When most people think about a telephone psychic or tarot reader, the word "phoney" comes to mind. I assure you I am not looking for phoneys. In fact, I'm looking for serious individuals who will be sensitive to callers and have at least some experience with reading the tarot.
A telephone tarot reader is considered an independent contractor and not an employee. He or she is in business for him/herself and are responsible for his/her own taxes.
Readers make their own hours and can work any time, day or night. They use their own tarot decks and though they are given scripts and guidelines, they handle their callers whatever way feels right to them.
It is suggested that a reader works 10 or more hours a week, but a minimum of 5 hours of talk-time a week is required.
Readers must take at least one call the 1st or 2nd and 16th or 17th of each month or their pay drops from $12.00 an hour to $9.50 an hour. These days are payday for a lot of folks, so more readers are needed than usual.
In order to receive calls no matter when you log on, it is suggested that readers hold a 17+ minute average per caller.
Readers are paid weekly either by direct deposit or by check.
A reader uses their own phone line and is assigned an extension. Calls are forwarded to the readers line. The phone line a reader uses cannot have Caller ID or Call Waiting.
Readers must attempt to get the name, birthdate and address of each caller before they begin the first reading. Readers must capture 75% of the addresses from their callers.
Readers always have the opportunity to become a broker, at which time he or she will not have to work the line in order to receive his or her pay and will begin making even more money.
So, with all of this information in mind, if you are still interested in becoming a reader, please read on...
Becoming a reader is simple. This is a real business opportunity and not a joke. Though readers have managers/recruiters who are willing to help and answer any questions they can, a reader must be able to work independently and will be in full control of how much money he or she makes.
Everyone who sends in an application is accepted as long as they are 18 years of age or older. Those who are not serious need not apply, because the system will just boot you out if can't live up to the job.
I have set up a Onelist group with the contract and needed information uploaded to the files section. If you wish to become a reader, you will need to join this group. Joining the list does not mean you are expected to become a reader. You may join if you are just interested, but don't know for sure.
If you do decide to become a reader, you'll have to fax me your information. If you have questions, you can post them to the list or e-mail me. More instruction is included at Onelist.