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The Man Who Tried To Hug Clouds

by Jim Bennett

I think of all the poets I know, Jim Bennett has influenced me more than any other poet I have read, heard or come into contact with, his poetry is a monument to life and our the existence as individuals. He is a poet of great individuality and quality who should be recognised for his tremendous contribution. I was pleased to hear that Jim had won the two DADAFest awards (one as best individual artist and the other as best established artist) it is the start of the recognition which he should now receive for a lifetime dedicated to poetry. Ted Slade - Poet (Last Arm Pointing - Flarestack) and Founder and Managing Editor of Poetry Kit.

  Price: £7.99 ISBN: 1-904781-31-4
   Availability: April 2004   Click Here to Buy


Down in Liverpool

A new CD of Music and Poetry from

Jim Bennett

..."an authentic voice bringing the sound of beat to Liverpool"
Buy it now - £8.99 on line from
Poetry Kit