The Triumvirate

P.O. Box 2793
Springfield, OH 45501

Started in 1985 as a gaming 'zine, The Triumvirate is now a ministry of Trinity Coven. Each issue features Wiccan/Pagan related topics and news about the Pagan community at large. We are dedicated to providing accurate information about the Wiccan religion, as well as helping Wiccans find resources in their communities. We also help promote Pagan friendly businesses in our area, and keep the Pagan community informed about events in our area. If you have any Wiccan/Pagan related stories you would like to share, send us an e-mail.
What we do not do is slam other religions, promote hate, violence or intolerance, and we do not prostyltize. We do not publish spells. What we *do* publish are Wiccan/Pagan related essays, stories, editorials, and media reviews, as well as jokes, riddles, fiction, and poetry. We are also committed to Wiccan/Pagan advocacy. If you have any stories, essays or art you would like to pass along, send it to the e-mail link above. Click here to read our mission statement.

For more information about recieving our current issue, click here.
For information on Issue #7, click here.



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Miami Valley Pagan Alliance is a group started in Springfield, OH that is dedicated to bringing together Pagans in the Miami Valley area of Ohio. While it is still in it's infant stages, we plan to host get togethers and outings for our members, as well as get involved in community projects. If you are interested, join our list today and help us get going! Blessed Be!

{~Welcome!~}{~Ocean Star's Faire~}{~Ocean Star's Biography~}{~Mocha Latte~}{~Ocean Star's Wicca Resource Center~}{~Dear David~}{~The Triumvirate~}{~The Guardians of Enigmaland~}{~The Bubbling Cauldron~}

{~Ocean Star's Wicca Resource Center~}{~The Ethics of Wicca~}{~Sacred Space~}{~Sacred Tools~}{~Frequently Asked Questions~}{~The Wheel of the Year~}{~Trinity Coven~}{~Ocean Star's Online Journal~}{~Recommended Reading~}{~Wiccan Links~}