A lost man is walking down a path in a forest when he comes to a fork. Guarding the way are two men (one in front of each path). The man, bewildered as to which path to take, notices a sign that reads, "You have only two options, one path leads to death, the other leads to safety. In front of each path is a guard. You may ask only one of the two guards, only one question. Be forewarned one of the guards must always tell the truth and the other must always tell a lie, but there is no way to determine which is the truth-teller and which is the liar. Thus, choose your one question wisely." What question should he ask?


In a strange land there are two tribes: the Lynx and the Cougars. The Lynx are inveterate liars, while the Cougars are unfailingly truthtellers. A traveler visits the land one day and meets a party of three inhabitants. The traveler asks the three from which tribe each is from. The first says something so quickly that the stranger does not understand. The second remarks, "He said he was a Lynx." The third says to the second, "You are a liar". What is the tribe of the third person (and please explain the reasoning)?

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