~Mocha Latte~

~Mocha Latte~

Greetings. This is one of the first web pages I ever made. Started in September of 1996, it origionally just had a few of my favorite poems, and some cool clip art. Now, with the help of so many of my guests, this site has grown bigger than I ever anticipated. In recent months, however, I have neglected it somewhat, and I would very much like to start building it up again. So please send in your poems, clip art, origional art, or whatever to me via e-mail. Thank you, and enjoy your visit!

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

~Robert Frost

White Flower

A crimson sliver was all that i needed,

to plant my love in fields i had seeded.

A part that was missing and now is complete,

to make me whole again, fine and repleate.

A flower that bloomed on a hard rocky slope,

it's petals were white and pure, the color of hope.

My joy was boundless, it soared with the wind,

Carrying me from the dark depths where i had been.

An alabaster flower of such beauty in bloom,

I drank in deeply of it's heady purfume.

Not being careful of the love i had borne,

this flower i found had only one thorn.

And when i pricked my heart upon it,

I lost the Stars, the Sun, the Moon, and the Planets.

©Maximillian Buckstone 1997


What pain is loneliness,

How forlorn, the loss of tenderness.

The gentle hand, in its caress.

Soft lips, in a passionate kiss.


The heat of a close embrace,

A lock of hair that frames the face.

The bringing of an inner peace,

Calming of that inside beast.


Raging fires behind my breast,

Emotions, so strong, when expressed.

So wonderous, the bringing of love,

Rapturous, beautiful, like the heavens above.

All other illusions lay shattered,

For 'tis love and happiness, that truly matter.

It causes my heart to beat with all its might,

A beacon in the dark, of beautious light.

©Damien 1996



You don't seem to care if the sun stops shining

Or if the rain stops coming in it's even downpour

Or if the wind stops blowing the decaying leaves around in a whirl wind

of fury

You don't seem to care if you stumble on your careful way over an

obstacle that remain unseen

Or when people spit their hateful words at your forgiving heart like so

many darts

Or if the ocean dried up or the desert became filled with stale water

You don't seem to care if I brush you off like a small fly, even unaware

that I am doing it

Or when you just can't wake up from a slumber that you can't even


You don't seem to care if you are alone with your thoughts and simple


Or if you are surrounded by friend or foe

Or if a small stream laughs at you

You don't seem to care under your fixed face and folded arms

You don't seem to care yet I have decided that you do

And still I choose to envy you,

and still I choose to love you,

because you don't seem to care.

© 1997 Serena Thomas



The evening slowly draws down the shade

On another day in the life of love.

I sit by the firelight and my thoughts run

To you, always to you my thoughts run.

I see your face, so sweet and tender

In my mind's eye, kissing your cheek so soft.

My hands upon your shoulders, skin soft as silk,

Running lightly back and forth as I gaze into your

Eyes, filled with the love you have for me.

My love for you cannot be contained,

Nor would I wish it ever to be.

My lips meet yours in a whisper of a kiss

And the charge of electricity sent through

My spine nearly knocks me off my feet,

Taking my breath wholly away, gasping, sighing

As my love pours forth from my lips to yours.

©K.Potillo 1997


The Temptress

In a world of reflection,

in a holding pool.

Passivity keeps my spirit at bay,

I flow with the morning air,

I flow with the sun cast upon my face,

I flow onto mother earth,

gently I pulse.

Feeding on what is given me,

from mother nature

I see life and know it to be blessed...indeed.

Fortunes shown to me,

Rememberance of fortunes past,

I know my humanity...for fate has given me life.

©T. Eng 1997


A twinkle in my eye,

From high up in the sky

The stars they shine so bright,

In the Majesty of the night,

Darkest day or brightest night,

In my mind there is no fright,

There's no fright,

Not tonight.

But should I die,

Be killed outright,

Give up on the fight, so vain,

I'd pray for a soft shower of rain,

To wash away my hurt, my pain,

That this world brought to me,


Then I'd say to you below,

Born again so soon to go,

The fight must still be won,

Beneath our burning sun.

The fight that men have known,

As they have grown and grown,

In knowledge and in years,

There is no time for tears.

So now you must be strong,

Work not for what is wrong,

But fight for what is right,

So that you may sleep in peace tonight,

Beneath those stars, so bright.

©Ross Marnie 1997


I am, I am to Come, I was


(A Balance)

I am the cleaver of souls I am the healer of souls

I am the raper of dreams I am the lover of dreams

I am the despiser of the afflicted I am the comforter of the afflicted

I am the slaughterer of the just I am the shelter of the just

I am the wrecker I am the builder

I am to come, the mighty leader I am to come, the peaceful teacher

I am to come, the thirteenth dragon I am to come, the only lamb

I am to come, the bloody axe I am to come, the flaming sword

I am to come, one who blinds I am to come, three who illuminate

I am to come, the end I am to come, the beginning

I was the prideful I was the one who praised

I was the one who was blind I was the one who saw

I was the one who wanted to lead I was the leader

I was the one who denied I was the one who endowed

I was the exiled I was the exiler

©SmithSW 1997



see me?



to be taken

there is

no solid home

for scraps

the space

is always

here to there

temporary fillers

better than

no place

at all

there is

always somewhere

no one mentions

to ask

who's taking

the rest home

©W.Geddes 1996


Sonnet to Sleep

O soft embalmer of the still night,

Shutting with careful fingers and benign

Our gloom-pleas'd eyes, embower'd from the light,

Enshaded in forgetfulness divine:

O soothest Sleep! if so it please thee, close,

In midst of this thine hymn, my willing eyes,

Or wait the Amen ere thy poppy throws

Around my bed its lulling charities.

Then save me or the passed day will shine

Upon my pillow, breeding many woes:

Save me from curious conscience, that still hoards

Its strength for darkness, burrowing like the mole;

Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards,

And seal the hushed casket of my soul.

~John Keats

I once thought there was a world

where women worked on assembly lines

stamping red on the white and blue plates

that everyone loved

with perfect smiles on there faces

thinking of their man

fighting valiantly in a far away land

they had nice girls at home

who never went all the way

and clean cut football player boys

with clean cut hair cuts.

©J.Brigget 1996



Ding Dong

the witch is dead

I'm the sugar plum fairy

come to dance in your head

twisted and jaded

lost and insane

Have a day Have a night

You'll find only pain

When old treacherous pursuits

seem fickle and vain

Face it you're



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