Book List - Part 3: Kids' Section.

Kids Section
Comic Format Books - A*

Chick, Jack T.: “The Next Step"
Chick, Jack T.: “The Last Call - A Revival Handbook"
Cook, David C. Publishing: “Tullus In The Deadly Whirlpool"
Cook, David C. Publishing: “Tullus and the Vandals of the North" - pb, 111p
Finley, Tom: “Wilbur, Master Of The Rats"
Finley, Tom: “Diabolus Seeks Revenge"
Jungle Doctor/Polar Parable Comics - for Littler Kids
Adventures of Ig & Loo
Goat who Wanted to Become a Lion
Helpfulness of Hippo
Knots Untied
Lifesaver Wanted
Little Leopards Become Big Leopards
Monkey in a Lion's Skin
Monkey in the Bog
Monkeys who Didn't Believe in the Crocodile
Out on a Limb
Runaway Reindeer
Safe as Poison
Sticky End
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf ?
Wisdom of Donkeys
Comic Books - A*
Aida Zee - Issue #1
Aida Zee - ParoDee-"The + Men vs Wool-Vereen"
Barney Bear: “Home Plate"
Barney Bear: “Lost and Found !"
Christian Crusader #1 - The Quest Begins
Christian Crusader #2 - Web Of Lies...Chains Of Sin
The Cross and the Switchblade
God's Smuggler
Illuminator #1 - Marvel
Illuminator #2 - Marvel
Oboe Jones - Cornerstone
The Pilgrim's Progress - Marvel
Saul of Tarsus: “The Life of the Apostle Paul"
The Screwtape Letters - C.S. Lewis
ABS Bible Story Comics Heroes Of The Faith - A*
The Unending Journey (The Story Of Abraham)
Man Of Destiny (The Story Of Joseph)
Moses - Part 1 - The Man Who Led His People From Slavery
Moses - Part 2 - The Father Of A New Nation
Prophet Of Fire (The Story Of Elijah)
David The Daring (The Story Of David)
David: Israel's Most Famous King
Day of Disaster (The Story Of Jeremiah)
The Great Fisherman (The Story Of Peter)
Arch Children's Bible Story Books - A*
1102 - The Good Samaritan
1105 - The Great Surprise (The Story Of Zaccheus)
1108 - Eight Bags Of Gold (The Parable of the Talents)
1109 - The Rich Fool
1110 - The Story Of Noah's Ark
1113 - Little Benjamin and the First Christmas
1114 - The World God Made
1116 - The Boy With A Sling
1118 - The Baby Born In A Stable
1126 - The Boy Who Saved His Family (Joseph)
1128 - The House On The Rock
1129 - The Lame Man Who Walked Again (Matthew 9:2-8)
1130 - The Secret Of The Star
1135 - The Walls Came Tumbling Down
1137 - The Men Who Walked In Fire
1139 - The Fishermen's Surprise
1140 - Mary's Story (Luke 1:5-2:18), 2
1145 - The Most Wonderful King (Luke 19:28-24:43)
1146 - The King's Invitation (Matthew 22:1-14)
1149 - Two Men In The Temple
1155 - The Beggar's Greatest Wish (Mark 10:46-52)
1166 - The Silly Scyscraper
1167 - Sir Abner And His Grape Pickers
1169 - Donkey Daniel In Bethlehem
1176 - Samir's Midnight Friend
1182 - Kiri and the First Easter
1186 - The Wicked Trick (Jacob and Esau)
1192 - He Didn't Mind Getting Wet
1194 - The Queen Who Saved Her People
1196 - The Innkeeper's Daughter
1203 - The Glory Story
1223 - The Baby God Promised
1226 - The Day God Made It Rain (I Kings 17-18)
1235 - The Prince And The Promise
1251 - Captain Gaius Sees A Miracle
1254 - The Story Of Zerubbabel
1261 - Doubting Thomas
1279 - The Little Shepherd and the First Christmas
1283 - Bethlehem's Brightest Star
1301 - God, I've Gotta Talk To You !
