Glenda Lawson - 02/02/00 22:00:24
My Email:greg112_99@yahoo.com
Please write to me at my snail mail address in springfield.
Glenda Lawson
1434 Delta Rd Apt A
I am wanting to study the wicca arts if at all possible
buffy - 01/30/00 14:32:29
My Email:warrenenterprises@prodigy.net
Favorite Poet: edgar allan poe
Favorite Book: the stand (stephen king)
Favorite Brance of Science: forensics
What Would Make This Site Better?: perfect as is
Autumn Silverwind - 01/29/00 20:54:37
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~softdelusions
My Email:autumn_silverwind@hotmail.com
Favorite Poet: Shakespeare/ Donne
Favorite Book: I have too many. ;)
Favorite Brance of Science: Oceanography and Astronomy are pretty equal.
What Would Make This Site Better?: I think it's very good the way it is.
I really like your site. It's got a lot of great stuff and it's obvious that you put a lot of personal touch to it. I'm glad I got to see it. :)
Zandra Nightmoon - 01/17/00 23:15:29
My URL:/znightmoon/
My Email:witchesmoon@hotmail.com
Favorite Poet: too many to name...
Favorite Book: anything by Anne Rice
Favorite Brance of Science: Biology
What Would Make This Site Better?: More info!
I like your site...it is done with alot of care 8o) I can't wait to see it when all of it is finished. So, I will come and visit again soon. Keep up the wonderful work! Love, Light, and Blessings to you! )0(
Z Nightmoon
Zandra Nightmoon - 01/17/00 23:15:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/znightmoon/
My Email:witchesmoon@hotmail.com
Favorite Poet: too many to name...
Favorite Book: anything by Anne Rice
Favorite Brance of Science: Biology
What Would Make This Site Better?: More info!
I like your site...it is done with alot of care 8o) I can't wait to see it when all of it is finished. So, I will come and visit again soon. Keep up the wonderful work! Love, Light, and Blessings to you! )0(
Z Nightmoon
Gwen Avalon - 01/12/00 04:52:01
My Email:Gwynnefahr@yahoo.com
Favorite Poet: Shelley
Favorite Book: Dune
Favorite Brance of Science: Physics/Metaphysics/Psychology
Thanks for a place for fellowship.
Jennifer Wright - 01/12/00 01:22:05
My Email:o2kgoddess@yahoo.com
Favorite Poet: Pindar
Favorite Book: The Last Unicorn
Favorite Brance of Science: Earth
I like it here.
Jennifer Yeaney - 12/30/99 02:09:26
My Email:stampin38@aol.com
Favorite Poet: Keats
Favorite Book: Solitary Wicca
Favorite Brance of Science: Anatomy&Physiology
What Would Make This Site Better?: Nothing I can see right now.
This is my first time at this site. I will want to look around some more. So far I really like what I see. Thanks for coming up with this.
Glenda Lawson - 12/29/99 16:07:46
My Email:greg112_99@yahoo.com
Favorite Book: Book of shadow by high priestiess Phyllis Court
What Would Make This Site Better?: it's great the way it is
I got your name from the Dragonflyght and was checking out your sight. Boy was I glad to see that you live in Springfield area cause that is where I am from.
I have only started to look into the wicca faith but I feel that I was being lead in that direction by the spirit of an indian Shaman by the namw of Wise Owl who passed on years ago.
I am interested in attending meetsings and learning more about Wicca but I have no car can some one help me?
If so drop me a line at my email address please.
Blessed be and of course blessed meet
TRACEE KNISLEY - 12/20/99 02:24:01
Chris - 11/27/99 21:14:45
patty flierl - 11/01/99 21:57:02
My Email:pflier@allenedmonds.com
Favorite Poet: Edgar Guest
Favorite Book: My Story by Eleanor Roosevelt
Favorite Brance of Science: Astronomy
jim nelson - 10/23/99 19:25:01
My Email:jnelson@adelphia.net
very nice, blessings to you and yours
nagognog - 10/12/99 18:37:27
My Email:nagognog@looksmart.com
Favorite Poet: Laughingdeer
Favorite Book: The Power of Silence
Favorite Brance of Science: paganism
What Would Make This Site Better?: More gartherings,more women
Love ya
jeni - 09/17/99 13:06:46
My Email:meeh_forever@yahoo.com
Favorite Poet: sir butler yeats
Favorite Book: martian chronicals
Favorite Brance of Science: ??
