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Here's a great place to find lots of links to learning on line!

This is a great page to bookmark for future reference.  Each link to an offsite location will appear in a new browser window.

Science and Nature
Pfizer FunZone Children can create a chemical reaction, get up-close and personal with an ant and even build their own compass all by logging onto Pfizer’s new interactive science web site. As the name reflects, the FunZone teaches science in a lively and colorful setting that appeals to children. The site’s interactive games, experiments for the home and classroom and plethora of engaging scientific facts and information is designed to entertain and enlighten children and students 8-14years old
Bird Source From Cornell University Laboratory of Ornithology comes Bird Source, a site that promotes bird watching, education, and conservation. Includes information on different species, bird counts, and what you can do to help
Cells Alive: Get up close and personal with really tiny things...Lots of good links and interactive material. Great for those of us who lack a home electron microscope.
NASA Quest a collection of science related resources, projects and links from NASA.
Thursday's Classroom is great and well-worth subscribing too. Every Thursday, this site offers a new science related lesson, from NASA.  It's usually related to ongoing science news, and you can usually integrate it with the science news updates I know some of us get You can get more information on these updates, including subscription info at their Home page.
The Human Genome Project
Journey North is a wonderful, multi-faceted online learning program that's nature based but covers a multitude of disciplines.  It involves a lot of record keeping and nature viewing. It's an ongoing project that runs twice a year.
Bayer Science resources by Bayer
Periodic Table Bayer's interactive periodic table of elements
CIESE Online Classroom Projects
The Living Earth Very cool Earth Sciences site
Thursday's Classroom Very adaptable and fun weekly science
course, complete with lesson plans
Exploring the Solar System Great Solar System site from the New York Times
Nova Online NOVA Teacher's guides

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A Walk Through Time A nicely done introduction to the history of time, and time-keeping. Created by the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology, the site includes pages on ancient calendars, early clocks, the "revolution in timekeeping," the atomic age, world time scales, and the NIST's high-tech time calibration system. Suitable for middle-schoolers.
Historical Fiction Page for Children and Young Adults
Florida State Archives Learning Page is nice for Florida History and has a remarkable collection of photographs.
The History of China China's history from the ancient dynasties to the People's Republic with an easy to follow time line.
Time Capsule This is a great website to share with family and friends -- you can find out what was happening when you or your mom or anyone else was born! All you do is type in your birthdate, and you're taken to page that lists the news and sports headlines; the cost of a house, car, milk, gas, bread, and a postage stamp; the US President and Vice President; top songs, Academy Award winners, and other people who share your birthday!

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Language Arts
Poet's Corner An extensive poetry collection, easily accessible.
"The Chronicles of Narnia" pages
The C.S. Lewis Page
The Land of Narnia
Bookideas.com This site contains book reviews, recommendations, and commentary in all genres, as well as author interviews. There are also interactive Best and Worst books lists that you can add your vote to.
Book Adventure The Sylvan Book Adventure is a free, Web-based reading incentive program dedicated to helping kids read, click, and win! Book Adventure enables supervisors - parents, guardians and educators to track their readers' independent reading progress and select literature appropriate for every grade level. With the help of Rex Reader and Bailey Bookmark, kids have more than 3,000 of the most popular and acclaimed children's titles from which to read and quiz. Points that readers score on quizzes can be used to earn prizes!

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Geography and Social Studies
Cool Bank for Kids It's not only educational - but fun! Click on the links below to start exploring and learning today what Cool Bank is all about. This is a great site. There are activities for all ages.
EduStock Another great website developed by our youth's participation in Think Quest. Edustock is an educational web page designed to teach young and old alike, what the stock market is, and how it can work for them. It includes tutorials on the stock market and how to pick good stocks. It also provides information on a select group of companies to help you start your research into what stock is going to make your fortune. Last of all, it provides a FREE 20 minute delayed Stock market simulation on the WorldWide Web.

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Artcyclopedia The Guide to Museum Quality Art on the Internet. Artcyclopedia has compiled a comprehensive index of every artist represented at hundreds of museum sites, image archives, and other online resources. They have started out by covering the biggest and best sites around, and have links for most well-known artists to keep you surfing for hours.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art  Save on
airfare, and you don't have to whisper!

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Cable in the Classroom
PBS TeacherSource
Web Sites and Resources for Teachers now has a big disclaimer on it that says the site owners can't keep it up any longer. But the resources are still there and there's lot of them. Worth a look-see...
America's Library   is the Library of Congress online.
Team Distance Learning Classroom Projects: This is a neat directory of ongoing and new online projects in a variety of topics and subjects.
Puzzlemaker Cool puzzle maker using words and topics of your choice. Make search a word, crosswords, etc.
Teachers First Good teacher resources
How Stuff Works!   Have you ever wondered how the engine in your car works or what makes the inside of your refrigerator cold? Then How Stuff Works is the place for you! Click on the categories at this site to see hundreds of cool articles!
Can Teach is full of resources, links, projects, lessons, craft recipes and more.   It even has a homeschooling section, with essays and other info.
The Global Schoolhouse with more collaborative learning opportunities. Very nice.
AllExperts.com Called Allexperts.com, it is a web site that has over 3,200 volunteers waiting to answer your question in over 12 main categories, with many subdivisions. The variety of topics is truly amazing, and is very easy to use. Best of all it is free! There is even a chance for you to apply to become one of their volunteers if you choose to apply.
World Wide Learn World Wide Learn is a directory of courses, tutorials, classes and workshops offered exclusively online. Categories include Internet & Newbies, Continuing Education, Online Training, Business, Languages, Writing, Marketing, Advertising & Copy- writing and Web Design. And of course, there's also a Recess! page when you are ready to take a break from your studies!
Lesson Plans from the Core Knowledge Foundation:
features lots and lots and lots of lesson plans on every subject for
Preschool - Eighth Grade.  Highly recommended, all FREE.
Jon's Homeschool Resource Page I've copied this from Jon's homepage. I couldn't have said it better myself: "Thank you for visiting this page. It's now five years old, which makes it one of the oldest homeschooling sites on the Web. With over two hundred component pages (1.3 meg of HTML), it's one of the largest homeschooling sites on the Web. But what I find most gratifying is that it remains one of the most popular homeschooling sites on the Web, with over a thousand incoming links and hundreds of visitors a day."
Attachment Parenting - Homeschooling Email list Has Attachment Parenting (homebirth, breastfeeding, the family bed, holistic nutrition and healing, baby wearing) naturally led you to homeschool? How do you continue a life of attachment parenting beyond the preschool years? The answer for me was found in homeschooling! If you are interested in any of the subjects listed above and homeschool, this list is for you... A non-religious, non-flaming forum for parents to discuss attachment parenting philosophies along with homeschooling topics of all kinds is welcome! Please join us, whether you are pregnant for the first time and curious about attachment parenting or homeschooling or you are a long time parent of both!

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Pinellas Park Library This is where the Library Homeschool Program meets
Largo Library
St. Petersburg Public Library
St. Pete Beach Library
Gulf Beaches Library
Gulfport Library
Tampa Bay Library Consortium
A Listing Of Libraries Around The World


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