The following is the first part in what we hope will be many making fun
of the new "Star Trek" episodes, and in particular the gross
incompetence of "Ensign" Wesley (a.k.a. Wetley, or simply "The Boy")
Crusher. This listing originates from the archives of the LCARS
(Library Computer Access and Retrieval System), housed at Star Fleet
Command, San Francisco CA USA, Planet Earth, Sector 001, Sol
System, Alpha Quadrant.
Scene: Bridge 1701-D
We are investigating a strange variable naked singularity which has
just reappeared after a 75 year absence. The last such mission to
study this phenomenon was the original Enterprise under the
command of James Kirk. It is imperative that we find out why it has
returned and just what causes these apparent violations of the laws of
Picard: Data, status of that..."thing."
Data: Sir, if by "thing" you mean the singularity, Sensors indicate
that it is growing and becoming more unstable at this time.
Picard: Hmm...suggestions, anyone?
Yar: Photon torpedoes armed and ready, Captain! Just one
good shot--
Worf: I'm a Klingon, sir. I would like to Respectfully submit we
cease this wasteful pandering and go find another alien
culture to conquer- ah-er, I mean enlist in the Federation!
Troi: I'm getting nothing from it, sir. Whatever it is, it won't help
our ratings...
Wesley: Of course! All I have to do is modify the output from the
warp engines--
Picard: Shut up, Wesley! That's enough! What about you, number
Riker: Are you asking me to confirm what you've already decided,
Sir? Why, we'll stay and investigate, of course.
LaForge: Sir, I'm "seeing" all sorts of new, strange activity across the
spectrum, infra-red, microwave, and radio... this is better
than the stuff I get from Dr. Crusher
Data: Sensors indicate gravitational field intensity increasing!
Picard: What the fu...?
Data: Captain, we are being pulled in...
Scene: Bridge 1701-A
The Enterprise has been delayed while relaying emergency vaccines
to plague-ridden Cyron IV, by the appearance of a naked singularity.
First officer Spock is leading the investigation.
McCoy: Dammit, Jim! We've got to get that vaccine to the
rendezvous in two days or billions will die!
Spock: (looking up from peep show viewer): Two days, one hour,
sixteen minutes, and seven point two seconds, Doctor.
McCoy: Blast it, Spock, I'm a doctor, not a cuckoo clock!
Kirk: Gentlemen, please. We'll get that vaccine there, Bones.
The rendezvous with the Yorktown is only a day away at
Warp 8.
Scott: : I heard that! She canna take the
strain, Captain. Warp six maybe, but only if we were fresh
out of spacedock...
Kirk: (flashing a winning grin at no one in particular): Take it
easy, Scotty! You can do it, or you're fired.
Scott: [voice]: Aye, sir...
Spock: (looking into viewer) Captain, I'm picking up readings of
gravity fluctuations from the singularity.
Kirk: Red alert! Shields up, Mr. Sulu. Lt. Uhura, open hailing
frequencies...(stands, strains to straighten uniform over pot
belly) This is Captain James T. Kirk of the--
Spock: Sir, it is only a natural phenomenon...
Kirk: Oh... Cancel red alert. Maintain ready status.
Chekov: Keptin Kirk! Something has just activated my long range
sensors-- eet's some kind of wessel!
Spock: Confirmed, Captain.
Kirk: Red alert! (throws spock an 'I told you so' look) Sulu, go to
full magnification! Uhura, open--
Uhura: Hailing frequencies already open sir. Broadcasting
friendship messages in all known languages.
Spock: Fascinating! (looks up from viewer) Jim--it's the
Scene: Bridge 1701-D
After being pulled into the naked singularity, we find ourselves
powerless and drifting towards another ship, which if our sensors were
working, we could identify...
Picard: Any word on that ship yet?
Data: No, sir. We will not be close enough for visual contact for
another two minutes, three point eight sec--
Picard: LaForge, get down to the 10-forward lounge and see if you
can tell what it is.
LaForge: Aye, Sir.
Picard: Oh, and Ensign Crusher?
Wes: Sir?
Picard: Shut up! (Wes looks confused yet again)
Data: Sir, I wish to report something strange...
