Answers to How stupid can they be?
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John William Howard, 45, fled Maryland, where he was wanted on sexual assault charges, and headed for Arizona. Passing
through Brookshire, TX, low on gas and cash, he tried to sell his spare tire to raise some money. A local merchant informed him
about a police loan program for just such predicaments, so Howard went to the police station to apply. A routine check turned up
his fugitive status, according to Police Chief Joe Garcia, who called Howard "one of the world's dumbest criminals."
Robbery suspect Denis Jesper, 20, was arrested at Florida's Miami Shores Country Club, where he had been hiding from police in a ficus tree next to the golf course. He revealed himself by calling out to a golfer who hit into the rough, "Hey, hey, your ball is over there."
After Frankie and Carolyn Ash stopped at a convenience store near their home in Northport, AK, Frankie was leaving the store
when the couple's 21-year-old son David rushed in past him. The father thought the son was hurrying to go to the bathroom, but
then the mother looked in and saw him brandishing a knife behind the counter. Next, he ran out, got into his truck and drove off.
The couple waited for police to arrive and told them what had happened. Sgt. Kevin Leib said it was uncertain whether the man
realized his parents were at the store, explaining, "He was apparently so concentrated on what he was doing that he didn't notice them." Meanwhile, David Ash's getaway car broke down. He called his parents for help, but they told him what they had seen and urged him to surrender to police.
A man armed with a knife went up to a Taco Bell employee sitting outside smoking, and said he was robbing the store...The employee told him he was on his break... The would be robber left.
A man went into a bank, waited in line for his turn then told the teller to give him the money from her drawer... she told him he was in the wrong line... after the man waited in the second line he was told he needed to be in line three... while in line three, the police, who were called by the first teller, arrived and arrested him.
A man who robbed a donut shop was identified by the tape made by a hidden security camera, he was identified as an employee of the security company that installed the camera.
Three men wanted to go duck hunting, so they loaded their truck with three dogs, about a hundred decoys, tents, food and other supplies, and headed for a remote lake in Arkansas. When they got there they found the lake covered with a thick layer of ice. One of the men got the idea they cound use TNT to blow a hole in the ice, and set the decoys. After retreating to get the TNT and returning to the lake, they lit the TNT and tosed it onto the ice. One of the dogs jumped from the truck and retrived the stick and ran back to his master. Thinking it was a big game the dog would not give up the stick... with the fuse burning short, the man paniced and shot the dog, wounding it. The dog, shot and scared ran under the truck, blowing up the truck and all their supplies. It took the three men 7 hours to hike their way back to a phone to call their wives for help.
A woman walked into a bank and handed the teller a note demanding money. After about a minute, the woman grabed her note and said she did not have time to wait. The woman then left the bank, walked three blocks and did the same thing at the second bank. She escaped with an undetermanded amount of money.
The second bank had recently posted an ad, claiming it had faster service than the first bank.
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