My talk with the Lord/ June 30, 2008
He Is Waiting!
If you have lost a loved one recently who knows Jesus as Lord,
this letter is from them to you.
- - - He Is Waiting - - -
As I have now pass through deaths last door,
my prayers are still there with you,
I now stand alone with my Lord,
but he tells me he loves you too.
Death brings this soul no fear today,
for the Lord now guides my way,
He is smiling at me as I behold His face,
I see in Him love and endless grace.
Oh what great love,
the Father has always shown to me ,
He gave me you,
and now he gives me eternity
So surely you can see why I could no longer stay,
in that simple human body and it's world of clay,
the things of this earth no longer delight,
because Christ Jesus has come for me tonight.
With His love overflowing my soul from above,
I still look back down to you my love,
please listen to the Lord's still small voice there in your heart,
and He will make sure that we will never part.
Keep searching child of the Father,
the Master will surely find you,
He will show you the way back home,
because He now stands waiting for you.
It is time for me to go now,
As my soul flies far away,
Jesus Christ the King of Glory,
has freed my soul this very day.
May the Father bless the Body of Christ, as He now waits for you!
joe sizemore
November 22, 1999
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