Picard: Strange...?
Data: Is that not the correct word? (furrows brow, looking at his
nose while thinking) Abnormal? Irregular? Biza--
Riker: Daaaaaa-ta!
Data: Oh, yes. Sir, this may sound highly irregular, but computer
comparisons of the ship library's astronomical charts with
current sensor readings would seem to indicate that we
have traveled back in time. They were not, however, due
to time limitations placed on us by the writers, we had to
skip a few minor details.
Riker: Are you saying we're no longer in the present as we know
it? (looks bewildered).
LaForge to Bridge! Captain, this is going to sound bogus,
but I think I see the Enterprise!
Riker: Way to go, Geordi! Who gave you your sight back this
LaForge: Dr. Crush.. I mean Sir...? Not this
Enterprise, but the old one! The old Constitution Class
Yar: Confirmed, sir! We're being hailed in all the old Federation
friendship messages.
Picard: What???
Yar: Turn your damn hearing aid up Captain!
Picard: Oh Yea, Thanks. Any suggestions?
Riker: Might as well see what they want. Troi, are you feeling
Troi: Not at the moment; (switches to Riker's mental wavelength)
but that doesn't mean I won't later, Amzadi...(Riker primps)
Picard: On visual, Lieutenant.
(a stocky, sandy-haired man who is obviously on a diet, or at least,
needs to be, appears. Standing behind him is a tall, lean Vulcan
whose hands are apparently cuffed behind his back)"...
Kirk: This is Captain James T. Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise. We
are on a peaceful mission! Identify yourself immediately or
we will open fire!"
Picard: (to Yar) Broadcast on all frequencies, in all languages...
Kirk: Captain's Log, supplemental: A highly advanced alien ship
has seemingly surrendered to us for no apparent reason.
Partly due to this, and partly because the alien vessel so
closely resembles our own, Mr. Spock has advised extreme
caution. Question: Is this some kind of mind control? Are
we being made to see images and forms that are familiar
to us to lull us into complacency? The lives of 430 crewmen
depend on my decisions. On.... my.... decisions!!
Kirk: We have not asked for a surrender! Only that
you identify yourselves and state your purpose..
Picard: This is Captain Jean Luc Picard of the starship USS
Enterprise. Our mission is peaceful--
Kirk: Waitaminnut! *This* is the Enterprise!
Picard: In *your* time period, Captain. You see, we are from your
future. Somehow, we must get back.. Back to the future . Do you have any suggestions?
Kirk: My 1st officer and I will take it under consideration. Please
stand by!
(Screen blanks out, then slowly changes to starfield)
Scotty: Captain! Did ye see thot- a Klingon on thot ship! If they are
from our future, let's put 'em oot o' their misery!
Kirk: One moment, Mr. Scott. Spock? I do believe your eyebrow
betrays your highly emotional state!
Spock: Really? I see no need to be insulting; I was merely
attempting to scratch my forehead against my bangs so as
not to expend the energy involved in raising my arm.
However, I feel I should point out that if indeed there is an
advanced alien culture aboard that vessel, and if they
wanted to appear in a form familiar to us, they would either
have to read our thoughts or scan the ship's records.
Without such knowledge, they would have no pattern on
which to base their deception. Ship's sensors would have
alerted us to any scans, though I have detected some kind
of telepathic activity coming from the alien ship.
McCoy: Damn your Vulcan logic! If they were going to go through all
the trouble of disguising themselves, then why not look just
like us? Why these differences, like Klingons on a
Federation ship? The wrong colors on the uniforms?? A
less-than-perfect copy of the Enterprise??? I'll tell you why;
they're mistakes! These new writers don't have what it
takes, time or talent, and as a result we're just going to skip
over the whole thing because we have to move along and
can't involve ourselves with minor details like continuity!
Kirk: (Looking at screen) (angerly) Who gave orders to move the
Spock: Oh, that's just the Windows 4100 screen saver,.... Captain,
I suggest the best course of action would be beaming over
to the alien ship for direct observation. We have not yet
used the transporter this episode, and I would like the
opportunity to Hack.. er-ah... study the highly advanced
computer they possess; ours doesn't "tick."
