My talk with the Lord/ Januray 28, 2000

Who is the leader of your Church?

A good Christian friend of mine, whose name I have changed, made the following statement, and I was wondering if you think the same way;

"But every church needs leaders since not every person is in the same position or has the same understanding." Here are my comments to Bill.

Dear Bill,
Words truely have different meanings depending on the context in which they are used. The word church has different meanings as well. (1) First, there is the Church of the Heart, and it is the only place where we can have a personal relationship with Christ. It is the only church, were all of the failures are our own. In no other place can we repent for our sins, in no other place can we make Jesus the true Lord of our souls, and in no other place is the door to heaven always open. Once the Church of the Heart has been established, there is no question who leads it, it is Christ Jesus alone.

(2) The second church is called the Body of Christ Church. This church cannot exist without the first Churches of the Heart, as the first churches are the stones upon which the Body of Christ Church is built, and the mortar is made up of truly born-again Christian souls. This church has no buildings either, it needs no organization, but is cemented together with a single unbreakable love for Jesus Christ, nothing else matters except the love and devotion to their Master, Jesus, the only begotten Son of the Father. Men cannot see the Body of Christ Church, but the Master of the church is never out of the sight of any of its members. There are no denominations in the Body of Christ Church, there are no divisions, and we all come equally humble and unworthy before the Master of the Church. Without the Master, there is no light, no power, no love, and no life in the Body of Christ Church.

(3) The third church is made of brick and clay, and it is a place where the Hearts churches come together to sing and share the love of Jesus with those who live in our neighborhoods. It is the place where we learn to be Christ-like, in going out among the lost to share the loving light and saving grace of Jesus, just as He did for us. But because the brick and clay churches are lead by men, they often fails us and go astray because its human leaders seek to sit at the head of the table in the chair reserved for Christ alone. Without Christ alone being the head of the clay churches, they struggle in the darkness, and bear false fruit. But when the Body of Christ enters into such buildings of clay, there is a light that shines from them like a beacon cutting through the darkest night. It is not a human leader who bears this light, it comes from the loving light of Christ shinning brightly through the Hearts Churches of its members. It is not a light made by man, and it does not come from their works of clay, but it comes blazing through the born-again vessels of the Father. The greater the love, the greater the light. Great beautiful structures, and great multitudes of people do not bring one ray of light to the clay church, only Christ living in the hearts of its members can fill its halls with the love of the church's true Master.

So who should be the human leader of such works of clay, that is left to the members of such organizations, to choose their own song leaders, as the light of the Father leads them. But we must remember that the light will also draw strangers, and not all strangers will open the door to their hearts church to let the light of the Father enter, and the human beast is left to roams the halls of the structures of clay. However, if we are to save the lost, then we must go to where they are, and speak with words they can understand. We chose one to speak for the group, who can best convey our love for Christ, one who the lost will listen to. We lift these voices of the clay churches up to our Father, that He might give all of our light to the one who speaks on our behalf, and we rejoice in seeing the Father use our spokesperson with great power and love.

So, are these spokespersons the leaders in our churches of clay, or are they our servants? It is for certain that they are not the Master, because that job still belongs to our Lord Jesus, the ONLY Christ! We should never get a servant confused with the Master.

Your brother in Christ,
joe sizemore

January 28, 2000

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