What Would Make This Site Better?: live questioning
i am doing this for research and am finding wonderful things....one of my best friends is a wiccan and she is like the most awsome person...i thank you for such wonderful people
Jessica - 09/16/99 04:40:11
My URL:http://members.aol.com/vande56796/myhomepage/index.html
My Email:VAnde56796@aol.com
Favorite Poet: POE
Favorite Book: NEW WORLD ORDER BY James Clayton
Favorite Brance of Science: paranormal
What Would Make This Site Better?: it is pretty good
You have a good site. I need to learn how to do this. The book NEW WORLD ORDER is coming out this week. we are very excited about this I am publishing the book and I need to learn how to do a real good web site for it. Thank you Jessica
Tickle Me Jen - 08/26/99 22:08:51
My URL:http://www.chickpages.com/kisslists/retrobabe19/
My Email:retrobabe19@chickmail.com
Favorite Poet: Robert Frost
Favorite Book: ruthless.com
Favorite Brance of Science: Physics
What Would Make This Site Better?: If I could get into one of the chat rooms
kat - 08/15/99 16:34:49
My Email:angel_dust164@hotmail.com
Favorite Poet: l.j.smith
Favorite Book: witchlight
Favorite Brance of Science: animals
What Would Make This Site Better?: store locations
^ ^
Mom - 08/13/99 21:52:27
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/SeaFairy
My Email:ladybo_2000@yahoo.com
Favorite Book: Well...uh...all of them!
Favorite Brance of Science: Astronomy
Haven't been here for a while, so I stopped by and borrowed some of your guardians. It's looking good!
"Nick"Thompson - 06/17/99 04:49:10
My Email:N_Thompson@WEBTV.NET
Favorite Poet: KING SOLOMON
Favorite Brance of Science: SPACE MUSIC
What Would Make This Site Better?: MAYBE MORE PHOTOS???
HELLO, I'm new at this. I'VE only got this SONY WEB TV THING,AND wanted to see what the WEB was all about. I love music by ENIGMA , And thats kinda what I was looking for. But someone to chat with would be nice. I'm 30 and alitte behind time,But I'm cath
ng up! So E-Mail me back if you care to. May Peace,Love,And Hormony Be with YOU Alway's... "Nick"
anna - 05/03/99 17:25:09
My Email:stokey@cybergal.com
Favorite Poet: anonymous
Favorite Book: the world of pooh
Favorite Brance of Science: biology
What Would Make This Site Better?: a rollercoaster
You should have a rollercoaster,waltzer,big wheel and some other decentrides in the fair! Oh, Tom stop making up names we know who you are,Borvy!!
Chow sexy babe love ya webby!!
Nicholas - 05/03/99 16:51:07
My Email:nicholas@nstoker.freeserve.co.uk
Favorite Poet: anonymous
Favorite Book: the menyms
Favorite Brance of Science: biology
The silvering - 04/25/99 22:45:27
My Email:The_silvering@unforgettable.com
Favorite Brance of Science: Mathemagics (one of my friends has probably used this already)
What Would Make This Site Better?: More poetry!!!
I love this site. It has lots of great stuff on it. I love you're poetry page. There isn't nearly enough poetry on the internet at the moment.
wayne - 04/05/99 22:23:47
My Email:stylin-wiley@webtv.net
Favorite Poet: edger allen poe
Favorite Book: desperation
Favorite Brance of Science: astronomy
wayne - 04/05/99 22:16:21
My Email:stylin-wiley@webtv.net
Favorite Poet: edger allen poe
Favorite Book: desperation
Favorite Brance of Science: astronomy
Lisa - 03/23/99 21:41:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/soho/exhibit/1323/edge/
My Email:lisa_n_ky@excite.com
Favorite Poet: ????
Favorite Book: rainmaker
Favorite Brance of Science: ???
What Would Make This Site Better?: It is great
nice page
Lady Bo - 03/17/99 02:03:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Cove/2771
My Email:lady_bo@hotmail.com
Favorite Poet: Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Favorite Book: OOO....I love them all!
Favorite Brance of Science: Astrology
What Would Make This Site Better?: A picture of your MOM!
Looking good! Keep up the good work!
ARTIE - 03/15/99 15:45:07
Favorite Book: WAR AND PEACE
Favorite Brance of Science: BIOLOGY
What Would Make This Site Better?: ITS GOOD AS IT IS
Enjoyed visiting your web site. All is welcome to visit my magickal supply web site at http://Artiestreasures.com
Blessed Be,
Lady Zandra Nightmoon - 03/05/99 18:06:06
My Email:zandranightmoon@witchcraft.zzn.com
Favorite Poet: not really a poet, but I love Shakespeare
Favorite Book: 21st Century wicca by Jennifer Hunter (humerous)
Favorite Brance of Science: Astrology
What Would Make This Site Better?: more of everything
I think your page is really good. I enjoyed my stay here. May the Lord and Lady bless you all!