Kirk: Good idea! Uhura...?
Uhura: (sighs) Aye, sir....on visual..
Kirk: Due to the complexity of the situation, perhaps it would be
best if my first officer and I beamed over to your ship...
Picard: (to person offscreen): Suggestions? Will it violate the
Prime Directive?
Riker: (offscreen) Sir, their Prime Directive is our Prime Directive...
Picard: Good! Then no harm is done! (to Kirk) Very well. You have
our coordinates. Make it so!
Kirk: Excellent! We'll beam over in 5 minutes. Kirk out!....
Scotty, can you beam us over?
Scott: No sir! Whot with this singularity beasties' effect an' all, it'll
be two hours before ve ken even transport a fly!
Kirk: Scotty, I want that transporter working in 5 minutes!!
Scott: (sighs also) Aye, sir...
Kirk: If one more person sighs heavily because I make an
unreasonable demand, I'll put that person in the brig!!! (hits
no button in particular on his chair's arm) Security?
[voice]: Blue Moon Detective Agency! Do aliens hate you; Tribbles
berate you? Is your tricorder missing; Your Yeoman not
kissing? Then give us a call- We'll take the fall...
Kirk: Security, send two men to the transporter room. I want
them there in 5 minutes!!
[voice]: (sigh!) Aye, sir. I'll see if they're in their office...
(cut to shot of transporter room as an unshaven, sloppy dressed
security guard enters)
Kirk: Yeoman Kyle, you have the coordinates. Beam us over
safely and maybe I'll have that big picture on the wall you've
been staring at for 3 seasons changed... (turns, examines
guard) I thought I sent for two men, Ensign?
Guard: Addison, Ensign David Addison, sir. There should be two of
us, but my partner is on maternity leave, and anyway, I
think I'm on the wrong set...
Kirk: Hmmm... Only one guard. Can you handle a phaser?
Guard: Ha! Do Klingons clingeth? Do Thesaurians thesaureth? Do
you and Spock--
Kirk: All right! I get the picture! We'll take you along, but first you have to trade shirts with me!
Guard: Sir? Is this like Twister... or just a personal kink?
Kirk: You heard me! Apparently, their security division color is
mustard-gold, and if you think I'm beaming over in a
security color uniform...
Guard: Aye, sir..
(Guard Removes shirt. Kirk gets in a fight offscreen and has his shirt
forcibly removed. Hands a dirty tattered rag of a shirt to Addison.)
Kirk: And another thing: get rid of those.... (waves hand towards
Addison's head) .....those whatever!
Guard: Awww... Not my Ray-Bans! If the brothers in Philly ever see
me like this...
(the three men step onto the platform)
Kirk: Energize!
(Reality swirls. Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Addison materialize on the
new Bridge.)
Kirk: Hey Bones... I thought there were only three of us!
McCoy: Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not an adding machine. It's those
damn fool writers again!
(Picard steps forward)
Picard: I'm Captain Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise, number
Spock: Fascinating!
Kirk: "D?"
Picard: Yes, Captain. You see, although in reality this is only the
third Enterprise, it was decided to skip "B" and "C" and
name it in your honor...
Kirk: My honor? But what happened to the original Enterprise?
Picard: You blew it up!
Kirk: I what??
McCoy: Jim! Before you call this man a liar, just think of your
record! Your habits! The risks you take!!
Kirk: Well,... what about the second one?
Picard: Let's just say you're consistent....
Kirk: Oh...... But why "D?" Why not "K" for Kirk?
Riker: (tries to look like Kirk) They already used that in *my*
name, sir. No, they chose a most unusual method for
picking the "D." ...Data?
Data: To honor your statement "The Enterprise is a beautiful lady,
and we love her." Starfleet historians went back and
obtained the bra cup size of every woman, alien, or thing
you ever kissed. The average was obtained, and
appended to the number for the Enterprise. Hence,
(Kirk looks innocently about. McCoy rocks on his heels. Spock raises
an eyebrow.)
Kirk: I'm...... honored, I suppose.
Picard: Ah! But I'm neglectful, certainly! Allow me to introduce my
Bridge crew. Any suggestions as to what order, anyone?
