Springs Of Living Water Tape Library
P.O. Box 32636
Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 USA

fax: 1-928-441-5887

(Apologies for the annoying pop-up windows Yahoo/Geocites added to these pages recently !)

Tape Library, tapes, books, Bible, Christian, Religious, Spiritual, teaching, preaching, free, mail, lending, cassettes, Gospel, music, Springs Of Living Water

e-mail address: slwtapes@yahoo.com
shortcut to web site: www.go.to/slw

Welcome to the Springs Of Living Water Tape Library Home Page !

Our catalogs are listed below for on-line access, copying etc.

Attention: Do you know Where you will spend Eternity ? Time is Running Out and you need to be Sure.

This is a home based non-profit ministry operating on a "Free or Voluntary Donation" basis.

Here is some General Information about the Tape Library.

We currently are working from two tape catalogs, and one catalog of books.

Here is a listing of the Speakers whose tapes we have available for lending.

The most current and correct is our recently published SLW Catalog Volume XV.
This is available in Microsoft Excel, or in print by request. It is also posted below in segmented form.

Springs Of Living Water Tape Catalog Volume XV

Part 1: Bible Series' and Speakers Larry Abraham through Reinhard Bonnke
Part 2: Pat & Shirley Boone through Adolph Coors IV
Part 3: Gloria Copeland through Dr. Ed Dobson
Part 4: Norman Dodd through Martha Fruhling
Part 5: Gerald Fry through Carolyn Harrell
Part 6: Bob Harrington through Jim Kaseman
Part 7: Arthur (Aaron) Katz through Len Magee
Part 8: Ralph Mahoney through Pauline Mills
Part 9: Chuck and Nancy Missler
Part 10: Bruce Mitchell through Bob Mumford S-140: "The Constitution And Bylaws Of The Kingdom" Series
Part 11: Bob Mumford S-142: "Needed Insights For Spiritual Reality" Series through Albie Pearson
Part 12: Jason Peebles through Les Pritchard
Part 13: Col. Fletcher Prouty through R.W. Schambach
Part 14: Francis Schaeffer through John L. Smith
Part 15: Malcolm Smith through Ray Stedman
Part 16: Steeling The Mind Of America Conference through Graham Truscott
Part 17: Rev. William Turner through Emeal Zwayne, Conferences, Other Items and Health & Nutrition Tapes
Part 18: Kids' Tapes & Videos.

The other (also posted below in segmented form) is the Rheo Angelia Tape Library Catalog.
This is also available in a single file in Microsoft Word.

These can be easily e-mailed to you as attachments. Just ask.

Rheo Angelia Tape Catalog

Part 1: Introduction; Bible Tapes, speakers Jay Adams through Bruce Glines
Part 2: Mel Grams through Winklie Pratney
Part 3: Derek Prince through Richard Wurmbrand. Also Youth and Aglow Tapes
Part 4: Music Tapes and Subject Index.

Catalog Of Books*

*These Items Require A Deposit (Why Deposits ?) As Noted
Part 1: Adams through Murphy
Part 2: Murray through Zimmerman (Also Includes Fiction Section)
Part 3: Kids' Section. (Books, Comics, and a few Nintendo Games)

More Books & Music

In the event you're looking for any books or music we don't have listed and/or would like to purchase any such items, you can directly search using the box below. Amazon.com has initiated a program whereby 5% of the price of any purchases made from this link will be contributed back to our ministry (of course at no cost to you).

Just enter the Author or Artist's name or part of the Title and click on the search button. Thank you for using this !
Amazon.com logo enter keywords...

And here's a new note (since this is sort of the commercial break section of the web page):

3.45 Cents A Minute Long Distance !
No Fees ! 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (With 100 Minutes free !)

These are the lowest rates I've seen - I signed up right away. And it's a business opportunity too. Get set up and let your friends & relatives know about these great rates and if they sign up you get a commission on their bills too !

OK. End of Intermission.

We do have some other items available as well: More Music and some Tracts.

As a promotion, we're also offering one of our "Cassette Tracts", a 12 song album from our affiliate Sceptre Records recording artist T. Day entitled "New Religion" by request at no charge. The music is also now available on CD. It is described as "progressive contemporary" Christian music, with variety comparable to the Beatles. If you like it, feel free to send us a contribution.
If you don't like it, we'll give you your money back !

For those in the US, we can take orders by e-mail.
Internationally, the situation is more complicated.

To order, Send us an e-mail or write to us at the above address.

And here's an opportunity: Can you HELP us to locate missing tapes and/or title untitled ones ?

One More Tape Listing, from the Minneapolis/St. Paul and other area chapters of the Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship International (Now Businessmen's Fellowship): FGBMFI Tape Listing

Just in case anybody's interested, here's some personal info.

A Word Regarding Item Selection

Closing Prayer.

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