~Lady Enigma~ - 02/06/99 20:15:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Ahtens/9605
My Email:ladyenigma@geocities.com
Favorite Poet: Robert Frost
Favorite Book: "The Enchanted Forest Chronicles" By Patricia C. Wrede
I was just making some updates, and was checking to see if this still worked!
Heather - 01/31/99 17:19:56 My Email:hlizard45@aol.com Favorite Poet: Robert Frost Favorite Star Trek Character: Wolf Favorite Branch of Science: Zoology What would make this site better?: I like it how it is | Comments: |
Your Mama - 01/25/99 03:44:51 Favorite Star Trek Character: Data Favorite Branch of Science: Astrology What would make this site better?: A working midi player! | Comments: Hey, looks good! First time I've been here since you changed it. I still think the little fairy looks like your sister. |
Borvin - 01/24/99 15:32:07 My Email:Borvin@unforgettable.com Favorite Poet: W.H. Auden Favorite Star Trek Character: Dr. Bashir Favorite Branch of Science: Mathemagics What would make this site better?: Some more W.H. Auden poetry | Comments: This site has great artwork, I just can't believe it. I'll have to come back more often... |
- 01/21/99 18:08:41 | Comments: |
Phil Timmons - 01/19/99 07:41:30 My Email:FxMuldr1@aol.com Favorite Poet: Poe(of course) Favorite Star Trek Character: Dr. Spock Favorite Branch of Science: Forensics What would make this site better?: Something to do w the X-Files...lol | Comments: Great site....I see you've been updating since I was last here. I'm on AOL now and could use a bit of help creating a new homepage.....you were so helpful last time....hope to hear from you soon |
Elf Girl - 01/17/99 17:19:43 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~elf_girl/index.html My Email:elf_girl@hotmail.com Favorite Poet: W.B. Yeats Favorite Star Trek Character: Spock! Favorite Branch of Science: Alchemy? What would make this site better?: Just keep it up :) | Comments: Merry Meet Lady Enigma ~ I have had such a wonderful time visiting your world here. We do have much in common (((Spoooooon!))) I love Warhammer Quest too. I must commend you also on your poetry. Very beautiful indeed! You have created a haven of encha tment which I definately intend to return to. Many thanks also for traveling ~The Road to Faerie~, the faeries truly enjoyed your company :) Brightest Blessings & Merry Magic! ![]() |
Teresa Miller - 01/15/99 16:37:21 My Email:Miralee@Prodigy.net Favorite Poet: Emerson Favorite Star Trek Character: Picard Favorite Branch of Science: Psychology | Comments: |
rita - 12/08/98 19:08:19 My Email:screamincheta@webtv.net | Comments: i enjoyed visiting your site very beautiful |
Gunter - 11/09/98 07:57:16 My URL:http://servant.gentle.org/gunter/quovadis.htm My Email:ggfk@home.com | Comments: Nice page come and visit mine too and sign the guestbook. |
Dana Johnson - 11/05/98 18:18:27 | Comments: |
L.Cecilie - 10/29/98 16:58:59 My Email:lindaulle@hotmail.com Favorite Poet: ????(JRR Tolkien)??? | Comments: Hello! I'm just here to sey hi! I'm not soow good in english. Sow this will not be a long mail. I'm a norwegian girl. And i just LOVE the muscik of Enigma!! HUGS from Linda. :-) |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Cindy - 09/07/98 14:53:06 My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy My Email:elalla@hotmail.com comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
David - 05/25/98 22:59:38 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Raistlin105/index.html My Email:LordSoth@webtv.net Favorite Poet: Poe Favorite Star Trek Character: Q..cuz he's so wicked Favorite Branch of Science: Biology What would make this site better?: Just let it grow..I like it! | Comments: I was just surfing and came across your page...you sound very cool....I have my hippie side too..so I know how you feel...I love to be outside and smell the flowers and the woods.. thanks..for putting a smile on my face... David |
Lady Enigma - 05/21/98 13:18:18 My URL:/Athens/9605 My Email:ladyenigma@geocities.com | Comments: Just checking to see if this works. I've been getting e-mail that people haven't been able to sign my guestbook. If you have problems, let me know! |
- 03/07/98 01:28:47 | Comments: |