No... then never mind; Let's throw caution to the wind! My
first officer, Commander William Riker (primps); second in
command Lt Commander Data; ship's counselor, Deanna
(Kirk's eyes twinkle- Troi blushes, breathes faster) chief Yar...
(now Kirk breathes faster- Troi receives impressions of the number "3"
and has visions of a sandwich)
... and this is Lt. LaForge, our blind navigator (Spock raises
and Lt. Worf, whose exact duties have never been
Kirk: Worf?? He looks familiar. Bones?
(McCoy walks over, passes med-scanner over Worf.)
McCoy: Jim! This is a Klingon!!
(Security guard raises phaser, but is blown away by Yar and Worf.)
(McCoy passes scanner over guard)
McCoy: He's dead, Jim!
Kirk: Are you sure that scanner is working?
McCoy: Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic.
LaForge: Well, now ABC has a chance to find someone that Cybil
can work with...
Kirk: That man was one of my crew!
Data: A most appropriate choice of tense, Captain.
Kirk: Only 429 lives left! And I'm responsible for them!
I'm... Responsible! My... decisions!
Kirk: Captain's Log, Stardate 3714.9, After beaming over to the
strange "alien" vessel which claims to come from our
future, we are greeted by humanoid life forms, one of which
is a Klingon. This fact has already cost me the life of one
of my crew. I'm saddened, but yet I feel a strange sense of
elation at having had the foresight to change uniforms...
Medical Log, Leonard McCoy reporting: He's dead, Jim. And I'll tell
you something else; there isn't any reason he should be! He's just not
alive anymore, and there's not a damn thing I can do to change it!
Kirk: One of my men is dead! How many more must die before
you've had enough?
Picard: On the contrary, Captain! It was one of your 23rd Century
savages who attacked for no reason! It's hard to believe
we were once as primitive as you...
(the two men continue the argument, oblivious to Yar and Worf, who
are still attacking the body)
Kirk: The Klingons are our sworn enemy!
Picard: *Used to be* our sworn enemy!
Kirk: My man was just doing what any other man would have
done in his position. And for someone who calls us
savages, I find it highly irregular that "civilized" beings like
yourselves would carry weapons on the Bridge!
(McCoy sees Yar and Worf)
McCoy: Stop it!.... Stop it!! You just don't keep hacking away at a
man after he's down!!
Picard: Lieutenant Yar, report!
(Yar stands, faces Picard)
Yar: Speaking strictly as Security Chief, just how much can you
trust a dead person on the Bridge?
Worf: I'm a Klingon, sir. I live for this sh--
Picard: Not on my Bridge, you won't! (turns to Kirk) I assume you'd
like to return your man to your ship?
Kirk: Yes, thank you. (flips open communicator) Kirk to
Enterprise, come in Enterprise...
[Voice]: Enterprise! Scott here...
Kirk: Mr. Scott, there's been an accident over here; we've lost
another security guard.
[Voice]: Och! Thot'll be the fifth this week!
Kirk: I know, Scotty. One to beam over; better put the ship on
Yellow Alert. Kirk out.
(body dematerializes; Worf becomes visibly down-hearten, as his
bottom lip trembles and he kicks the air, where the body was)
Picard: I'm sorry about your man. If it's any consolation, he wasn't
the father; it was Sam's baby...
Kirk: Death... is never justifiable...
Troi: I know how you feel, Captain.
Kirk: Do you, Counselor? Do you really know what it's like to be
responsible for the lives of 430--
Data: Four hundred and twenty-nine, sir.
Kirk: ok then... 429 men and women??
Troi: Sir, I am half Betazoid. I can sense strong emotions and
feelings. Your sense of loss is most intense; it is difficult not to feel it...
Spock: (to Kirk) Undoubtably she is the source of the telepathy I
perceived earlier coming from this ship, Captain.
Troi: Strange. You appear to be Vulcan, yet I sense emotions in
McCoy: What's the matter, Spock? Slipping?
Spock: No, Doctor. As you are well aware, I possess a Human half
that is sometimes difficult to control. I hope to someday
purge all emotions and embrace total logic, thus achieving
McCoy: Well, just so long as you change your pants after you
achieve it...
