This is what I'm reading at the moment
I don't need a baby to be who I am. Joan Brady
last updated 21 June 1999
Books read since 1 April 1999
Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone. J.R. Rowling
Ex libris. Anne Fadiman
The wrong kind of money. Stephen Birmingham
Walking across Egypt. Clyde Edgerton
Amethyst dreams. Phyllis Whitney
Home again. Kristin Hannah
Singing in the comeback choir. Bebe Moore Campbell
Lords of light. Deepak Chopra and Martin Greenberg
The blessing. Jude Deveraux
Out of nowhere. Doris Mortman
Unravelling. Elizabeth Graver
1994 to 1997 - 173 books
1998 - 77 books
1999 - 25 books
Status of personal challenge:
The bone people. Keri Hulme [Booker Prize List]
Fair and tender ladies. Lee Smith [Challenge by Jean]
Of mice and men. John Steinbeck [R of real folks]
The return of the native. Thomas Hardy [R of real folks]
A tree grows in Brooklyn. Betty Smith [R of real folks]
Total five of one hundred and ninety five since Feb 1998
Christmas 1994 to December 1998
for books read in 1998 only
for books read in 1999 only
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