1303 - Proverbs - important things to know
1435 - Jesus Rides into Jerusalem
1439 - The Visit Of The Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-12)
1452 - The Coming Of The Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-41)
Now You Can Read Bible Stories - A*
Noah And The Ark
The Birth Of Jesus
The Miracle On The Mountain (The Transfiguration)
The Journeys Of Paul
Also for Littler Kids
Jones, Mary Alice: “The Ten Commandments for Children" - hb, 20p
White, Mary Sue: “I Know Why We Give Thanks" - hb, ~36p, 1956
Kids Story Books - A*
Anderson, Grace Fox: “The Hairy Brown Angel and Other Animal Tails" - pb, 132p, 1977
Anderson, Grace Fox: “The Peanut Butter Hamster and Other Animal Tails" - pb, 132p, 1979
Anderson, Ken: “Tom Huntner - Sophomore Forward" - hb, 73p
Anderson, Ken: “The Austin Boys - Marooned !" - hb, 100p, 1943
Anderson, Ken: “Winky - Lost in the Rockies" - hb, 66p, 1944
Anderson, Ken: “Winky - Mountain Detective" - hb, 66p, 1946
Anderson, Ken: “Winky Solves A Mystery" - hb, 56p, 1948
Anderson, Ken: “Winky and the Ghost Lion" - hb, 58p, 1950
Baker, Virginia: “Tuckers Turn Out"
Bly, Stephen and Janet: “Crystal Blake #1: Crystal's Perilous Ride" - pb, 138p, 1986
Bly, Stephen and Janet: “Crystal Blake #3: Crystal's Rodeo Debut" - pb, 140p, 1986
Bower, Marian Bishop: “Buds and Blossoms - Missionary Stories for Children" - hb, 76p, 1941
Brouwer, Sigmund: “The Accidental Detectives #1 - Lost Beneath Manhattan" - pb, 130p, 1990
Brouwer, Sigmund: “The Accidental Detectives #2 - The Mystery Tribe of Camp Black Eagle" - pb, 130p, 1990
Brouwer, Sigmund: “The Accidental Detectives #3 - Phantom Outlaw At Wolf Creek" - pb, 130p, 1990
Brouwer, Sigmund: “The Accidental Detectives #4 - The Disappearing Jewel Of Madagascar" - pb, 130p, 1990
Brouwer, Sigmund: “The Accidental Detectives #5 - The Missing Map Of Pirate's Haven" - pb, 130p, 1991
Brouwer, Sigmund: “The Accidental Detectives #6 - Creature Of The Mists" - pb, 130p, 1991
Brouwer, Sigmund: “The Accidental Detectives #7 - Race For The Park Street Treasure" - pb, 132p, 1991
Brouwer, Sigmund: “The Accidental Detectives #9 - Madness At Moonshiner's Bay" - pb, 132p, 1992
Brouwer, Sigmund: “The Accidental Detectives #10 - Sunrise At The Mayan Temple" - pb, 132p, 1992
Brumfield, J.C.: “The Hand Of God...and Susie" - booklet, 36p, 1946
Brumfield, J.C.: “One Hundred One Boys...and Susie" - booklet, 36p, 1949
Brumfield, J.C.: “Nothing Plus GOD...and Susie" - hb, 96p, 1953
Buehrer, Ruth: “Escape From Sugarloaf Mine !" - pb, 89p, 1987
Burnham, F.E.: “Phil Tyler's Opportunity"
Burt, Olive W.: “John Alden, Young Puritan" - hb, 200p, 1964
Coleman, William L.: “Chesapeake Charlie and the Bay Bank Robbers"
Coleman, William L.: “Chesapeake Charlie and Blackbeard's Treasure"
Coleman, William L.: “Chesapeake Charlie and the Haunted Ship"
Coleman, William L.: “Chesapeake Charlie and the Stolen Diamond"
Consky, Susan B.: “Mischief On The Farm" pb, 124p, 1951
Crabb, Lawrence J.: “The Adventures Of Captain Al Scabbard - Book #1" - pb, 127p, 1981
Deyneka, Anita: “Tanya and the Border Guard" - pb, 94p, 1973
Ellis, Joyce K.: “The Big Split" - pb, 168p, 1979
Elwood, Roger: “The Bartlett Brothers: Sudden Fear"
Epp, Margaret: “The Brannans of Bar Lazy B" - pb, 128p, 1965
Epp, Margaret: “Trouble on the Flying M" - pb, 128p
Frisinger, Nellie: “Jeff & Jenny and the Kidnapping" - pb, 127p, #3 1978
Giesbrecht, Johnny: “The Winning of Gary Hastings"
Gorman, Carol - The Tree House Kids #1: "The Biggest Bully In Brookdale" - pb, 64p, 1992
Gunderson, Vivian F.: “Over The Cliff" - booklet, 68p, 1964
Hamilton, K. R.: “Adam Straight and the Mysterious Neighbor" - pb, 96p, 1991
Handford, Elizabeth Rice: “The Mystery of the Smudged Postmark"