Data: (to Spock) Most unusual. We are very much alike, you and
I, yet you state your desire to suppress your Human
tendencies. I, on the other hand, wish I could become more
Kirk: You mean you're not?
Data: No, sir. I am an android. A computer. A --
Kirk: You're a machine?? And you're second in command??
Data: I'm also in several bio-mechanical texts.
Riker: It's Starfleet's policy never to discriminate against any
sentient life form. Mr. Data has never failed any test for
sentience. I might add that all Academy graduates are
required to be sentient.
Yar: A pity your security details never had to pass these tests!
Maybe if they had, you would still have a Chief of Security...
Data: (aside, to Kirk) Ask me sometime about the advantages of
having a Chief of Security...
McCoy: So! Is that what it's come to! Machines taking over for man,
just because they can think faster? Well, I don't buy it!
There are just some things a machine can't do!! I'd
name'em, but there are children watching this show...
Data: But sir! I *am* fully functional in every way a normal health
man is.
Troi: Tasha? Why do I sense embarrassment??
(Kirk's communicator beeps)
Kirk: Kirk here. What is it, Scotty?
[Voice]: Sir? This is Lt. Uhura; Mr. Scott is in engineering.
Kirk: Engineering? But I left Scotty in charge! What's wrong?
What's going on, on my ship??
[Voice]: I don't know, sir. We're losing power, and we don't know
why! Captain... I'm frightened!!
Spock: Spock here. Mr. Sulu, at what rate is the Enterprise losing
[Voice]: We're down to 80% power, but the drain is increasing
geometrically. We have maybe (static)ve more hours at
(more static) lose all power and are pulled into the (even
more static) ...source is the alien (complete static)......
Kirk: Sulu! (taps communicator) Mr. Sulu!! Can you read me?
McCoy: It's dead, Jim! I can't get anything on mine, either!
Kirk: Well, it looks like we're here for awhile. (turns to Picard) But
what concerns me is why you're draining energy from my
Picard: I assure you, we are doing no such thing! Where's the boy?
Spock: Yours is the only ship in the area; it is only logical to
assume it is the source of the power drain. If your ship is
not the source, then what is?
Picard: Hmmm... Good idea! Suggestions, anyone?
Spock: Perhaps if we spoke with your chief engineer...
Picard: I'm afraid that's not possible.
Kirk: That's my ship losing power over there, mister! You better
make it possible!!
Picard: No, you don't understand. We don't *have* a chief
McCoy: What??
Picard: That's usually my line, Doctor. (to Kirk) You see, there just
wasn't anybody cast in the role of chief engineer. The
writers gave us a Chief of Security instead.
McCoy: So what do you do now? Kill off engineers instead of
Riker: (says eagerly) Well, the only person to be killed so far has
been an engineer...
Kirk: You mean to tell me that someday, the Federation will put
Klingons on the Bridge, arm their Bridge crews, kill off
engineers instead of security guards, and place machines
in the chain of command??
LaForge: You forgot the part about letting a blind person drive the
ship, sir.
(Troi steps forward, wobbles a little)
Troi: I.... I sense.... I...
(Troi collapses. McCoy and Riker rush over)
Picard: (hits communicator on chest) Bridge to Sick Bay! Medical
Alert! Dr.Crusher to the Bridge!!
[Voice]: On my way!
Picard: Does anyone have ideas as to why Counselor Troi
Riker: Unknown at this moment, Captain.
McCoy: She seems to be suffering from some virus. It might be
Spock: Sir, if that is the case, the Bridge personnel should be
Picard: I'll do no such thing! As you know, we do things a bit
differently in the 24th Century. (turns to face Bridge Crew)
LaForge? You got to spread the virus last time; whose turn
is it now?
Yar: Mine, sir.
Picard: Very well. Make sure you miss no one! Remember: it's vital
that as many people as possible get sick in as short a time
as possible. We haven't had any good dramatic tension
since the security guard was killed.
Yar: Aye, aye, sir.
(she moves off and begins kissing everyone as Dr. Crusher comes
onto the Bridge)
Crusher: (passing scanner over Troi) Oh, my God... Oh, my God!...
Picard: What? What??
