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This page is dedicated to answering the questions of life, or at least an attempt to search for some of the answers. Double your money back if your not satisfied. Questions can be on any subject, and you will receive your answer by E-Mail. If many people ask the same, or close to the same, question, it will be given its' own page, linked from here with the answer. Students should keep in mind that I will not do your homework for you!!!

I have taught for many years, and I know homework when I see it.


Special Subjects that are not covered...

Legal Questions, will not be answered, unless they are general and wide spread in nature. As the law is not the same everywhere, accurate answers here my not be accurate where you are.

Medical Questions, will not be answered unless they are non-threating, in nature. If you have medical questions of a threating nature, you need to be seen by a doctor in person, not on the net.

Stupid Questions, will receive stupid answers.

No animals were hurt, injured, or killed in the creation of this webpage, except for: a baby alaskan stripe-back seal, an albino african boa, a school of dolphines, two african bull elephants, three Ca. condors, a black rhino, four lemurs, a silver-back gorilla, a family of savannah baboons, thirteen pandas, thirty-six house cats, twelve wolverines, and one stupid kid that got in the way.

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