Happy's dead page

read all about it

Welcome to the HappyDead page.
It's time for an update. It's January 1, 2006 as I type this. This portion of my geocities world was supposed to be devoted to writing and stuff of that nature. I sort of have lost a lot of the interest I had in maintaining the websites. I think I started this one around 10 years ago, maybe 8 or 9. I don't know. Happy Dead refers to a dog we used to have. After he died, for some reason I would obsessively say "happy dead," and put it into christmas carols and things of that nature. It's just a weird thing, I don't really get it. The dog has been dead for.. um.. almost 15 years? I don't know, it was before I was married, and I've been divorced for 5 years after being married for 6. So I guess 13 years or so?
Writing is still part of what I'm doing. I've been involved in the San Diego Writers, Ink group, who can be found at their website, which is sandiegowriters.org. I've even taught a workshop through them and hopefully will do another one in spring or so. At any rate, I have other places to write, so I haven't updated writing stuff on here. But it's still a look into my craziness, and that's a fine thing indeed. Have fun. It might not all make sense, but that's what the internet is all about.
You can read about Happy(dead) on the Story page, and not only that, you can see pictures of the real Happy! Wow!

Other than that, this is just a page that contains some writings of mine. It doesn't have everything I've ever written, of course, just a sampling of the shorter stuff.
And now I've decided to look a little bit into my musical side. Why not, eh?

Parts of my page

The Story Page -- obviously, where I put the stories
The Poetry Page -- obviously, where there be poems
The Music Page -- new, experimental, and not quite where I want it to be (don't even bother looking at it, really)
If you really want to hear music, go to the poetry page and link to the Dan Coates poem
The Links Page -- c'mon, everybody has one
My Ugly Mug, Part I -- c'mon, everybody has one
My Ugly Mug, Parts II+III -- the Scary (or scarier) versions
The Real Happy -- Pictures of the dog who started it all, in 'living' color
Lukas Haas -- My tribute to the young actor
Experimental Survey -- I'm just playing with the forms, but try it if you like

Other pages, some mine, some not

Free Pan de Sal! -- I wouldn't take it too seriously, though
My School Page -- It's pretty bare, since I don't feel like busting the school's computer yet
My page about travel and stuff -- With lots of pictures and lots of words (like the thumbnail version of my Europe trip)
The Scrivenery -- a good place for aspiring writers to go (Oh no, I think they're dead.. I'll keep the link in case they pop up again)
7-Eleven worshipping -- more than you ever wanted to know
Mindy -- she's a dog who considers herself luxurious
EDSS 450G Support Group -- Sort of a school project. Check it out.
My New Car!! -- Just bought it, August 27 or so.
PTFL Official Website -- How we spend our not-so-free time at work. You have to see it to believe it, really.

© 1996-2000 jlabree@csulb.edu
(last modified: October 13, 2000)

I have a counter. It says I've been seen Counter times,
whatever the hell that means. I think it lies.

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