Crusher: It's some virus I've never seen before!
Riker: Is there an antidote of anykind?
Crusher: Like I said, I've never seen it before. I'll be lucky to come up
with a vaccine in time, *if* there's a vaccine! Judging by it's
rate of progress, you all have 3 hours to live!!
Picard: What??
Kirk: "You" have 3 hours? Don't you mean "We?"
Crusher: I meant "You;" I never catch any of the illnesses I treat, or
don't you watch the show? (turns to Picard) Three hours at
best, Captain...I'LL MISS YOU, JEAN LUC....
Picard: Captain's Log, supplemental: A deadly virus has appeared
aboard the Enterprise. Unless Dr.Crusher can come up with
an antidote in 3 hours, we will all die! Meanwhile, the
mysterious power drain continues to affect the other
Enterprise. Security is investigating, as the source of the
drain appears to be on this ship!
Picard: What are the symptoms, Doctor?
Crusher: I don't know, sir.
Picard: Well, can you isolate it?
Crusher: Again, I don't know!
Picard: Then if you know nothing about it, how can you predict that
we have only three hours left to live??
Crusher: (wishing she had attended classes in college) I don't know,
sir! I just looked at my tricorder, and that's what it said! Oh,
I suppose I can take some blood samples or run some
tests, but beyond that, I just don't know, Jean Luc!!
Picard: Good work, Doctor! Make it so!
Spock: (under his breath) As I have always maintained, members
of the medical profession would do better to employ the use
of beads and rattles...
Kirk: What's that, Mr.Spock?
Spock: I said, based on the doctor's investigation and evaluation of
the virus, I would venture to say that Doctor McCoy's
medical methods were, for some reason, widely adopted
among Starfleet personnel. Perhaps in order to effect some
method of population control..
McCoy: That's enough, Spock! Can't you see? This woman relies
too much on a machine and not on her human intuition!
And you're not the one to use human intuition, are you?
You pointy-eared logic circuit! Why, if I weren't--
Kirk: That's enough, Bones; Spock! We have only a few hours
left. I suggest we use them wisely.
Data: Two hours, fifty-five minutes and 17 seconds, sir.
McCoy: (to Kirk) Kinda reminds you of someone, doesn't he??
(nods his head toward Spock)
Kirk: Bones, why don't you see what you can figure out about
this virus!
(McCoy leaves)
Picard: I assure you Captain, Dr. Crusher is most competent..
Kirk: If you don't mind, Dr.McCoy will proceed nonetheless.
Picard: Do you distrust my Chief Medical Officer?
Kirk: Just what would you do in my position? I'm on board a
plague ship with a clueless albeit attractive CMO who is on
first name terms with the Captain. Both parties continually
exchange furtive glances, not to mention the doubt
surrounding the parentage of the only child on board who
is allowed access to the Bridge!
Picard: Hmmmm... Quite so! (looks around) Has anyone seen
(Everyone looks around, but he's not there)
Picard: Computer? Tell me the location of Wesley Crusher!
: There is no one on board by that discription... or do you
mean The boy?
Picard: Yes! The Boy!, Where's the boy?
: The boy is in Engineering, section 6. Have a nice day!
Picard: Bridge to Engineering! Is Wesley there?
[Voice]: Oh... you mean The boy? Yes, he's here. One moment...
[Voice]: [Whine]: Yes, Fath-- er, Captain Picard?
Picard: Is that you Wesley?
[Voice]: [Whine]: Yes, sir!
Picard: Good. Shut up! Bridge out!
Worf: Sir! Sensors indicate the other Enterprise's orbit is
beginning to fluctuate! It's as if their controls were sluggish...
Picard: What??
Riker: Have they lost all power?
Worf: No, sir. Power loss seems to have leveled off. They are at
15% power.
Kirk: Fifteen percent? But that's barely enough for life support
and helm control! The lives of --
Picard: Yes, yes, we know!
Spock: Fascinating! It's as if the source of the power drain knew
the precise level of power the Enterprise could be lowered
to and yet maintain control of vital functions..
Kirk: So you're saying the Enterprise shouldn't lose anymore
Spock: Read my lips, Jim! I believe I inferred as much. The only
logical question that remains is what will the stolen power
be used for?
