Answers to the questions of life...
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Can God create a stone so heavy, that he cannot lift it?
How fast is Warp Speed (i.e. Star Trek)?
Warp 1, is light speed, or 186,291 miles per second.
Is faster than light speed posible?
Not with our present technology, however there have been experiments that support the theory of FTL particals.
What does "Synergy" mean?
When two or more things are combined, or one thing is altered, and the resulting total is greater than the sum of the parts.
Synergy Systems is a computer consulting company, involved in hardware, software, training and education, and can be E-Mailed at synergysystems@geocities.com.
My brother told me that we once had a king serving as president of the United States, is this true?Yes, Reginald King, was the birth name of Gerald Ford
Other than Ford, has any other president changed his name?No, However U.S.Grant's vice-president Henry Rice Wilson was born Jeremiah Jones Colbith.
My husband owes taxes from before we were married, and the IRS is keeping all the money we both paid in, can I get back my part?
Yes, use form 8379 (Injured spouce claim and allocation) and you can get a refund of the taxes "you" paid in, less any taxes due by you. The IRS will calculate the amount and send the refund check payable only to you, instead of a joint check that is normal for a joint return.
Do I have to pay social security if I have a retirement plan, or pay the same amount into my retirement plan?In most cases yes, you must pay social security taxes (yes, it is a tax). Some workers are exempt, such as police, firemen, city & state employees who have a qualifed retirement plan. There are also some coal miners and railroad employees who have a retirement plan that was in effect before social security started, but most employees hired after 1980 are required to pay social security even if they do have other retirement plan(s). It is still a good idea, as the employer is required to match the amount withheld. If you have $1.00 withheld, your employer also pays $1.00, electing to reroute this to a private plan will not obligate your employer to match it.
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