Hanes, Del: “Playing the Game - a Sports Novel" - pb, 128p
Hanson, Joan: “A Strange, Lonely Feeling"
Harris, Beth Coombe: “The Little Green Frog" - pb, 128p, 1971
Hitchcock, Alice - Choice Children's Stories: “Forbid Them Not"
Hitchcock, Alice - Choice Children's Stories: “The Child For Christ"
Holl, Kristie D.: “Danger At Hanging Rock"
Hutchens, Paul: “The Trouble with Jeanie" - pb, 86p, 1961
Sugar Creek Gang
Hutchens, Paul # 1: “The Swamp Robber" (The Sugar Creek Gang), 1940
Hutchens, Paul # 2: “The Killer Bear" (We Killed A Bear), 1940
Hutchens, Paul # 3: “Further Adventures of the Sugar Creek Gang (The Winter Rescue)", 1940
Hutchens, Paul # 4: “The Lost Campers" (Sugar Creek Gang Goes Camping), 1941
Hutchens, Paul # 5: “The Chicago Adventure" (Sugar Creek Gang In Chicago) - new# 35 w/#34, 1941
Hutchens, Paul # 6: “The Secret Hideout" (Sugar Creek Gang In School)- new #5, 1942
Hutchens, Paul # 7: “The Mystery Cave" (Mystery At Sugar Creek) -new #6, 1943
Hutchens, Paul # 8: “The Sugar Creek Gang Flies To Cuba" (Palm Tree Manhunt/Island) - new #7, 1944
Hutchens, Paul # 9 - (The Mystery Thief) "A New Sugar Creek Mystery" - new #8, 1946
Hutchens, Paul #10: “One Stormy Day at Sugar Creek" - new #34 w/#35, 1946
Hutchens, Paul #11: “Teacher Trouble" (Shenanigans at Sugar Creek) - new #9, 1947
Hutchens, Paul #12: “Screams in the Night" (Sugar Creek Gang Goes North) - new #10, 1947
Hutchens, Paul #13: “Indian Cemetary" (Adventures In An Indian Cemetary) - new #11, 1947
Hutchens, Paul #14: “Treasure Hunt" (Sugar Creek Gang Digs for Treasure) - new #12, 1948
Hutchens, Paul #15: “Thousand Dollar Fish" (North Woods Manhunt) - new #13, 1948
Hutchens, Paul #16: “The Haunted House" (Haunted House At Sugar Creek) - new #14, 1949
Hutchens, Paul #17: “Lost in the Blizzard" (Lost in a Sugar Creek Blizzard) - new #15, 1950
Hutchens, Paul #18: “On the Mexican Border" - new #16, 1950
Hutchens, Paul #19: “Green Tent Mystery" (At Sugar Creek) - new #17, 1950
Hutchens, Paul #20: “The Bull Fighter" (10,000 Minutes At Sugar Creek) - new #18, 1952
Hutchens, Paul #21: “The Trapline Thief" - new #19, 1953
Hutchens, Paul #22: “The Blue Cow" - new #20, 1953
Hutchens, Paul #23: “The Watermelon Mystery" - new #21, 1955
Hutchens, Paul #24: “(The Tree House Mystery) Old Stranger's Secret" - new #22, 1957
Hutchens, Paul #25: “The Timber Wolf" (Sugar Creek Gang At Snow Goose Lodge) - new #23, 1957
Hutchens, Paul #26: “Western Adventure" (The Sugar Creek Gang Goes Western) - new #24 , 1957
Hutchens, Paul #27: “The Killer Cat" (We Killed a Wildcat at Sugar Creek) - new #25, 1958
Hutchens, Paul #28: “Locked In The Attic" (Down A Sugar Creek Chimney) - new #26, 1959
Hutchens, Paul #29: “Wild Horse Canyon Mystery (The Colorado Kidnapping" - new #27), 1959
Hutchens, Paul #30: “Runaway Rescue" (Runaway Rescue at Sugar Creek) - new #28, 1960
Hutchens, Paul #31: “The Cemetary Vandals (The Worm Turns At Sugar Creek) - new #29, 1961
Hutchens, Paul #32: “Battle of the Bees" (Sleeping Beauty at Sugar Creek) - new #30, 1962
Hutchens, Paul #33: “The Case of the Missing Calf" - new #36, 1964
Hutchens, Paul #34: “The Ghost Dog" (Howling Dog in Sugar Creek Swamp) - new #32, 1968
Hutchens, Paul #35: “White Boat Rescue At Sugar Creek" - new #31, 1969
Hutchens, Paul #36: “The Brown Box Mystery" - new #33, 1970
Inslee, Joseph S.: “Bible Adventures"
Janney, Rebecca Price: “The Heather Reed Mystery Series #1 - The Cryptic Clue" - pb, 115p, 1993
Jay, Ruth Johnson: “New Testament Bible Stories for Little People"
Jay, Ruth Johnson: “The Casa Rio Mystery" - pb, 109p, 1981
Jay, Ruth Johnson: “Tyler Tales: The Mystery of the Old Warehouse" - pb, 94p, 1980
