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Bisitarien iritziak (euskaraz) beste orrialde honetan

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We want to know what visitors think of GeoNative.
Thanks a lot.

fondo berdearen gaiean idatzitakoak guk gehitutako komentarioak dira / our own comments have been added in these green spots

Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
Luistxo, I really enjoyed your pages. Could you please give me a pointer to the best place on the web where I could read a description and explanation of the native pre-islamic Berber religion? I am very interested. Thanks in advance if you can assist me.
Chick Lewis

Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 06:37:53 +0200
From: "Philippe Simon" <>
I have seen your page on Flemish placemanes in France:
The problem is that the information was taken from the Abbe Gantois's books written around the Second World War who had a tendency to annex a region in which Flemish/Dutch had never been spoken. As a result your page gives Flemish/Dutch names to places which have been completely invented or it gives a Flemish/Dutch name to places where Flemish/Dutch is not spoken. You could as well added Parijs (Paris) to the list.... The map is also wrong, the West-Flemish speaking area in France in a lot smaller. As to the language spoken in the area concerned, no one here would refer to it as Dutch. Although it is a Dutch dialect, it is called West-Flemish or Westvlaams (in Dutch). In the Flemish-speaking area of France West-Flemish and Dutch are not mutually intelligible. An organization in Zeeland (The Netherlands) suggest that their own dialect, West-Flemish in Belgium, and West-Flemish in France could get recognition as a distinct language:
Philippe Simon

From: "Daniel van der Ree" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999
You really have a very good and comprehensive site. I could find some interesting facts about minority languages and placenames. Though I have some additions to your page:
You write that about 30.000 Dutch jews speak Yiddish (in 1995). I don't think so. At the moment there are some 30.000 to 40.000 jews living in The Netherlands. The most of them are liberal and very well integrated in the Dutch society. If they are religious they speak, next to Dutch, Hebrew/Ivrit. Yiddish is being spoken espacially by orthodox jews (for instance those living in New York (Brooklyn), Antwerp and Israel (Bnei Barak in Tel Aviv and Mea Shearim in Jerusalem). Of course there are some jews in The Netherlands speaking Yiddish, but not as much as 30.000.

From: "kaurpin" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999
Subject: kwak'wala language
hi i was curious to know if you could tell me about the phonology of kwak'wala, specifically what sounds are represented by the letters.. being down here in australia (and not being a linguistics student anymore) it's tough finding such material and the internet is a good place for this sort of thing

From: Abrigon Gusiq <>
Subject: Yupik/Inupiaq/Siberian Yupik
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 1999
Most Yupik spoken is of one of the dialects of Yupik.
Then there is Siberian Yupik which is basically a seperate language, related to Yupik. Most of its speakers are on St.Lawrence Island, as well as some parts of Siberia directly across from St.Lawrence.
Then there is they Inupiaq speakers in Siberia, but most of them seem to have died out or moved to the American side of the Straits/Little Diomede. Also there is a rumor of another group above Uelen, that has since died out.
Also there is atleast two Aleut groups. As well as last I remember a group of I believe Yupik or like speakers down near Anchorage which is dying out last I heard..
Of course how related the "Eskimo" in Siberia are to the other people of Eastern Siberia, I am not sure if anyone has done any indepth studies..
Just a crazy Gusiq/nIllamuit

From: "Jacek Wesolowski" <>
Subject: congratulations!
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1999
Congratulations for excellent site! I'll be happy to study it more thoroughly soon. You may be interested to hear that I and my colleague have created a small site of various language names for many features across Europe - ( We don't necessarily look for native languages only, so our aim differs a bit from yours. There are many very different forms of names referred to in languages used thousands kilometres apart from the actual site! Regards,
Jacek Wesolowski, Lodz, Poland

Date: Fri, 02 Jul 1999
From: " " <>
Subject: Bashkir place names
Hello, Luistxo!
Thank you very much for the new version of Bashkir place names table and
for taking into account my contribution. Your translitteration system is good.
Don't be upset by stupid hate mail I've read in your guest book. I would like to express you my solidarity and support for your valuable work. I have good news to share with you.
Untill recently almost all Bashkir villages in Bashkortostan had "russified" names in Russian. That is, a traditional Bashkir name was followed by a Russian suffix -ovo or -ino : Sharip+ovo, Mursalimk+ino and so on. As the Russian language dominates in official spheres and on geographic maps here, Bashkir place names were mostly known to the world in distorted forms .
Recently a campaign of the "bashkirization" of place names took place in our republic. During this campaign, local representative bodies of many villages took decision to use Bashkir traditional names even in Russian, that is to cut off Russian suffixes: Sharipovo > Sharip, Mursalimkino > Mursalim.
All in all 1680 villages were renamed (more than a half of their total number in the Republic). The "new" (or rather the old pre-Russian) names
were then sent for the approval to the recently created Commission on the implementation of the Bashkortostan's law "On the languages of the peoples of the Republic of Bashkortostan". Government's press service reported that "the re-naming took into acount the opinion of local inhabitants and geographical, historical, ethnic and local conditions. It is based on scientific principles and the validity of new names. The new names fit in organically with the existing system of place names." The results of the re-naming campaign will be published in an official publication "Administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Bashkortostan" with a run of 15.000 copies. I took this information from the newspaper "Sovetskaya Bashkiria - Izvestiya Bashkortostana" of June 2 1999.
(...) Valinur's collection of Bashkortostan links /Tokyo/Springs/7230
Best wishes to you and to your family,
Valinur Yakubi

Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999
Subject: Moravia-Silesia
Although the lingual affairs don't relate to Moravia-Silesia much I would like to inform you of our arising movement.
Moravia-Silesia (=East part of the Czech Republic) is in a very unpleasant situation, our nations - Moravian and Silesian - - are not officially recognized as ethnicities and are verging on total extinction of identity.
Nowadays national liberation movement is developing as well as foreign and international connexions are being entered.
Now there is a www-presentation, but still tiny:
So, if you wish I can send you additional information.
Kind regards,
Yours faithfully
Avinty Lanaikey

From: "Darja Teran" <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999
I was pleasantly surprised to see how painstakingly you have collected so many place names which mean a lot to them who live there. I live in Slovenia and am aware of our minorities in Italy, Austria and Hungary. I would like for all of them and me to have equal rights to use Slovene place names beside the names in the official language. I am sorry I could not understand the basque language, but the english comes here very handy. I thank you for your efforts. Darja

Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999
From: Amjad Jaimoukha <>
Subject: Thank you!
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is a note of appreciation for the work that you are doing, especially on preserving the original name of Circassian places.
Amjad Jaimoukha

Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999
From: otto pohl <>
Subject: Ingrian Finns
Dear Mr. Fernandez:
I just looked at your web page on Finno-Ugric peoples. You may be interested on my writings regarding the Ingrian Finns. My second book, *Ethnic Cleansing in the USSR, 1937-1949* (Westport, CT: Greenwood), 1999 contains a chapter on Stalin's deportation of the Ingrian Finns. It can currently be purchased online from Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, Borders, and Greenwood Publishing Group.
J. Otto Pohl

Date: Sat, 29 May 1999
No, we don´t know Aunt Elena... We are Basque, not Arberesh-speaking Italo-Albanians :-)

Date: Sat, 29 May 1999
From: Felipe Lopez <>
Subject: Oaxacan information page
HI I am not sure if this page would be a good link to your page, but I a m working on putting zapotec texts here and information on Oaxacan migration to the US, I work with Dr. Munro on the ZApotec ditionary. Anyways here it's
sincerely, Felipe H. Lopez

Date: Tue, 25 May 1999
From: Lowlands-L Administrator <>
Subject: Low Saxon (Low German) info
Kaixo / Moin / Hi!
I just sent you a bilingual greeting in Low Saxon (Low German) and English. Our language is an official minority language in Northern Germany and in the eastern Netherlands, with no standard language and no standard writing system so far, due to oppression and lack of recognition in the past. But the language, the direct descendant of Old Saxon (thus a relative of English), did not die anyway, though it's endangered. There has always been a lot of publishing in the language. The language is also used in Russia (especially in Siberia), in Kazakhstan, and in the Americas, especially by Mennonites who speak their own "Plautdietsch" dialects.
If you are interested I'd help you with a page for this language, and I would also contribute Low Saxon names of places in Germany and the Netherlands.
Your effort is admirable and worthy of support.
Best regards,
Reinhard "Ron" Hahn
Sattle, USA
Orain, Ron-i esker, prest dugu orri hori, hementxe / Now thanks to Ron, that page is ready right here.

From: "Barbara Goodin" <>
Date: Sat, 22 May 1999
Hello, My name is Barbara Goodin and I am with the Comanche Language and Cultural Preservation Committee. In In looking through your web site, I did not see the Comanche Tribe listed. I did find it in some of the links that you provided, however. You may reach me at, or you may see the Comanche Tribe's page at which will include an e-mail address
Thank you (ura). Barbara Goodin

Date: Thu, 20 May 1999
You have been invited by OnurSenarslan to join the Listed Yahoo! Club named "American Friends of Tatarstan".

Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999
From: "Patty A. Gray" <>
Hello Luistxo!
I have not had a chance to thoroughly explore your site, but I am very excited by what I've seen so far. I look forward to exploring it further -- you are dealing with a topic of great interest to me.
In the meantime, I invite you to visit a site I have that tells about some indigenous minority groups in the Russian Far North. If you would like to make a link from your site, please do. I'm particularly pleased that your site is at geocities/Athens -- mine is also. It is not a perfect thematic fit, but I could find no other place within all of geocities that was any better.
Thanks for creating such an interesting site!
Patty Gray

From: "Eller, David" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999
Hello, Geonative,
I read about your site in the Denver, Colorado newspaper on Sunday. I am very happy to see such a central information point on the internet. I am writing for two reasons. One is that I thought you might be interested in cultural information on Aboriginal Australia. I did not see any reference to these many, fascinating, and ancient cultures on your page. I am a former anthropologist who has spent two years living in Aboriginal communities, so I feel I could give you or point you toward some valuable information on their current social and political conditions.
Second, I wanted to share with you, and with your readers if possible, a book I have recently published on ethnic conflict. It is called "From Culture to Ethnicity to Conflict: An Anthropological Perspective on International Ethnic Conflict" from the University of Michigan Press. It contains five case studies of conflict, including Yugoslavia (specifically Bosnia, but with references to Kosovo), Sri Lanka, Kurdistan, Rwanda and Burundi, and Quebec. There are also two chapters on terms and concepts and on social/anthropological theory of ethnicity and conflict. If you find it interesting and relevant, it would be wonderful if you could mention it on your site. I hope I can offer some assistance in your important work, and thanks for keeping this valuable project alive. Jack David Eller, Ph.D.

Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999
From: Henry Gough-Cooper <>
Subject: Link from Scottish Place-Name Society site
Just to let you know that I have made a link from our "onomastic.htm" page to your excellent site!
All the best,

Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999
From: Alan Leighton <>
Subject: Tuva
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id QAA28073
I just visited your very interesting page:
Generally, I thought it was excellent. But (...) the word "Tuvinian" is from Russian "tuvinskaja" "tuvinskij" "tuvinskoje". It is not incorrect in English (many people use it), but I feel strongly that there is no need to borrow the word from Russian. In English, the nationality of a person from a country ending in -a, and the language (s)he speaks, is usually (though not always) formed by adding -n to the name of the country. Thus: Indian, African, American, Samoan. Therefore, I adopt in my writing the form used by John Krueger in his area handbook and language guide, The Tuvan Manual: "Tuvan". It would be simple to change all of your "Tuvinian"s to "Tuvan"s, thus sparing the Tuvans further cultural domination by their overwhelming Russian neighbor. (And in fact sometimes you, too, use the form "Tuvan". Why not be consistent?)
Please do not let my tirade in the previous paragraph mislead you into thinking I did not find your page to be a valuable contribution to knowledge about Tuva. On the contrary, I feel you have done Tuva and the world a valuable service in assembling this page. Chettirdim!
Alan Leighton
Bochum, Germany

Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999
Subject: Greetings from Chechnya
I am pleasantly surprised to see you have information on Chechnya, my name is Danil Chermoev and I am from the Vedeno district, some of the landscape in your country reminds me of my Chechnya, particularly Urquiola and the lagoon not far away, the language also sounds familiar I dont know why and also some of the prehistoric symbols are similar to many found in ruins in Chechnya, I invite you to see some pictures of my country at
your friend Danil

Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999
From: Raymond Tuttle <>
I really enjoyed your web page. I plan to visit it again when I have more time. I had the pleasure of spending a week in Donostia in February. My sister has been living there since August. My grandparents are from Bizkaia and this was my first trip to the Basque Country. I found the climate very similar to where I live in Western Oregon, USA. Donostia is a wonderful place and I hope to visit again soon.

From: "Nii & T." <>
Subject: language & cultural ignorance
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999
Thank you for posting the idea of cultural and language sublimination as a disrespectul and distasteful one. I am familiar with this as an American member of the Ga tribe of Ghana, West Africa. To find information is difficult at best, and we hope to post some cool stuff one day as well. Best wishes, Miz T.

From: "Kournikova" <>
To: <>
Subject: your language site
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999
Thank you so much for letting me find something on the Net about my native Ossetic. I appreciate very much your work and if there is anything I can do for you - you're more than welcome to mail me. I speak Ossetic and I'm from the South Ossetia and live in Moscow, Russia for more than 15 years.
Best regards,
Elena Kournikova

From: "Daniel J.G. Owen" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 15:22:06 +0100
I have just discovered your marvellous "Geonative" website and hope that you will agree to our providing a "link" to it from ours - but I should explain who we are. I maintain the website of Ceredigion County Council - a local government in Wales. For a number of years we have been flying the flags of many of Europe's minority nations on the promenade of our main town - Aberystwyth.
We have recently expanded the number of flagpoles and we will shortly be launching a section of our website explaining more about the minority nations and their flags.
Though this section has not yet "gone live" you may visit it on
Congratulations again on your website - I hope you will agree to our linking to it.
'Niel Owen

From: "J. P. Esperança" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999
Uau! Impressive work! Really amazing.
I can try to make a list of toponimes in East Timor in Tetun and Portuguese, if you're interested.
Haree dalan !
J. P. Esperança
Ekialdeko Timor gehikuntza interesgarria litzateke, bai horixe: hemen gaude ea informazioa lortzen dugun / East Timor is an interesting place to add to GeoNative, we hope to get that information soon.

Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999
From: Jon Reyhner <Jon.Reyhner@NAU.EDU>
Subject: Teaching Indigenous Languages Webpage
You might be interested in the Teaching Indigenous languages Website. It is at

From: "Horacio Liedo" <>
Subject: Indigenous Toponymy
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999
Your work at: is very interesting, and you had do a very good work. I have Basque roots in 2nd generation and we lost the lenguage, but here in Mexico there are people that speaks it. Saludos
Horacio Liedo

From: "Maximilian Hartmuth" <>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1999
...I think the web is so great for interethnical communication, I now know people from all over the world ,even from euskal herria ,we wouldn't have met without it...
your austrian friend max.
Max sent information about German minorities in Eastern Europe. Eskerrik asko!