Riker: And don't forget; we need to know who's taking it!
Kirk: Anything else, Spock?
Spock: Affirmative. Why has no one else succumbed to the virus?
Picard: Good point! Comment, anyone?
Riker: I feel fine, sir!
Data: As do I, sir.
LaForge: Me too, sir.
Picard: Well, I think it's safe to say that if Counselor Troi were here,
she would say that she feels that we feel fine!
Riker: Makes "sense", sir.
(Kirk groans)
Picard: Bridge to Sickbay! Doctor Crusher, why has no one else
been infected?
[Voice]: I don't know, sir!... Damn! Where are all those wise sayings
we doctors are supposed to say at times like these?
Picard: Doctor!... Beverly,... get a hold of yourself! It's all right!
[Voice]: (sniffle) Thanks, Jean Luc...
[Voice]: Jim? McCoy here! I think I have it! It's not a virus at all!
Kirk: What do you mean, Bones?
[Voice]: If it's all right with you, I'll explain it when I come up to the
Bridge for the final scene...
Kirk: Okay, but make it fast!
[Voice]: Engineering to Bridge!
Picard: This is the Bridge. Go ahead..
[Voice]: Sir, Chief Engineer No. 3,814.7 here, sir. We've figured out
a way to get back, sir!
Picard: Excellent! To whom do we owe our gratitude?
[Voice]: He's on his way to the Bridge now, sir..
(At this point, the turbolift doors open. Wesley stumbles out.)
LaForge: (to himself) Oh, no! Not again!
Picard: Ensign Crusher! I thought you were in Engineering?
Wes: I was, sir. But seeing as how I finished the modifications to
the warp engines necessary to return the ship to our time--
Picard: You did what??
Riker: It's my fault, sir. He's my responsibility; I should have kept
a closer eye on him! (Advances towards Wesley while
removing his belt)
Picard: One moment, Will! First, I want to find out what he did to my
ship! Report, Wesley!
Wes: Well, sir, all I had to do was modify the power output of the
warp engines. But in order to do this, I had to borrow some
extra power. The only other source was the other
Kirk: You mean you're responsible for what crippled my ship??
You nearly killed almost 430 men and women!!
Wes: Sir, I knew what I was doing. I called up the records on your
ship, though it was a little confusing as to just which ship
you're using at the moment. I found out the critical
threshold of energy depletion for your ship, and from there
I just borrowed the rest. You can always generate more..
And it's only 429
Kirk: You just don't go and "borrow" energy from a starship!!
Spock: Not true, Captain, since apparently he has done it.
Picard: Captain, please!! (to Wes, sweetly) Son, er ah, I mean
Wesley, do you mean to say we can return home now?
Wes: Yes, sir.
Picard: Good. Then shut up!!
(once again, the turbolift doors open. McCoy, Crusher, and Troi step
onto the Bridge)
McCoy: Jim, I'm beginning to believe I can cure anything!
Kirk: Report, Bones!
McCoy: Well, the whole problem started with an incorrect diagnosis!
It wasn't a virus at all!!
Kirk: Yes, I believe you said something about that earlier..
McCoy: You see, Jim, if it was a virus, it would have spread! But
instead, only Troi got sick! It was only after I found out that
she's a hyper-sensitive that I realized what caused the
Kirk: Well?... What caused it?
McCoy: Think about it! Troi didn't get sick until we arrived. We
caused her illness!
Picard: But you said it wasn't a virus!
McCoy: And it's not! It's the writing, the scripts!... The Writers!!!
Kirk: Yes, yes- they control everything, but even they haven't
given a good reason for only Troi becoming sick..
McCoy: They don't have to!
Crusher: Captain, it's like back in the 21st Century--
Picard: Those were savage times!
Crusher: --when half the population was starving. Even when they
finally got food, they couldn't eat it too quickly without
getting sick!
Kirk: I still don't understand how that explains the illness.
Spock: Most interesting! You are saying that the appearance of
your vessel in our time is causing your illness because you
are used to bad writing. Our beaming over only aggravated
the problem further...