Jenkins, Jerry B.: “Bradford Family Adventures #1: Daniel's Big Surprise" - pb, 128p, 1984
Jenkins, Jerry B.: “Bradford Family Adventures #2: Two Runaways" - pb, 124p, 1984
Jenkins, Jerry B.: “Bradford Family Adventures #3: The Clubhouse Mystery" - pb, 126p
Jenkins, Jerry B.: “Dallas O'Neil and the Baker Street Sports Club #1 - The Secret Baseball Challenge" - pb, 84p
Jenkins, Jerry B.: “Dallas O'Neil and the Baker Street Sports Club #4 - The Wierd Soccer Match" - pb, 86p, 1986
Jenkins, Jerry B.: “Dallas O'Neil and the Baker Street Sports Club #5 - The Strange Swimming Coach" - pb, 86p, 1986
Jenkins, Jerry B.: “Dallas O'Neil and the Baker Street Sports Club #6 - The Bizarre Hockey Tournament" - pb, 85p, 1986
Jenkins, Jerry B.: “Dallas O'Neil and the Baker Street Sports Club #7 - The Silent Track Star" - pb, 87p, 1986
Jenkins, Jerry B.: “Dallas O'Neil and the Baker Street Sports Club #8 - The Angry Gymnast" - pb, 88p, 1986
Johnson, Ruth I.: “Devotions for Early Teens #1", 1972
Johnson, Ruth I.: “Devotions for Early Teens #2"
Johnson, Ruth I.: “Devotions for Early Teens #4"
Johnson, Ruth I.: “Joy Sparton of Parsonage Hill" - pb, 128p, 1958
Johnson, Ruth I.: “Joy Sparton and the Vacation Mix-Up" - pb, 127p, 1959
Johnson, Ruth I.: “Joy Sparton and the Money Mix-Up" - pb, 127p, 1960
Johnson, Ruth I.: “Joy Sparton and Her Problem Twin" - pb, 128p, 1963 2
Johnson, Ruth I.: “Joy Sparton and the Mystery in Room 7" - pb, 96p, 1974
Johnston, Dorothy Grunbock: “Ginger and the Glacier Expresss" - hb, 96p, 1953
Johnston, Dorothy Grunbock: “Pete and Penny Play and Pray - Devotional Readings for kids" - pb, 128p, 1954
Johnston, Dorothy Grunbock: “Pete and Penny Know and Grow - Devotional Readings for kids" - pb, 127p, 1957
Johnston, Dorothy Grunbock: “Pete and Penny Think and Thank - Devotional Readings for kids" - pb, 127p, 1957
Jones, M.A.: “Lost in the Big Timber and other stories"
Juergens, Mary: “The Wonder Book of Bible Stories"
Kerr, Hugh T.: “Children's Parable Story-Sermons" - pb, 128p
Knight, Alice Marie: “Book of Illustrations for Children and Young People"- hb, 403p
Kretzmann, Paul: “The Pot Of Gold"
Lambert, Regina: “Valerie's Adventure at Last Chance Mine" - pb, 126p, 1982
Leppard, Lois Gladys - Mandie #1: “Mandie and the Secret Tunnel" - pb, 141p
Leppard, Lois Gladys - Mandie #2: “Mandie and the Cherokee Legend" - pb, 138p
Leppard, Lois Gladys - Mandie #3: “Mandie and the Ghost Bandits" - pb, 126p
Leppard, Lois Gladys - Mandie #5: “Mandie and the Trunk's Secret" - pb, 126p, 2 - 1985
Leppard, Lois Gladys - Mandie #7: “Mandie and the Charleston Phantom" - pb, 136p, 1986
Leppard, Lois Gladys - Mandie #9: “Mandie and the Hidden Treasure" - pb, 159p, 1987
Leppard, Lois Gladys - Mandie #10: “Mandie and the Mysterious Bells" - pb, 160p
Leppard, Lois Gladys - Mandie #11: “Mandie and the Holiday Surprise" - pb, 160p, 1988
Leppard, Lois Gladys - Mandie #15: “Mandie and the Foreign Spies" - pb, 159p, 1990
Leppard, Lois Gladys - Mandie #18: “Mandie and the Jumping Juniper" - pb, 157p, 1991
Lewis, Gregg: “Caught" - pb, 141p, 1987
Livingston, Elizabeth: “Zach and the Scary Phone Calls" - pb, 124p, 1984
MacDonald, George: “The Princess and the Goblin"
MacDonald, George: “The Lost Princess" - pb, 128p, 1875
MacDonald, George: “The Princess and Curdie" - pb, 208, 1882
Marshall, Catherine: “Friends With God - Stories and Prayers of the Marshall Family" - pb, 64p
Martin, Dorothy: “Peggy #1 - New Life (New Life For Peggy) - pb, 126p, 1957, 1985
Martin, Dorothy: “Wider Horizons For Peggy" - pb, 127p, 1964
Massey, Craig: “Captain Daley's Crew and the Jungle Ship" - pb,128p
Massey, Craig: “My Indian Adventure" - booklet, 28p, 1961
Massey, Craig: “Not Guilty (Originally titled Twig the Collie)" - pb,128p