From: "Horacio Liedo" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999
Your work at: is very interesting, and
you had do a very good work. I have Basque roots in 2nd generation and we
lost the lenguage, but here in Mexico there are people that speaks it.
Horacio Liedo

From: "Hestvik skole" <>
Subject: Greetings from Norway
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999
Hi, my name is Kai Braathen and I like your site very much. I have linked you to my site
Kai's LinkCollection for Educators and Students
Best regards Kai Braathen

Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999
From: "Norsk Målungdom" <>
Look at these sites for info on sami, kven, Neo-Norwegian, and languages from the former Soviet Union.
Magnus Bernhardsen - NORSK MÅLUNGDOM -

From: "David Wright" <>
Subject: Linguistic Rights
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999
(...) I have checked out the site. It looks useful and has been added to the Human Rights/Linguistic Rights folder in my Favorites list.
I would like to suggest that you add the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights Web page to your list of links. Although CIEMEN and Mercator, on whose Websites this Declaration is published, do apprear among your links, a direct link to would surely be useful to many of your visitors.
In 1995/1996, when I was consulting with a group of Otomí-speaking educators in the central Mexican state of Hidalgo about one of the preliminary drafts of the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights, these native Mexicans suggested that the word "revise" should be added to an article concerning toponomy; this suggestion was incorporated into the final version of Article 32:
"1. All language communities have the right to use place names in the language proper to the territory, both orally and in writing, in the private, public and official spheres. / 2. All language communities have the right to establish, preserve and revise autochthonous place names. Such place names cannot be arbitrarily abolished, distorted or adapted, nor can they be replaced if changes in the political situation, or changes of any type, occur."
David Wright
Member, Scientific Follow-Up Committee
Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights

Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999
From: Robin Shoaps <>
I recently visited your site and was impressed. You contacted me some
time ago about Mayan placenames, as I am a linguist who has worked with
several Mayan groups in guatemala. I have worked most extensively with
Sakapultek and Uspantek. The name for Sacapulas (the countyseat of the
area where most Sakapultek speakers live) in Sakapultek is Tujaal. The
/j/ is used in the official Mayan orthography to represent /h/. The name
in Uspantek for San Miguel Uspantan is Tzunuun K'aab'. The names
Sacapulas and Uspantan are probably of Nahuatl origin and were given to
the communities by the Spaniards or the groups enlisted by them to aid
in invading and dominating these communities.
Best wishes,
Robin Shoaps
UCSB Department of Linguistics - University of California, Santa Barbara

Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999
From: James W Dow <>
I looked at your Hñähñü page and see that you are approaching a level of detail that eventually will require more precise orthographies that can capture the different dialects of Ñähñu, but I applaud your work. Unfortunately there is no standard orthography for Ñähñu. Orthographic problems are usually ignored. When they are ignored, how will anyone ever know how to speak your names properly? One can't distinguish between different dialects and messed up spellings. Language isn't of much use unless it is used. Why don't you attach little sound snippets to your place names, with correct native pronunciations. Then people would be able to use the names. A word written in an unknown orthography is just a code.
James Dow:

Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999
From: Henry Davis <>
I am slightly wary of releasing place-names onto the web, because as you
may or may not know, many bands and nations in BC are currently
embroiled in complex treaty negotiations with the government, and in
many cases land claims issues are decided on the basis of indigenous
place names (which prove ancestral occupation). However, the following
are sufficiently well-known and public to be unlikely to cause offense
to anyone, so I think it is safe to distribute them.
Henry Davis.
Henry is a linguist working with Lillooet people. His concerns are well-founded, and that is a reason for many groups not to share their placenames. However, we have a small list of placenames that present no problems thanks to him (see the Salish languages page).

Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999
Fixing the original names in the minority languages is a important thing for these languages. And I agree to the neccessarity of fixing them in maps, too.
The question of plattdüütsch names for settlements and localities isn't
discussed much. A reason might be in the status of plattdüütsch which was a
important language (even lingua franca) during the Hanse trading time in the
middle age, but had been recognized as a language for its own only since a
few years. And furthermore, it is a german language, there is (unlike
frisian or basque or gaelic) no great ethnic difference (only at tribal
niveau). Additional, population in northern germany had been mixed quite a
lot after the second world war, when a lot of people from high german areas
in the east came to northern germany.
Situation is, that there are plattdüütsch placenames indeed. Town names have
no great difference between high german and plattdüütsch, since quite a lot
haven't changed between plattdüütsch and high german or have stayed in the original plattdüütsch

Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999
From: Roman Zaroff <>
I have looked at your site and I think it is a great. In many countries the
minorities are not recognized at all or they existence is acknowledged
with great reluctance. This is among the others the case of the Basques. I
hope that one they your people will get a real autonomy and recognition
from Spain and Spaniards. It is real hipocrisy that European Union and NATO
talks tough about Albanians in Kosovo (who by the way deserve to have
decent autonomy) before cleaning their own houses. But that's big politics.
kind regards and greetings from Down Under
Romanek sorbierazko izenak eman izan dizkigu / Roman has contributed with Sorbian names / Eskerrik asko!

Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999
From: Mike Cleven <>
Hi. I was alerted to your site by a posting from Jeff Kopp to the CHINOOK
listserve. Your summary of BC languages, with placename directories, is
quite wonderful, and I'd like to encourage you to continue it. I'm
originaly from Stl'atl'imx/St'at'imc (Lillooet) country myself (I'm not
native, however), was raised in the Skayuks region (Stave Valley) of the
Sto:lo territory, and currently live in Squamish territory and am active in
the Chinook Jargon web community.
Time's a bit of a whirlwind for me, but I can probably get it together to
provide you with a better base map for your BC language-areas, and add some
other groups and information onto it......
Wish I could understand Basque.....
Regards, Mike Cleven

From: "Valinur Yakubi" <>
Subject: Bashkir Placenames
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999
Thank you very much for your wonderful Web site on placenames in native and minority languages ! It's really great!
I am Bashkir (Baxkir as you Basque people put it) and would like to send you some remarks concerning your Bashkir placenames' table (...)
I thank you once again for the marvellous work you do by maintaining this site. Are you interested in getting more Bashkir placenames? If yes, let me know. You are welcome!
Best regards
Valinurrek Baxkirrerazko izenak eman izan dizkigu / Valinur has contributed Bashkir names / Eskerrik asko!

Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999
From: "colchian kiziria" <>
(...) We are sons of two brother peoples far from one
another perhaps. Because, Basque and Colchian cultures are coincidental in some angles. Therefore, I am pleased with my first Basque friend.
This contributor of GeoNative has provided Laz placenames from Turkey, but he keeps his name anonym as claiming rights for his minority can be risky in Turkey, However you can check his Colchian Home Page

Date: Sat, 21 Nov 98
From: Edo Nyland <>
I saw your website and hasten to tell you that I am hard at work to show the
world the beauty of the Basque language. I was in your wonderful Donostia
and talked with several of the Basque speaking teachers at DEUSTO. I visited
Gorka Aulestia Txakartegi in Vitoria and had a marvelous visit there and in
Pamplona. We met again in Reno, Nevada, last July 6 to 9. My main purpose
in life is to prove that all the Indo-European and Semitic languages were
derived from Basque, and I think I have proven that. See my website <>
I am hard at work to add much more material to it,
including a long discussion of Basque in Homer's writings. It should be on
the internet in a week or two, but right now there is much that you should
take a look at on my web site. Most Basques academics don't yet agree with
what I am doing but I have had a great deal of interest from students at
Bilbo University. Agur, Edo Nyland, Victoria, B.C., Canada.
Edo's views about Basque are original, somehow romantic, but, I am afraid, quite nonsensical. Anyway, you can judge visiting the site and reading his theories.

From: "Frysk Letterkundich Museum" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998
Please would you be so kind to put a link at your page /Athens/9479/lotu.html to the site of the Frisian Literary Museum <>?
Yours sincerely, Andrys Stienstra

Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998
From: Jim <>
Organization: Dena'inaq' Titaztun
I enjoy seeing the site. The goals are admirable. Lots of interesting information and you are developing a network of contacts on these issues. I am always interested in publications on place names.
Jim Kari
Jim Kari is an authority in the field of Athabaskan placenames, and an advocate of indigenous communities in Alaska...

Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998
From: Simmerbarren 500 <>
I accidentally ended up at your very interesting page with Frisian place names. You have covered most of West Frisia (officially part of the Netherlands) and North Frisia, but you say nothing about Seelterlound/Sealterlân/Saterland, a Frisian speaking area on the German administrative territory. It is only small, but the three Frisian
villages should also be mentioned:
Many compliments for your page!
Friendly regards,
Henk Wolf
Now Eastern-Frisian, the language of Seelterlound, is present at GeoNative thanks to Henk. Mila esker!

Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1998
X-Personal_name: Csaba Harangozo
I've just visited the site... I have read about the Hungarian minorities living outside present day Hungary. Nice effort, but the numbers are incorrect in my opinion. Those countries which now holds them habitually understate their numbers for political reasons. It is very sad to see that these incorrect facts are now published on the Internet as well.
Regards Csaba
Well, we publish the data we get. It would be more positive to provide more accurate data, instead of just complaining. We try to be respectful towards all minorities, including, of course, the Hungarian minorities.

Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998
From: Oktay Ahmed <>
Hi. I think that you have wonderful pages. Can I help you in some way?
Oktay Ahmed, research and teaching assistant
University of "St. Cyril and Methodius"
Faculty of Philology, Department of Turkish Language and Literature
91000 Skopje, MACEDONIA
web: <>
Now we have Turkish placenames for Macedonia thanks to Oktay. Thanks!

Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998
From: geo387 <>
Good initiative!
I have compiled quite a few Inuit links for Alaska, Canada and Greenland at "Arctic CyberAnthropology"
The pages came about during research on the use of Internet in the Arctic Regions. and are being updated all the time. I will include your link in "other stuff" soon (I'm in the midst of revamping the pages. The Canada one is an example of how they will look).
Cheers - Neil

Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998
From: Jason Spaulding <>
A neat project.
I have a couple of ideas, there is a wonderful poem by Steven Vincent Benet about American Place Names, I can't recall the exact title, but many native names in that poem.
In western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee, many place names are Cherokee. I know a little of four American Indian languages sounds, and Cherokee names are so pretty. Such as Okonaluftee, Junaluska (name of a chief), Chattahoochie.
So good luck with your project.

Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998
On the Pueblo page, what is the written language that is displayed--which pueblo language?
Thank you-
Of course it is not any of the Pueblo languages of New Mexico, but Basque...

Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998
(...) I am happy to come across this excellent web-page about minority languages. I have become more interested in minor languages, myself, and, in Irish, Manx, and Chinook Jargon, in particular. It is wonderful to see them represented.
I live in Oregon, which is part of the territory where Chinook Jargon was once widely spoken; in fact, I have known people whose relatives used the Jargon. I'm actively involved in attempts to revive it.
Best wishes on your project, on the efforts to keep Basque, these, and other minority languages alive and well!
John F. Schilke, MD

Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998
From: J McIntyre <>
I visited your site today for the first time. It is very good and very interesting.
In relation to Ireland there was only coverage of Irish gaelic placenames
and no mention of the Ulster-scots language placenames. You may not be
aware that Ulster-Scots is Ireland's other minority language found mainly
in the north of the island in Antrim, Down, east Donegal, north Tyrone and
north Londonderry...
John McIntyre
Now Ulster-Scots is present at GeoNative thanks to John. Eskerrik asko!

Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998
From: Pamela Munro <>
It's very exciting to see all this on this page. I'll share the reference with everyone.
The left hand side is in Basque, right? Wonderful!
All the best,
Pam helped with the Zapotec names. Eskerrik asko!

Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998
From: Jim Thurman <>
Enjoyed your site on minority nations. I'm working on a web page regarding the Ingush. Should be decent before long:
I'd be happy to be linked when my page is finished. See what you think.
Jim Thurman

From: "Helen Sylliboy" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998
micmac indian from Nova Scotia,
saw the page on mi'kmaq
Helen Sylliboy, eskasoni Reservation. Nova scotia

From: "Saundra Renard" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998
Thank you very much for your webpage on GeoNative. I am researching Larribar-Sorhapuru. It has been very difficult for me. Thank you for letting me know that this village is in Nefarroa Beherea - Basse Nevarre in France. I am just learning that my surname Sorapuru is Basque and I think maybe Larribar-Sorhapuru is where my ancestors were from. Again thank you very much for your webpage, it has been my only help on information concerning Larribar-Sorhapuru.
Saundra Sorapuru Renard

Date: Sun, 04 Oct 1998
I wish the basque people the best in their struggle against extinction.
Keep up the good work. I will probably add your link to my page as well in the near future.
Thanks, Osmo Joronen
Karelian-Finn living in Canada

Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998
From: Brian Thom <>
I visited your site and liked it very much. It will be good as you compile more and more resources. Your maps are excellent.
Brian helped with the Halkomelem names. Eskerrik asko!

Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998
From: Eden Golshani <>
Have you ever thought of adding Armenian and Georgian somwhere on your pages? They would make a nice addition even though they are not written in Cyrillic.
-Eden Golshani
If we just could get good transliteration tables ready with a couple of images of the respective alphabets...

Date: Sat, 15 Aug
I do not know if you are aware that there is an interesting play by an Irish
playwright on the subect. It is called Translations by Brian Friel and is
about the survey of Ireland in the nineteenth century when the surveyors
created anglicised names to replace the traditional names. I think you
would be interested in the way Friel handles the issues.
Yours sincerely,
Clem McCartney

From: "Jiasheng Kang" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998
I've had a light browse on your website. It's really thorough and well-made. Your determination to your heritage language really inspired me. I remember that when I first heard about the Basque language from my linguistics professor, I became deeply interested on the Basque people, for you are perhaps the orignally inhabitants of Europe.

From: "Zawer Gogunokov" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998
I am greeting you from Caucasus my brothers basques and you Luistxo!
We have historians who state that circassians and Basques people have common historical roots and are "related" people.
My name is Zawer Gogunoko, I am Circass (Kabardian), 25 years old. 2 years ago finished college, now I am the president of Information-Cultural Center "Circas". I llive in nalchik. To say shortly we are gathering information about Caucasus and put it on the Net. Your homepage impressed me. Will not conceal my friends and I looked at it with great interest. We did a good job! We will surely make a link on your page soon. If you need information about Caucasus I will be ready to help you.
I hope we will be in contact always
With my best wishes to you and your people, Zawer

Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998
From: Balthasar Bickel <>
This project of yours will certainly further and advance the cause of
endangered languages! I hope it receives a lot of attention on the web.
Best, Balthasar.

Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998
From: Heather King <>
Your website, GeoNative, is fantastic. What a great and worthwhile project. (By the way, one of my fellow students here is Basque and is working on the semantic changes in Basque.)
There is a webpage for Aboriginal placenames of Brisbane: * Some Aboriginal place names of the Brisbane area (Brisbane City Council/Toadshow) From: STEELE, John (1984), Aboriginal Pathways in South East Queensland and the Richmond River, St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press (added 14/01/98)
Cheers - HEATHER B. KING - Department of Linguistics - University of Edinburgh

Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998
From: Himalayan Languages Project <>
I have visited the geocities website and think that yours is a fantastic
(...) Tonight in Amsterdam, I shall check the atlas to locate Donostia.
Best wishes,
George van Driem
Himalayan Languages Project - Leiden University - Holland
George later checked the map and, as suspected, no trace of Donostia. Only the spanish name "San Sebastian".

Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998
Sain baina uu?
(Buryat for hello)
I came across your page a few days ago while searching for links to put on my
page about the Buryat of Siberia. While the focus of my page is on the
Buryats, I also have a links page about all of the various Siberian ethnic
groups. Perhaps my page would be useful for your links on various minority
groups? Since you do have information on Buryatia on your page already you
are already a little familiar with the Buryats. my web page address is:
(...) By the way I think your people is very fascinating, your history is
very old and so much is to be known yet.
Anyhow, your page is excellent and I wish you the best of luck!

Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998
From: Mark Donohue <>
Good work! I liked the website. And I'm always happy to see languages
other than English on the web.

Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998
From: <>
I am impressed with all the information you provide on your website.
ECMI's website at will be making a link to your website under the rubric Information Services, Enriched Links, Minority Languages in the very near future.
Best regards,
William McKinney
European Centre for Minority Issues

Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998
From: Ryyti Jarmo <>
hello, would you like to add the home-page of Veps into GeoNative:
More about Fenno-Ugrians:
I find it strange that Europeans know more about Australia's aborgines than of Europe's native people. it is Federation of Finnishness. Finns are also a minority in an European context, in the sea of Indo-Europeans.

Date: Sun, 02 Aug 1998
From: Gen <>
Quite a remakable listing! Yet, for my own sake, I wish I could see more "linguistical" information, e.g., meaning of those names so that whether a name is phonetically or semantically translated.
(...) my interest is in understanding the structure of possibly an Ainu place name, which, of course, includes the meaning associated thereto; and in reviewing place names in Honshu or even
Kyushu, Shikoku and Okinawa area.
Our japanese friend Gen is an expert in the Ainu language and has a remarkable website at

From: "Biel Nadal" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998
I am a catalan in Portugal and I would like to congratulate you for your interesting page. To the other users, I recommend to go to the insults received from Spaniards to understand what we basque and catalan people should stand from that people. I would like to condemn what the Spanish and French states are doing against our languages, which should have dissapeared without the support of the people that go
on speaking and writing our mother tongues. Thanks a lot for your support. I apologize for being unable to write you in basque too.
Ondo esana Biel! Well said, Biel! Salut!

Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998
From: Francesco Penza <>
Very intresting!! I'm searching for italians, albanians and greeks in order to
talk and co-work about our culture and minorities... if you don't attach too
importance to the official borders and official languages you can see that much
things connect us.Maybe this situation is the same all around the europe, maybe
this is a hope for a new europe, to smash the old borders built with the wars.
I'll attempt to contact your arbereshe, arvaniti and epiriote informers, if you
know someone else from italy, albania or greece, please signal it to me, thanks!
I'm not exactly griko, because my family is from Carpignano (Karpignana) that
was ellenophone until XIX century. I'm learning the language because I like it
and I don't want that it dies.
Best regards,
Francesco, a learner of Griko, provided the placenames for that Greek-speaking minority in southern Italy. Thanks!

Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998
From: Phoevos Panagiotidis <>
In the (unlikely) case that you have not seen it, here is a valuable source of info:
I would really like to help you. Apart from the amount & diversity of material, I really find the fact that your site is bilingual in Basque & English admirable.
Best wishes,
Phoevos Panagiotidis - Department of Language and Linguistics - University of Essex
Phoevos provided tables for Albanian in Greece, Greek in Albania and others. Thanks!

From: Stanislaw Alwasiak <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 1998
I was impressed looking at your site having valuable and interesting information about your small but proud nation. From the perspective of Poland Basque country seems far away but the struggle and dignity gives a lot of appreciation and symphaty for you.
Your Sincerely
Stanislaw Alwasiak - Krakow
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 18:38:13 -0700
From: charles bowles <>
Hi! Found you in a search of Alta Vista! I too, have a page on the Navajo People. I was wondering if I could ask you for a link?
Little Feather

Date: Sun, 10 May 1998
From: Allan-John Marsh <>
Subject: Edinburgh
I'd just like to point out an unfairness you have on your webpage . The Gaelic name of Edinburgh, although important, is not pivotal. Edinburgh was settled by Anglo-Saxons from the 6th century until the present day, and in terms of ethnic distribution (which really is a redundant term for Britain due to the mobility of the British people around the country over the centuries), lowland Scotland is predominately of Teutonic, that is Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian, descent. The Gaelic name of Edinburgh, much like the old British names for English cities, such as Ratae for Leicester, and Caer for Chester, although lost in everyday knowledge, are not lost as a sign of oppression, etc. Edinburgh is so called as its people, you could say, were the dispellers of the Celts who lived there at the time of the Germanic invasions of Britain. Although today, it is very hard to tell if a racially British person is more Saxon, Celtic, Norman, Scandinavian, etc, people in lowland Scotland, where Edinburgh lies, are credited with being members of that Germanic element - in short, trying to find the Gaelic name of Edinburgh is as important as trying to find the Celtic name of, say, Southampton. Mind you, with Scottish nationalism, the historical truths about such matters are being lost in favour of belief in such American fantasies as Braveheart, etc.
Great pages however. Perhaps you could do a focus on Britain and other European countries, where the indigenous majorities are subject to restrictions and apologies on their own cultures in their own homelands, and where racial minorities who have immigrated to Europe or around Europe since WWII, are granted the rights and privilages, the same as indigenous people in other countries would have, simply because of the desire to be politically correct.
Allan-John Marsh
Edinburgh may be Germanic or whatever, but if Gaelic speakers of Scotland have a Gaelic name for it, it is their right to use that name, of course! The comment about immigant "racial minorities" is disgusting, something we cannot support in any manner.

From: Robert Philipp & Mario Viti <>
Subject: ZARA & POLA
I think your page is a good idea, but being very well educated in the subjects of these regions, I'd have to disagree that there were a minority of Italians in the cities of ZARA and POLA. It was the opposite before wwII. Only when the slaughter of the Italians began did their population become a minority. Even when Croatia declared an independent state in 1941-1945. The cities of ZARA and POLA remained Italian.
When ZARA was carpet bombed in '43 and 44. Whatever was left of the Italian population basically left. And of course Tito took it. Pola was taken in '47.

Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998
From: bill sullivan <>
egun on,
I have enjoyed your material on-line. What I find especially great are the contact addresses listed for the various languages. I collect greetings in different languages. Being a foreign language teacher (German and Spanish as well as World History) makes me interested in various languages and cultures. I am also an amateur linguist. Originally my collection of greetings was an introduction type lesson in comparative language families that I used in my classes. Now that I have 950 different languages it is well beyond the scope of my students. I am especially interested in minority, extinct, nearly extinct, and endangered languages.

Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998
From: "Mohd. Anuar B. Abd. Ghani" <>
Organization: North Borneo Explorer Sdn. Bhd. MIME-Version: 1.0
Got your website through TL Newsletter - really impressive. Presently, I am living in Sabah, East Malaysia, and I intend to study Murut, just one of the hundreds of endangered languages of Borneo... I am going to finish a list (probably non-exhaustive) of all the tribes and races in Malaysia (so far I have over 200), and then I'll mail it to you. Just for the files, one never knows... I really respect you for your passionate work! Greetings from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (North Borneo) Herman

From: "Yan Yankowski" <>
Subject: Visitror from Russia
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 1998
Hello, Luistxo and Marije!
My name is Yan and I am from Russia.
First of all, I'd like to commend your work on this site. The cause of promoting the knowledge about national minorities is really worth devoting time to. It's really sad when people forget their roots. I'm personally very interested in Basque culture and language and it's a real boost for me to see websites composed in Basque.
With best regards,
Yan Yankowski, St.Petersburg, Russia -

Date: Sun, 22 Feb 1998
From: Naik Dharavath <>
Hi: The place finally began to raise "Indigenous People"
I thank you so much for putting a home page on the for the world's
Indigenous people.
I am from India. I was born in a poor tribal family -- called "Banjara".
I hate to say, the Indian soceity won't treat us good (never treated us
good in the past too). If you are high caste person of the India, you
won't accept my e-mail (but, I hope you are not).
Just a Thank You note for your efforts in putting the page on the net.

From: jeff tabvahtah <>
I saw your site on Inuit, traditional place names and I noticed that you neglected to add Whale Cove, "Tikirayuaq" to your list of unchanged community names. Whale Cove is found on the west coast of Hudson Bay, in the "Kivalliq" region of Nunavut.
I hope I have been helpful.
p.s. The spelling of Whale Cove may be misspelled, in Inuktitut (Roman Orthagraghy), you may want to check the spelling.
Jeff Tabvahtah,Inuk.

Date: Sat, 07 Feb 1998
From: <>
Subject: Cymru yn galw/Wales calling
Hello! My name is Huw B. and I am a Welshman living in London. I browsed your pages about minority languages and was very interested (I am a Welsh speaker). (...)
I am not surprised by the attitudes of Spaniards towards you. There is a similar lack of respect and understanding shown by the English to Wales. I think it is part of being a big, monoglot, ex-empire country - you think that you are normal and everyone else is 'funny' or a problem. However, apart from a very few exceptions I have never personally experienced much nastiness or anti-Welshness while living in England (I have been here 4 years), just a lot of ignorance. In the main, the English ignore Wales because they know nothing about it. They notice the many similarities and don't see anything else.
Pob Hwyl!
Huw provided some Welsh names. Thanks!

Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998
From: Phil Konstantin <>
Hi, I just added a link to your website in the "Language" section of my links
pages. I hope this is acceptable to you. If not, I will delete the link.
Phil Konstantin

From: "karachay" <>
Subject: Karachay & Balkar
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998
Hi, I think your homepages are wonderful! I'm very impressed... Congratulations ! you are right : we have to publicize our own cultures , customs and languages . Thanks a lot for the work you have done for my country . Karachayli &

Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998
From: Alex Medouni <>
Subject: Amazigh not Arab
Why do you insert such untrue information. I am an AMAZIGH-AMERICAN and do not say that it's false. If that was the case that amzigh people tell about themselves to be Arabs, the civil war would have never started at all. The problem in Algeria is that of identity, and the forcing of a false one upon us by a group of violent people. Those most hurt by the identity crisis. couldn't deal with it !
We don't say that Amazigh are Arabs, just the contrary: we affirm that they are the native people of Algeria, of course. They are also the main victims of the war there, as both the islamic armed opposition and the Algerian govt are strongly pro-Arab and anti-Berber.

From: Rommert Tjeerdsma <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998
Dear sir/madam,
Mercator-Education is the European network for information, documentation and research into regional or minority languages in education. Mercator-Education's website ( offers information about Mercator-Education's own activities and products, but also a few hundred categorized 'minority language links' to other information about European minority languages on the internet.
We have evaluated your website and made a link to it. We think many vistitors to your site would also be interested in the information offered by us. So would you please make a link?
Kind regards,
Rommert Tjeerdsma
documentalist Mercator-Education

Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998
From: Neven Maric <>
Hello! Since I respect cultural diversity of the world as well, I liked your page. I suggest you to visit my linguistic homepage
Thank you and greetings from Croatia!
The subject line means "rabbits are dogs" in Basque! People makes websites around the most incredible subjects...

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