McCoy: And that's why Troi Collapsed! Being so perceptive, so
sensitive, it was just too much for her to take!!
Kirk: She seems to be fine now..McCoy: That's because she left
the Bridge and went to Sickbay- the place where one of the
most incompetent, shallow and unbelievable characters on
this ship works. She'll be all right once we leave, but
prolonged exposure to good writing could kill her!
(Thousands of viewers can be heard screaming, "Stay for a while!
Stay on the ship!!")
Picard: And once you return to your ship, we can return to our
proper time...
Kirk: That's it? As simple as that?
Picard: I'm afraid so, Captain. The new writers are used to rushing
the ending..
(Beep! Beep!)
Kirk: (answers communicator) Kirk here!
[Voice]: Scott here; we're beaming ye back!
Kirk: But I gave no such order!
[Voice]: Sorry, sir! But we're under time constraints, and I canna
take enna more of this episode!
Kirk: Scotty! You've got to give me a few minutes. Just a few,
and I need them now!!
[Voice]: Sorry, sir. I'm under orders!
(Kirk, Spock and McCoy dematerialize)
Picard: Well, I'm glad *they're* gone, eh No.1?
Riker: Yes, sir! I was beginning to wonder if we'd ever get back to
our rushed dialogue and plot...
Picard: Agreed! Mr. LaForge? Lay in a course back to our own
time! Warp factor six!
LaForge: Aye, aye, sir. Course plotted... and laid in, sir.
Picard: Engage!
(The Enterprise revs up, stretches, pops like a rubber band, and
disappears in a very realistic flash of light.)
Captain's Log, Stardate 3715.0
The ship from our future has been gone for almost one hour. Gone
with it is any trace of the naked singularity we had been investigating.
As is usual for the end of a crisis, I have called Dr.McCoy to the Bridge
to engage in idle speculation, pointless banter, and maybe even a
brief moral...
Kirk: I still don't understand it, Bones. It all just happened so quickly.
McCoy: Jim, I keep telling you- it's not your fault! The writers of that
century are just-.... well, they're just bad! They even forgot
to leave in the singularity for the last scene!
Spock: (turning at his station) I disagree, Doctor. It was most
logical for the singularity to disappear when the future
Enterprise vanished.
McCoy: Oh, no! I should have known it! The writers have gotten to
Spock: (ignoring McCoy) You see, Jim, the singularity was
essentially a "rip" in the fabric of the universe. Some
tremendous strain, existing both in their time and ours, was
too great for the normal space-time continuum to bear.
Kirk: So what was it, Spock? What caused the strain in the first
Spock: I believe Doctor McCoy is best qualified to explain that, sir.
Vulcans do not engage in television criticism...
Kirk: Bones?
McCoy: It was us, Jim!
Kirk: Come on, Bones! We've never travelled to the future!!
McCoy: True; not personally. But consider all those plots that have
been lifted from our series and used in theirs!
Kirk: Ahhhhh!.... So the removing of not just one, but many,
many events in our present to their future caused the strain
which "ripped" the universe?
Spock: Quite correct, Captain. Perhaps if they had used only a few,
the strain would have had no effect, but as they used so
Kirk: Well, I still don't understand why the singularity
disappeared. Aren't we still in our present? Aren't they back
in the future? Wouldn't the strain still be there??
Spock: Unknown, Captain. Perhaps our appearance in some way
motivated their writers to be more original.
Kirk: Well, in any case, it's like I've always said...
(entire Bridge crew grimaces in anticipation)
McCoy: Yes, Jim?
Kirk: Even though this show is a timeless classic, it will never be
duplicated in another time period.
(the whole Bridge starts giggling and laughing)
Kirk: Ha, ha!
Sulu: Ho, ho!
Checkov: Wery funny!
Spock: (Vulcan laughter)
Kirk: (Holding side) Mr Sulu? Plot a course for rendezvous with
the Yorktown; We have some vaccines to deliver.
Maximum warp!
Sulu: Aye, aye, sir!
(music increases as Enterprise moves away, Picture fades to starfield,
then to black)
Story based on Gene Rodenberry's Star Trek and TNG
Edited and writers embellishment by Dr Bill
© 1996-2005