McCusker, Paul - An Adventure in Odyssey #1: “Strange Journey Back" - pb, 107p, 1992
McCusker, Paul - An Adventure in Odyssey #2: “High Flyer with a Flat Tire" - pb, 101p
McCusker, Paul - An Adventure in Odyssey #3: “The Secret Cave of Robinwood" - pb, 101p
McDowell, Josh & Chuck Klein: “The Powerlink Chronicles - Under Siege" - pb, 204p, 1992
McGavran, Grace W.: “Fig Tree Village" - hb, 127p, 1946
Miller, Basil: “Ken - South Of The Border"
Miller, Basil: “Ken - In Alaska" - hb, 71p, 1944
Miller, Basil: “Patty Lou in the Coast Guard" - hb, 64p, 1944
Moore, Bertha B.: “The Tripletts In Business" - hb, 88p, 1939
Moore, Bertha B.: “The Tripletts Over J.O.Y." - hb, 82p, 1945
Moss, C.N.: “The Wreck of the Pied Piper"
Murphy, Elizabeth Campbell: “The Ten Commandments Mysteries #2 -The Mystery of the Messed-Up Wedding" - pb, 43p, 1988
Murphy, Elizabeth Campbell: “The Ten Commandments Mysteries #6 - The Mystery of the Silver Dolphin" - pb, 45p, 1988
Murphy, Elizabeth Campbell: “The Ten Commandments Mysteries #8 - The Mystery of the Second Map" - pb, 45p, 1988
Murphy, Elizabeth Campbell: “The Ten Commandments Mysteries #9 - Double Trouble" - pb, 45p, 1988
Murphy, Elizabeth Campbell: “The Ten Commandments Mysteries #10 - The Mystery of the Silent Idol" - pb, 45p, 1988
Myers, Bill / Focus On The Family - McGee and Me ! #1: "The Big Lie" - pb, 77p, 1989
Myers, Bill / Focus On The Family - McGee and Me ! #7: "Do The Bright Thing" - pb, 83p, 1990
Myers, Bill: “The Incredible Worlds Of Wally McDoogle #1 - My Life As A Smashed Burrito" - pb, 116p, 1993
Naylor, Phyllis R.: “Never Born a Hero" - pb, 128p
Nesbit, Jeffrey A.: “The Capital Crew - The Lost Canoe" - pb, 130p, 1991
Nordtvelt, Matilda: “Fat Alfie and the Feather Caper" - pb, 127p
Nordtvelt, Matilda: “The Vanishing Act and other stories"
Odell, William C.: “Josh Carter and the Black Forest Mystery" - pb, 153p, 1984
Palmer, Bernard: “The Bradleys and the Mysterious Letter" - pb, 128p, 1975
Palmer, Bernard: “The Bradleys and the Mystery of the New Skis" - pb, 111p, 1975
Palmer, Bernard: “The Bradleys: Jon and the Break-In Mystery" - pb, 112p, 1976
Palmer, Bernard: “The Bradleys: Trena and the Old Diary" - pb, 112p, 1976
Palmer, Bernard: “The Bradleys: Homesteading In Standing Bear's Territory" - pb, 120p, 1976
Palmer, Bernard: “The Bradleys: Trena's Rodeo Rival" - pb, 109p, 1977
Palmer, Bernard: “The Bradleys: Princess Pat Saves The Day" - pb, 104p, 1977
Palmer, Bernard: “The Bradleys: The Mystery of the Missing Fossil" - pb, 98p, 1977
Palmer, Bernard: “Brigade Boys and the Burning Barn Mystery" - pb, 64p, 1968
Palmer, Bernard: “Brigade Boys and the Flight to Danger"
Palmer, Bernard: “Ted and Terri and the Secret Captive" - pb, 128p, 1971
Palmer, Bernard: “Ted and Terri and the Stubborn Bully" - pb, 126p, 1971
Palmer, Bernard: “Ted and the Secret Club" - pb, 118p, 1980
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Angle Inlet Mystery" - pb, 126p, 1954
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Point Barrow Mystery" - pb, 128p, 1954
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Hunters" - pb, 126p, 1955
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Rocks That Talk", 1955
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis Goes to School" - pb, 128p, 1955
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Strange Forest Fires" - pb, 128p, 1955
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis On Superstition Mountain" - pb, 128p, 1955
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Big Indian" And "Danny Orlis - Second String Forward"- pb, 125p, 1956
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis Makes the Team" - pb, 127p, 1956
