practice of Christian devotion is at the heart of the response which St.
Louis Marie de Montfort recommends when we consider the love shown to
mankind by God. It has also been variously called "The Holy
Slavery" and "True Devotion" (from the name of the book,
Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, in which St.
Louis Marie describes it most thoroughly) - but it should be noted that
when he speaks of "true" devotion, he is not picking out just one form of
devotion, but intends to speak of "genuine" devotion in its many
Descriptions in the writings of St. Louis Marie
We find several descriptions of this practice in various books written
by St. Louis Marie, for example:
- The Love of
Eternal Wisdom, no. 219: "The most perfect and most
profitable of all devotions to the Blessed Virgin consists in
consecrating ourselves entirely to her, and to Jesus through her, as
their slaves. It involves consecrating to her completely and for all
eternity our body and soul, our possessions both spiritual and material,
the atoning value and the merits of our good actions and our right to
dispose of them. In short, it involves the offering of all we have
acquired in the past, all we actually possess at the moment, and all we
will acquire in the future."
- Treatise on
True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, no. 121: "This
devotion consists in giving oneself entirely to Mary in order to belong
entirely to Jesus through her. It requires us to give:
- Our body with its senses and members;
- Our soul with its faculties;
- Our present material possessions and all we shall acquire
in the future;
- Our interior and spiritual possessions, that is, our
merits, virtues and good actions of the past, the present and the
- The Secret of
Mary, no. 28: "This devotion consists in surrendering
oneself in the manner of a slave to Mary, and to Jesus through her, and
then performing all our actions with Mary, in Mary, through Mary, and
for Mary."
From these quotations, certain things immediately stand out:
- It is a "consecration" ("surrendering") of oneself to Jesus
through Mary, not simply to Mary;
- it is a "total" consecration - of all that we are
and all that we have;
- it involves the past and the
future as well as the present moment - therefore it is
not just a momentary action.
However, it is not enough to take a simple description of this
practice. St. Louis Marie himself spent much time and effort to prepare
people's minds for it, and to draw out its consequences and its benefits.
And he recognised that different people would have different reactions to
it, and would put it into practice at different levels: |
"As this devotion essentially consists in a state of soul, it
will not be understood in the same way by everyone. Some - the great
majority - will stop short at the threshold and go no further. Others -
not many - will take but one step into its interior. Who will take a
second step? Who will take a third? Finally who will remain in it
permanently? Only the one to whom the Spirit of Jesus reveals the secret.
The Holy Spirit himself will lead this faithful soul from strength to
strength, from grace to grace, from light to light, until at length he
attains transformation into Jesus in the fullness of his age on earth and
of his glory in heaven." (Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin,
119) |