Gary - 02/23/98 12:58:26 My URL:http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~karanga/ My Email:karanga@ihug.co.nz Favorite Poet: David Gemmel (more of a writer really) Favorite Star Trek Character: All time- has to be Spock Favorite Branch of Science: Metallurgy What would make this site better?: ?????? | Comments: Cool poems and art, especially liked seeing Boris Vallejo's 'Gryphon's Eerie', he is my favourite artist. |
Adrienne - 02/14/98 01:57:13 My Email:Ellette777@aol.com Favorite Poet: Emily Dickenson Favorite Star Trek Character: Ummm...Dax Favorite Branch of Science: the unknown What would make this site better?: I don't think you could make it any better | Comments: I haven't come across a web page better than yours! Nice job!!! |
Dean Agee - 02/01/98 21:12:35 My Email:dasa1@flash. net Favorite Poet: John Milton Favorite Star Trek Character: Captain Janeway Favorite Branch of Science: Astronomy What would make this site better?: more of it | Comments: Wonderful site... the best I've visited. Thank you for all your effort. Do it again please. |
George - 01/19/98 19:28:45 My Email:LifeProbe@aol.com Favorite Star Trek Character: Voyagers Dr. Favorite Branch of Science: physical sciences | Comments: |
Carl - 12/16/97 03:14:52 My Email:Bungee C@aol.com Favorite Poet: none (not familiar w/ any) Favorite Star Trek Character: Tasha Favorite Branch of Science: nope What would make this site better?: ??????????????? | Comments: Congrats on your own business...good luck! And I hate to sound stupid, but your picture is cute. |
Von Damneg - 12/09/97 03:31:52 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Fortress/2864 My Email:vondamneg@hotmail.com Favorite Poet: Edgar Allan Poe Favorite Star Trek Character: The Holographic Doctor from "Voyager" Favorite Branch of Science: The science of stuffing clowns into a tiny car. What would make this site better?: Clowns and Undead | Comments: Hey, this is pretty cool.....WAIT A MINUTE! HOW CAN I TALK! I'M DEAD! |
Hot To Trot - 12/03/97 03:59:26 My Email:hottotrot@mailcity.com | Comments: I just wanted to say cool page, I especialy like the music! I love the Little Mermaid! :) I am very interested in making my own home page now, so if you have any pointers, let me know. Thanks. |
naked streaking fool...- 11/27/97 13:59:06My Email:jayman1@hotmail.com Favorite Poet: Poe Favorite Star Trek Character: The person that always gets beamed down with the regular cast, and is killed... and never seen again... Favorite Branch of Science: Robotics and Microelectronics What would make this site better?: A virtual microbrew... *sighs* | Comments: Great page... I am interested in where you located your Beatnik wavs, as I am slowly bu t surely putting together my own website... and would like to incorporate a little tunage... Anyway, you have a very hip page. Happy Thanksgiving! nsf... |
sam pearce - 11/21/97 23:11:40 Favorite Poet: you Favorite Star Trek Character: none Favorite Branch of Science: electronics What would make this site better?: nothing | Comments: |
~*Vampire Prince*~ - 11/06/97 01:50:12 My URL:http://www,geocities.com/Area51/1002 My Email:ampireprince@hotmail.com Favorite Poet: Robert Frost Favorite Star Trek Character: Ummmmm spok..... Favorite Branch of Science: Earth... | Comments: I love this page... (LOL) |
Amanda - 11/01/97 15:49:16 | Comments: |
Shaun - 10/09/97 14:38:02 My Email:Alpha9175@AOL.com Favorite Poet: EDGAR ALLEN POE Favorite Star Trek Character: William Riker Favorite Branch of Science: Biology | Comments: |
David Crank - 10/03/97 00:31:09 My Email:none | Comments: |
MindCage - 09/16/97 19:13:19 My Email:LDrayer@devry-phx.edu Favorite Poet: Plato Favorite Branch of Science: Quantom physics | Comments: |
Rainmaker - 09/15/97 21:47:20 My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/tattooine/obiwan/68 Favorite Poet: Lady Enigma :-) Favorite Star Trek Character: Spock Favorite Branch of Science: Hmm....like them all What would make this site better?: More Music!! | Comments: Great site! Please visit mine. It's fairly new, and I haven't had many visitors yet. Thank you! |
Lounasty - 09/15/97 19:22:17 My Email:LDrayer@devry-phx.edu Favorite Poet: Plato Favorite Branch of Science: Phiosphy-Quantom theory | Comments: |