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Wreckecd Plane" - pb, 126p, 1956
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Last Minute Miracle (Danny Orlis Changes Schools)", 1956
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis in the Sacred Cave", 1956
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Boy Who Would Not Listen" - pb, 126p, 1957
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis Plays Hockey" - pb, 126p, 1957
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis Star Back", 1957
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Contrary Mrs. Forester" - pb, 123p, 1958
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and his Big Chance" - hb, 127p, 1958
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and Marilyn's Great Trial" - pb, 127p, 1959
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Man From The Past" - pb, 125p, 1959
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis Bush Pilot", 1961
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Ordeal At Camp" - pb,128p, 1963
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Headstrong Linda Penner" - pb,128p, 1963
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and Linda's Struggle" - pb,127p, 1964
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny and Ron Orlis and the Mexican Jungle Mystery" - pb, 128p, 1965
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and Kent's Encounter with the Law" - pb, 128p, 1966
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and Kent Gilbert's Tragedy" - pb, 128p, 1967
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and Jim's Northern Adventure" - pb, 126p, 1967
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and Jim Morgan's Scholarship", 1968
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and Fritz McCloud, High School Star" - pb, 128p, 1968
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Accident that Shook Fairview" - pb, 126p, 1968
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and Johnny's New Life", 1969
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Dry Gulch Mystery", 1969
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Live-In Tragedy", 1970
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and Deedee's Best Friend" - pb, 125p, 1970
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Excitement at the Circle-R" - pb, 126p, 1971
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Mexican Kidnapping" - pb, 128p, 1971
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Bewildered Runaway" - pb, 127p, 1971
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and his Crisis at Cedarton" - pb, 128p, 1971
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and Doug's Big Disappointment" - pb, 126p, 1973
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the Rock Point Rebel", 1974
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis Resists the Witch Doctor" - pb, 117p, 1984
Palmer, Bernard: “Danny Orlis and the School Computer Break-In" - pb, 117p, 1984
Palmer, Bernard: “The Orlis Twins and Roxie's Triumph" - pb, 158p, 1963
Palmer, Bernard: “Felicia Cartright and the Case of the Missing Sideboard(retitled Frantic Search)"-pb, 127p, #1 1958
Palmer, Bernard: “Felicia Cartright and the Twisted Key" - pb, 128p, #5 1959
Palmer, Bernard: “Felicia Cartright and the Lonely Teacher" - pb, 124p, #7 1960
Palmer, Bernard: “Felicia Cartright and the Troubled Rancher" - pb, 126p, #9 1961
Palmer, Bernard: “Felicia Cartright and the Case of the Hungry Fiddler" - pb, 123p, #10 1962
Palmer, Bernard: “Felicia Cartright and the Antique Book Mark" - pb, 127p, #11 1963
Palmer, Bernard: “Felicia Cartright and the Lost Puppy" - pb, 127p, #12 1965
