This site is listed in
A homesteader's first stop after settling in - list your
site by theme in the Athens Atrium. While you're
there, scan the listings to see what other homeowners have
to say about themselves. Listed by categories- quickly find
other sites in Athens with the same theme as your own.
It was a lowercase sort of
neighborhood, so I wasn't surprised when the radio crackled
and barked: Verb. Smothered. Found too late in a debris of
unnumbered lists. Never had a chance.
I questioned Mark, spelled out the
numbers, and then in my best active voice, called for

A complete listing of Pagan sites in Athens
and suburbs is maintained on the Stella Australis home page.
Outstanding sites are marked with a star. Also on the site
is historical and factual information about Paganism.
Blessed Be!
The Greeks were well known for the liking of games,
etc....Here on these pages you will find contests, scavenger
hunts, awesome displays, and humor.