the fifth grade picnic, and because we mostly all of my friends were their.
-------------------------Last Sunday-------------------------
I had A fun weekend last weekend and so did my friend Brandon and Mike . I liked it though because I got to ollie down Abbott Middle School’s stairs ,and got to hang out with my friends ,and get a new Marilyn Manson CD. I also learned how to do a kick flip with my skate board.
Last Saturday I had my friend Brandon over and we were skate boarding . We skated over at Abbot Middle School and I ollieed down the fromt stairs and made it and my friend Brandon was amazed . Then we went over to my friend Mike and he showed me how to do a kick flip. Then we went over to Beef Villa and we got ourselves some lunch. Then I went over to Bloock Buster Video and Music and got a Marilyn Manson CD.and went home to play the game Duke Nukem 3D,Doom 2,my new game Grand Theft Auto.
-------------------------My Birthday------------------------
When I woke up at 6:00 a.m. in the morning it was April 29, 97. I got ready for school, told my brother to ‘get up’ so he can take me to school.
As it was my birthday I dressed up a little. Black polyester pants, and a bright green shirt. I thought I looked nice until school began. Then I noticed that it was a nice bright sunny day, and that I was sweating like a hog. Until then school ended.
I walked home, put on some toons (T.V.) , since I didn’t have any home work. Put on Jerry Sprienger, and watched it about for an hour. There was one hour left till my parents got home. It was 3:00 p.m. , and then my parents would get home at 4:00 p.m.. On through that hour I watched Forest Gump. My parents got home at 4:05 p.m. , (I know this since I wrote this in my diary).
They (parents) called my brother that was down stairs ‘to come up stairs.’ My parents gave my brother a wink, and at the same time my brother and my parents went outside. My parents told me to come to. We drove till Carpentersville, I kept on asking what was going on, but they wouldn’t budge.
We stopped in front of a house that had two Siberian Huskies on the front lawn. My parents got out of the car, and I did the same, My brother was already there(he took his own car, and plus he’s a fast driver). My brother Tony told us (me, parents) to come to the back yard of the lady’s house with two Siberian Huskies on the front lawn.
When we entered the back yard the back lawn was covered with about 9 redish white brown puppies with blue eyes. Tony(brother) picked up one of the puppies that had a spot on its nose. And gave it to me. I was stunned. My parents and my brother told me happy birthday.
Now I have a one year old Siberian Huskie that is adorable you’d just want to hug him. To me I thought that was the best birthday ever. And in the summer we’d always take him to Chicago to show off. Now that its winter , and since he’s a Siberian Huskie, he looks just right.
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