Palmer, Bernard: “Felicia Cartright and the Honorable Traitor" - pb, 126p, 1967
Palmer, Bernard: “Felicia Cartright and the Black Phantom" - pb, 127p, #15 1968
Palmer, Bernard: “Felicia Cartright and the Lone Ski Boot" - pb, 128p, #16 1969
Palmer, Bernard: “Felicia Cartright and the Sad-Eyed Girl" - pb, 128p, 1970
Palmer, Bernard: “Felicia Cartright and the Pink Poodle" - pb, 127p, 1971
Palmer, Bernard: “Eyes in the Jungle" - hb, 128p
Palmer, Bernard: “the Halliway Boys on the Secret Expedition" - pb, 156p, 1958
Palmer, Bernard: “Pat Collins and the Peculiar Dr. Brockton" - hb, 61p, 1957
Palmer, Bernard: “Pat Collins and the Secret Engine" - hb, 63p, 1957
Palmer, Bernard: “Pat Collins and the Wingless Plane" - hb, 60p, 1957
Palmer, Bernard: “Pat Collins and the Mysterious Orbiting Rocket" - hb, 60p, 1958
Palmer, Bernard: “Jim Dunlap and the Long Lunar Walk" - pb,
Palmer, Bernard: “Jim Dunlap and the Secret Rocket Formula" - pb, 127p, 1967
Palmer, Bernard: “Lori Adams and the Adopted Rebel" - pb, 127p
Palmer, Bernard: “Lori Adams and the Jungle Search" - pb, 128p, 1974
Palmer, Bernard: “Lori Adams and the Riverboat Mystery" - pb, 127p
Palmer, Bernard and Marjorie- "Barbara Nichols, Fifth-Grade Teacher (A Career Book)" - pb, 127p
Peretti, Frank - Cooper Kids #1: “The Door in the Dragon's Throat", 1985
Peretti, Frank - Cooper Kids #2: “Escape from the Island of Aquarius"
Peretti, Frank - Cooper Kids #3: “The Tombs of Anak"
Peretti, Frank - Cooper Kids #4: “Trapped at the Bottom of the Sea", 1988
Prescott, D. M.: “David the Dauntless" (Story of David in Novel form) - hb, 176p
Pulis, Clifford A.: “Ashanti" - pb, 165p, 1983
Rees, Jennifer - Pathfinder Series #11: "The Fire Brand" - pb, 109p, 1980
Renken, Aleda: “'Jeff and the Bad Guy" - pb, 76p, 1973
Renken, Aleda: “'Picked-On' Pat" - pb, 96p
Renken, Aleda: “Rough Rapids Ahead" - pb, 95p, 1974
Renken, Aleda: “Donnie's Danger" - pb, 68p, 1981
Repp, Gloria: “Dave Durant and the Mystery of the Stone House" - pb, 170p, 1986
Richie, Jo-An: “Jonie Goes to College" - pb, 160p, #4 1982
Richie, Jo-An: “Jonie and Her Soldier" - pb, 128p, #5 1985
Roddy, Lee: “A Ladd Family Adventure - The Legend of Fire" - pb, 148p, 1982
Roddy, Lee: “D.J. Dillon Adventure Series #5 - Mad Dog of Lobo Mountain" - pb, 127p, 1986
Roper, Gayle: “East Edge Mystery #3: Mystery At Harmony Hill" - pb, 125p, 1993
Runyan, John: “Biff Norris and the Clue of the Angry Fisherman" - pb, 128p, 1966
Runyan, John: “Biff Norris and the Clue of the Nervous Stranger"
St, John, Patricia M.: “The Tanglewoods' Secret" - pb, 247p, 1948
St, John, Patricia M.: “Three Go Searching" - pb, 128p, 1966
Schantz, Daniel: “Adventures With Eddie #4 - Eddie Strikes It Rich" - pb, 95p, 1985
Schlesselman, Robert & Luella Ahrens: “Dear Father In Heaven - Prayeres for Boys and Girls" - pb, 64p, 1963
Schonhovd, Hannah C.: “My First Sunday School Book - Grade One" - hb, 105p, 1936
Schoolland, Marian: “The New Brother"
Seamands, Ruth: “Missionary Mama - Missionary Adventures in India" - hb, 128p, 1957
Smith, Oswald J.: “The Adventures Of Andy McGinnis" - hb, 96p, 1954
Sorenson, David Allen: “Me, Myself, and God" - A Young Christian Book For Boys - pb, 96p
Sorenson, Stephen: “Growing Up..." - Story Devotions For Boys
Stahl, Hilda # 1: “Elizabeth Gail and the Mystery at the Johnson Farm" - pb, 128p, 1978
Stahl, Hilda # 2: “Elizabeth Gail and the Secret Box" - pb, 124p, 1979
Stahl, Hilda # 3: “Elizabeth Gail and the Teddy Bear Mystery" - pb, 128p, 1979
Stahl, Hilda # 4: “Elizabeth Gail and the Dangerous Double" - pb, 126p, 1980
Stahl, Hilda # 5: “Elizabeth Gail and the Trouble at Sandhill Ranch" - pb, 123p, 1980
