The Wrestling Page!!

For the record, I am a huge fan of amateur wrestling, especially folk and freestyle. The best site I have found for freestyle wrestling is USA Wrestling, which is the national governing body of freestyle and greco-roman wrestling. If you know of any other good amateur sites, let me know and I will add those links.

But let me also face reality. On Monday nights, I am watching Professional Wrestling from 9:00 until 11:00 (or I fall asleep, which, ever comes first). Yes, it is the male soap opera. But most importantly, it is hilarious!! It is impossible to take seriously, considering some of the outragous antics that happen, and many of the wrestlers could make great stand up comedians.

Seriously, how can you not laugh at a guy who puts a sock on his hand and turns the sock into "Mr. Socko", one of the most dangerous pieces of cloth in the business. ?? And Steve Austin?? I must admit, I am not a huge fan of the language, but doesn't his character make one want to cheer?? And isn't he the kind of guy many want to be?? Just doing what he wants when he wants, and everybody else had better get out of his way.

Do not get me wrong. I call this a soap opera, for that is what it is. But these are very talented individuals that are on TV Monday nights. These guys (and gals) are some incredible athletes. The matches may be scripted, but the bumps, falls, blood, and throws are real. Check out some inside information (see Scoops below) and the number of injuries that these guys suffer is incredible. Some of them make an out of shape guy like me look good, but those wrestlers (Dusty Rhodes, et al) are vanishing from the scene. To be a star these days, a person has to be able to act, speak, generate crowd reactions and have the strength, speed, and agility of a top-notch athlete. Does it surprise you that Steve Austin, The Rock, And Goldberg all played colege football on scholarships?? (The Rock was on at least one National Championship team with the Miami Hurricanes.)

Let me give you some links that will take you to some pro wrestling sites.

Click here on the picture to get to the official web site.

1Wrestling is a great source for inside news and views of the professional wrestling world. That is if you are a real fan.

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