Vocations |
The Dwelling Place Monastery |
Tired of Journeying Alone?
Consider Us. We Journey to God Together. |
Are You Interested in City or Rural Living?
Located in Southeastern Kentucky, our monastery is situated on the side of a mountain facing out over the area. We are gifted daily by the wonders of God's creation. We hold these gifts gently in our hands and care for the environment with reverence, always trying to envision a better use of our land.
Do You Think You Have a Calling? Our Mountains Could Be Calling You.
Are You Interested in a Small or Large Community?
We are a small core community of women who share Benedictine life daily with Oblates and volunteers. Together we build a life centered on communal and private prayer, work, leisure and hospitality to retreatants and visitors. We share ideas, dreams, tell stories, challenge and encourage one another.
Want to Find a Place That's Small? You've Found It! Here We Are.
Are You Interested in an Apostolic or a Monastic Community?
We are a monastic community of women. Though not cloistered we are contemplative, creating a peaceful and prayerful environment so that the word of God can take root in our hearts.
We also enter into the inter-faith dialogue that brings a richness to the area. This impells us to be inclusive in our prayer life and to be respectful toward all people's beliefs.
Continuing in the Benedictine tradition of having a missionary spirit, we walk with the people of the area and listen to their needs. Yes, some of us work outside the monastery. We serve our sisters and brothers through teaching, counseling, social work, care of the sick, parish and retreat work. At other times, we are open to use our gifts for the service of others.
Want to be a Missionary in the US? Come to Southeastern Kentucky.
We Have Found That These Characteristics Are Needed For Ministering to People Here, in Appalachia. A Person Who Desires to:
- Be rooted in God and prayerful
- Say "yes" to a type of dying (letting go in order to receive new life)
- Live on the edge and be willing to take risks
- Be relational and flexible (willing to live with some degree of uncertainty)
- Accept the fact that things aren't perfect
- Be a good listener
- Remember that you are a stranger and a guest
- Be a risk taker
- Move beyond one's comfort zone
- Be willing to drive a lot
- Lift up and raise up others
Come Dream Our Dream With Us.
If you can say yes or your heart wants to hear more about us, we invite you to come and see.
The Dwelling Place Monastery
150 Mount Tabor Road
Martin, Kentucky 41649
(606) 886-9624
Sister Carolyn Lambert, OSB
Vocation Director
Email Us
The Dwelling Place Monastery...Dare to Explore the Possibilities!