My talk with the Lord/ September 4, 2000
Face To Face!
What will it be like, when I stand before my Lord face to face,
Will He know me, or will I stand there in complete disgrace.
My life will flow by before me, for all of heaven to see,
How can the Lord of heaven, ever forgive a sinner like me.
But as I write these words to you, His gentle voice comes to me,
Don't you know child how much I love you, you will never be taken from me.
I want to share His love with you, Oh please come and listen you will see,
Jesus Christ the King of glory, can even love a sinner like me.
What joy now awaits us, for all who call upon His name,
He will fill our lives with glory, and take away all our endless shame.
So Father of all heaven, I now to the world proclaim,
Jesus Christ is my King forever, and I will never again be the same.
joe sizemore
Sept 4, 2000
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