Roben Campbell - 09/08/97 20:09:57 Favorite Poet: W. B. Yeats | Comments: |
~Lady Enigma~ - 08/31/97 23:48:24 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/9605 My Email:sunnypuzl@aol.com Favorite Poet: Robert Frost Favorite Star Trek Character: Spock Favorite Branch of Science: Astronomy What would make this site better?: More graphics! | Comments: Just changing things around a little. Thanks for stopping by! |
- 08/26/97 01:06:50 GMT![]() ![]() ![]() †ß¡$h©þ† ![]() Kñ¡gh†š Øf †h£ ®øuñd †àbl£ My URL:http://www angelfire.com/ne/Cheatsandmore/ My Email:Jumiati@ipr.nl Favorite Board Game:: Reapers 2000 Favorite Knight of the Round Table:: Me...hehehehe |
Comments: Still have to check it out....but it looks fine so far..... |
Tyson - 08/19/97 18:11:26 GMT |
Comments: Dear Toby, I have missed talking to you via computer and hopefully one day I will call. Anyway I do hope your trip to the beach went tanningly well :) Hopefully all is well with you and your family. Love, Ty |
Tyson - 08/19/97 18:14:43 GMT |
Comments: Dear Toby, I have missed talking to you via computer and hopefully one day I will call. Anyway I do hope your trip to the beach went tanningly well :) Hopefully all is well with you and your family. Love, Ty |
Julie - 08/05/97 17:45:28 GMT My URL:/Hollywood/Academy/4186 My Email:bud_ice1@hotmail.com Favorite Poet:: Shel Silverstein Favorite Board Game:: Monopoly Favorite Band from the '80's:: Couldn't name one Favorite Monty Python Movie:: Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail Favorite Knight of the Round Table:: Lancelot Less Filling or Tastes Great?:: Less Filling |
Comments: Cool page! |
Sean - 07/27/97 04:12:39 GMT Favorite Poet:: Lovelace Favorite Board Game:: Star Trek Battle Sim Favorite Band from the '80's:: Police Favorite Monty Python Movie:: Life Of Brian Favorite Knight of the Round Table:: Ernest T. MacGillicutti Less Filling or Tastes Great?:: Who cares? |
Comments: I stand atop this mountain. I could be a great leader over looking my vast empire. The wisest man contamplating the universe. I could be a god ruminating over his creation. I could also be an ant oblivious to everything but my collective program. But one hing is certain, I am nothing without you. Thinking of you, my sweet. Sean |
Julie Gehrig - 07/21/97 01:20:25 GMT My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Academy/4186 My Email:stripes50@hotmail.com Favorite Board Game:: Monopoly and Life Favorite Band from the '80's:: Barely remember 'em... Favorite Monty Python Movie:: WOO!!! Monty Pyhton and the Quest for the Holy Grail! Favorite Knight of the Round Table:: Lancelot Less Filling or Tastes Great?:: Tastes Great? |
Comments: Hi...love your page and your guestbook. We just started our own page and we're desperate for someone's help. I want to post pics of my own...do you know how to do that? If you can help and want to, can you e-mail us? |
STACEY - 07/18/97 04:03:25 GMT My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mn/imaburn/index.html My Email:stacey.k@usa.net Favorite Poe :: DON'T LIKE POETRY Favorite Board Game:: CLUE Favorite Band from the '80's:: ABBA Favorite Monty Python Movie:: THE HOLY GRAIL Favorite Knight of the Round Table:: NO IDEA Less Filling or Tastes Great?:: /b> LESS FILLING | Comments: NICE PAGE |
Gubbinz - 07/06/97 19:28:53 GMT My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/9548 My Email:Gubbinz@aol.com Favorite Poet:: Rob rt Frost Favorite Board Game:: Clue Favorite Band from the '80's:: Def Leopard Favorite Monty Python Movie:: Monty Python and the Holy Grail Favorite Knight of the Round Table:: Sir Gallahad Less Filling or Ta tes Great?:: Tastes Great! | Comments: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! |
~Lady Enigma~ - 07/05/97 18:33:42 GMT My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/9605 My Email:ladyenigma@geocities.com Favorite oet:: Robert Frost Favorite Board Game:: Monopoly Favorite Band from the '80's:: Duran Duran Favorite Monty Python Movie:: Life of Brian Favorite Knight of the Round Table:: Bedevier Less Filling or Tastes Great?:: Tastes Great! | Comments: Just testing out my new guestbook! Thanks for signing it! |