The Isles of Scilly

The Scilly Isles is probably the best place on earth to go on holiday. My family go there every other year and stay on the main island, St.Mary's. The group of islands are about 28 miles South South West of Lands End. It takes about 3 hours to reach them by boat and about 20 minutes by plane. Going by boat is much cheaper, so we go by boat.

Everytime we do my brother is violently sick, and my father has to watch him puke up. (Well, in all honesty last time we went mum had to look after him and dad stayed on deck going green). It was a bit choppy, and it was windy, and this old woman was sick down the side and some poor unfortunate was down wind of her, and I think we can all guess what happened, can't we children. I got soaked because of all the spray, and my hair was full of salt for days.

Here's a picture of the boat. They have washed off all the stains down the sides, and the funnel used to be a lovely yellow, but now it isn't.

It is either really cold and miserable or really hot and sunny there. I would recommend that if you were to go, go in late June, early July. The best thing about the islands is that you can never get lost.

The main islands are St. Mary's (the best place to stay. If you're rich stay at Star Castle), Tresco (with its famous Abbey Gardens), St.Agnes (the Turks Head is the best place to eat there, and its very own special Scilly Shrew), St.Martin's (there is a hotel there somewhere. You just walk around that island), and there is Bryher (with Hell Bay Hotel). Of course there are the seal, puffin and basking shark spotting boat trips with really sexist jokes.

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