Stahl, Hilda # 6: “Elizabeth Gail and the Strange Birthday Party" - pb, 126p, 1980
Stahl, Hilda # 7: “Elizabeth Gail and the Terrifying News" - pb, 128p, 1980
Stahl, Hilda # 8: “Elizabeth Gail and the Frightened Runaways" - pb, 127p, 1981
Stahl, Hilda # 9: “Elizabeth Gail and the Trouble from the Past" - pb, 125p, 1981
Stahl, Hilda #10: “Elizabeth Gail and the Silent Piano" - pb, 109p, 1981
Stahl, Hilda #11: “Elizabeth Gail and Double Trouble" - pb, 128p, 1982
Stahl, Hilda #13: “Elizabeth Gail and the Missing Love Letters" - pb, 126p, 1982
Stahl, Hilda #16: “Elizabeth Gail and the Secret Love" - pb, 103p, 1982
Stahl, Hilda #2: “Teddy Jo and the Yellow Room Mystery" - pb, 127p, 1982
Stahl, Hilda #7: “Teddy Jo and the Abandoned House" - pb, 128p, 1984
Stahl, Hilda #2: “The Tyler Twins: Swamp Monster" - pb, 105p, 1986
Stahl, Hilda #3: “The Tyler Twins: Pet Show Panic" - pb, 126p, 1986
Stahl, Hilda #4: “The Tyler Twins: LatchKey Kids" - pb, 128p, 1987
Stahl, Hilda #5: “The Tyler Twins: Tree House Hideaway" - pb, 128p, 1988
Stahl, Hilda #6: “The Tyler Twins: Mystery of the Missing Grandfather" - pb, 128p, 1988
Steven, Hugh: “Night of the Long Knives and other missionary stories"
Stewart, Allan: “Rick Shannon and the Case of the Missing Pilot"
Stewart, Allan: “Rick Shannon and the Secret of the Blue Dragon", 1985
Stretton, Hesba: “Alone in London"
Swinford, Betty: “Drums in the Night" - pb, 127p, 1963
Swinford, Betty: “Mystery of Whispering Sands Island", 1964
Swinford, Betty: “The White Panther" - pb, 128p, 1964
Swinford, Betty: “Scotty and the Lost Dutchman Mine", 1969
Swinford, Betty: “Scotty and the Phantom Monster" - pb, 128p, 1972
Swinford, Betty: “Mystery of the Whispering Totem Pole" - pb, 143p, 1981
Taylor, Kenneth N.: “Stories for the Children's Hour"
Taylor, Kenneth N.: “Devotions for the Children's Hour" - pb, 175p
Tucker, Jimmy - MP 3, "Cottonwood Grove" - pb, 157p, 1956
Washburn, Jan: “The Secret Of The Spanish Treasure" - pb, 144p, 1980
Way, Irene - Pathfinder Series #6: "Armada Quest" - pb, 102p, 1976
White, Paul: "Jungle Doctor's Tug-Of-War" - pb, 128p
White, Paul - "Jungle Doctor To The Rescue" - pb, 127p, 1951
White, Paul - "Jungle Doctor's Case-Book" - pb, 128p, 1952
White, Paul - "Jungle Doctor's Monkey Tales" - pb, 124p, 1957
Wilson, Ron - "Breaker Breaker 37 - A CB Mystery" - pb, 121p, 1979
Wright, Anna Potter - "The 'True' Mystery Solved" - pb, 128p, 1939
Wright, Samuel - "The Music Machine - A Fantasy Story From Agapeland" - pb, 142p
Young Reader's Christian Library # 1: “The Pilgrim's Progress"
Young Reader's Christian Library # 2: “Zaanan #1 - The Fatal Limit"
Young Reader's Christian Library # 3: “Corrie Ten Boom"
Young Reader's Christian Library # 4: “JESUS"
Young Reader's Christian Library # 5: “Robinson Crusoe"
Young Reader's Christian Library # 6: “Zaanan #2 - The Dream of Delosar"
Young Reader's Christian Library # 7: “Ben Hur"
Young Reader's Christian Library # 8: “Joseph"
Young Reader's Christian Library # 9: “The Dark Secret of the Ouija"
Young Reader's Christian Library #10: “Zaanan #3 - The Ransom of Renaissance"
Young Reader's Christian Library #11: “In His Steps"
Young Reader's Christian Library #12: “Paul"
Young Reader's Christian Library #13: “At the Back of the North Wind"
Young Reader's Christian Library #14: “Zaanan #4 - Conflict on Cada-Maylon"
Young Reader's Christian Library #15: “Elijah"
Young Reader's Christian Library #16: “Ruth"
Young Reader's Christian Library #17: “David Livingstone"
Young Reader's Christian Library #18: “Esther"
Young Reader's Christian Library #19: “Hudson Taylor"
Young Reader's Christian Library #20: “Miriam"

(hb=hard bound, pb=paperback)


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